Are The Rothschilds Good?

user, let's chat. I didn't want to derail the CBTS investigation, and since I no longer think there's any chance it will get slid, I'm comfortable starting a side discussion. It's about the secret history of the world, and I'm being for real. I have no patience for /x/-tier shit.

I'm assuming most of you are down with the history/conspiracy theory of the Rothschilds. And (((the joos))). As CBTS unfolds, an idea occurred to me an I want to either run with it, or smash and bury it once and for all.

I think that the secret history of the world is the battle between the Rothschild family, and the Rockefellers. That's a crude way of putting it. Rather, I mean there are two major factions. Call this the "two illuminatis". If you had to correlate them to some original source, well, consider this theory:

Ancient "Magi" tribe of Persians (Indo-Euopean Aryan root culture) developed a religion of mysticism based on astrology, human sacrifice, and for kicks we might imagine pineal gland DMT consumption or something crazy. Maybe they inherited it from Atlantis/ayys/who gives a shit. They spread their cult to Babylon, after the Persians conquered it.

The Magi were of the polytheistic culture of the ancient I-E peoples, which split into two rival groups: Indian Brahmin Vedic religion, whose gods were the devils of the Persian polytheism and vice versa. It's not super relevant but there was no central doctrine, and Zoroastrianism arose to create one, and bring philosophy to their beliefs. Importantly, it persecuted the Magi cult, naming one of the Avedic gods: Mitra, as a devil. Mitra was the god of covenants, oaths etc., a minor deity. Could the Magi have used this figure as a code name for he who made the covenant - i.e.: prometheus, lucifer, hermes etc.

The Magi would have been located near around the Caucasus, and would have contacted both Babylonian and proto-Celtic civilization. There is a theory that the druids practiced the same mystery cult as Babylon

The Jews were a probably Arabic people (that is, not arabs, but originally from Arabia not Palestine) who rose to prominence within the Babylonian elite by embracing the ways of the Magi. They created a religion for themselves, and a mythological symbolic history (false history) as well. After winning favor at court in Persepolis, the Jews were given land in Palestine as a home, and the rest is history.
There were also the Phoenecians. These people seem to be the same as the "Palestinians" who worshipped Moloch. They - in the form of their colonists at Carthage (Phoenecian for 'new city') - were known factually to murder babies.
The theory is that this ancient cult/people formed the eventual elite of medieval Venice, who started a maritime trade empire. The Vikings are theorized to have a connection to this group. The red and white striped sails of Viking longboats are the give away. The Vikings conquered Northern France, and as the Normans (as opposed to the Danes who had conquered York, but been driven from it by the Anglo-Brythons) conquered both Britain AND Sicily. From Sicily, they conquered places like the Isle of Rhodes during the crusades.
The Knights Hospitalier were on Rhodes, and other Templar/Crusader orders are connected to the Normans/Columbus and so forth.
The British East India Company bears the red and white stripes, emblem related to old British families like the Astors, who migrated to America. This flag was the first emblem of the Continental Army? A sign?
The center of wealth and power in America is the Rockefeller family, founded from the modest beginnings of John Rockefeller. His family may have a more interesting background (for example, he's just a figurehead for other wealth). In this story, he'd be the figurehead of the Venician/Templar wealth that founded America.

The power that competed in late 19th century/early 20th century American politics with Rockefeller was JP Morgan and his allies. He was a well known agent of British wealth, that is, the Rothschilds. England and the crown were owned by Jewish bankers out of the Netherlands. Jews controlled central European wealth.
Jews infiltrated into Roman Imperial families as crypto-Jews, and probably control the Vatican/London/JP Morgan.
Rockefeller law firms employed Allen Dulles, Prescott Bush, etc. These famously helped Hitler rise to power, controlled the Nazi intelligence apparatus after the war, ran their operations from Switzerland, and famously founded the CIA.
A final puzzle piece is that Queen Elizabeth I (Shakespeare times) was said to engage in pagan rituals with court members like John Dee (007, I wish I was making that up). People like Dee and Francis Bacon were alchemists and had connection to both the Jewish esoteric Kabbalah, as well as Celtic/Gallic rituals. If the Magi are the common origin for both, this makes sense.
So, the conclusion is that there are two illuminatis. The Switzerland/Phoenecia/Moloch/Lucifer/United Nations/Nazis is one faction: the Rockefeller group. The Jewish/Roman/Vatican/Jesuit/London/Communist/Freemasonic is the other: the Rothschild group.

Here's why I mention this theory: what if CBTS is just the Rothschilds taking down Rockefeller power. That is, CBTS is anti-Swiss, anti-child sacrifice, and seems to have been predicted by the Economist Magazines (Rothschild rag) weird cover. Also, Trump's casinos in the 90s were purchase from bankruptcy by Rothschild family members. Finally, Trump has a huge affinity for Israel, and Kushner. If we "assume" that Jews are not monolithic, but just one of the two factions, then we can start parcelling out whether some (((problems))) are their fault, or maybe the other guys' fault.
I don't know if, and it doesn't seem like the Rothschilds are good people. But the Rockefeller faction is sure a bunch of shitty kid-diddlers and owl worshippers.
I know this: the "normie" Jewish perspective. "Normie" jews sort of admit that Rothschild has ultimate power. They admit the bad shit Israel does. They admit that they took Hitler down and put a lot of pressure for there to be war. Their perspective is "look we're just trying to survive a little at a time, Rothschild is just doing what they can to protect Jews when they have to". That actually sort of squares with history, if you are willing to take the moral position that Jewish lives are more important than others, all else equal (I don't, I think we're all equal).

Jewish interpretation of Magi satanic mysticism, through the Talmud, says that Jews "create" the spiritual energy of the gentiles, and that's why they're superior. Yes, gentiles are cattle. But, they are also taught to believe that when Jews are doing okay, gentiles should be treated well and fairly.
Moloch worshippers just want an orgy of blood, and I'm not even joking.
So, I'm against Magi satanism, and I don't support the Rothschilds, and if Trump is team them, then F him. However, it is possible to still conclude that there are worse bad guys being fought now.

I want to rule this out.

Help me do it

Rothschilds created Israel.
Rothschild control Israel.
Rothschilds control 97% of all major nations through banking, including the Vatican.
Rothschilds are responsible for Jews like George Soros.

Israel is the liberal diaspora.





Let me be clear it's a shit idea, I'm just saying people would defend it. Let's air it out.

Yeah, Rothschild.
Jews/Rome/Vatican/Central European Banking/Netherlands/London banking/freemasons/JP Morgan/Soviet Communism/Israel

It all links up geographically, historically, financially.

However, there's a separate:

Phoenecia/Philistines/Carthage/Venice/Normans/Sicily/Templar/East India Company/Red Cross/Rockefeller/Nazi axis.

I'm trying to unravel the world, to see if it works as these two camps, or whether is just one camp.

I'm saying they both go back to the Magi, which was a human sacrifice astrology cult, which also founded the druids in the ancient Scythian steppe, making Europe ripe to interface with both factions.

So one side just wants everyone to be good little Cowboys?

>both go back to the Magi

Magical practice as a system of set rules and guides originates with the Zoroastrians: an Aryan branch of people who practiced the ancient Zoroastrian religion. Monotheism also originates with these people. Jews stole their ideology without fully understanding its meaning or implications, which is why Jews are entirely materialistic. It goes back to the Magi because kikes stole and twisted their religion and called it "Judaism."

One side is shit, but with better intentions.

That's not really relevant though. What I'm getting at is making sure we aren't fooled into preferring one over the other, not knowing which is which, or that both exist.

What would those intentions be?

Even if the heads of the most powerful global cabal came out publicly and described how they run things, from militaries, media and banking, people would be content on leaving things how they are.

What do you think the masses will do If ever faced with this ultimatum:

"Try to replace us and deal with war/famine/poverty/suffering or
allow us to continue running things peacefully and we'll show mercy."

As long as people are content in their comfortability, (no war, food, water, assistance) true revolution will not happen. Even if it means sacrificing privacy and freedom. No one wants to fight. No one wants to lose their pleasures. We are a hedonistic, fearful and selfish society.

Like chickens in cages.

You're fucked. Nothing you do stops your demise.

>true revolution
What does this even mean?

>"Try to replace us and deal with war/famine/poverty/suffering or
>allow us to continue running things peacefully and we'll show mercy."
We're already living in a shithole dystopia. If this is "peace", then we've always been at war. a collective structure at play. (at times, a very big one at that (knowing that it exists and how to use it is nice))

Education exists in a position of trust (often creates those stupid assumptions)... if you're looking for an engine for change,

This is a good point. This is why I think the spiritual transcendence of the material world is necessary. We have to be ready to put our comfort and lives on the line to see our ideals through to it's conclusion. The fear of loss of life and loss of comfort and 'stability' is the true method of control. Once we, individually and subsequently collectively, see that we are unified with all things, we'll realize that loss of the current carnation isn't the 'end of the world' as they say. We are all one consciousness that cannot end in any way.

As I said above, we are all in this together.

The realization that we are unified, and that all perceived seperation is illusionary. Once this happens there will happen not a violent REvolution but a peaceful Evolution. Peaceful non-participation in the destructive systems we allow to rule us.

(((YOU))) are not with us. Humanity and your kind are seperate.

Means no longer being reliant or under siege by hostile international forces. To increase our freedoms and prosperity, not watch them continuously deteriorate beyond control.

Agreed. It's a sad realization of the state we're in. Psychological warfare has increased incessantly since WW1 and ever expanding communications.

I don't understand what you're talking about. All humans are destined for this fate. We all are moving toward increasing unity.

Just out of curiosity, what did you mean by that? You ((())) me like you think I'm Jewish, but I can assure you I'm not.

Agreed...Funny you say "we are all one consciousness."

Just finished reading 1 Corinthians 12 for the first time where it basically said we are all one body.

Agreed. While unity is desirable, and there is a gaia consciousness that exists in our world-- it would be a step backward to remove the separations of consciouness. Through conflict we grew, and necessitated evolution. New age spirituals like toothpaste forget these facts and think world peace kumbaya is the way. It's not. While social hierarchy is an illusion-- it's a theater we all indulge in to maintain order and progress.

OP, while i am in initial disagreement with your assessment id like to review your theory again. Maybe you can link a spreadsheet of your two factions in chronological order? Id love to read it again as i am now phoneposting

not true, they served a purpose, yes, but are no longer needed

I'm not by any means a utopian kumbaya seeking person. What I mean by unity is that everything is already unified. Even the negative parts of the human psyche. What this realization does, is make you treat the negative aspects differently. Seeing them as seperate you'd want to 'make them go away', basically trying to eradicate them, which in reality will never work. They are parts of the whole whether we like it or not, and can't disappear in anyway.

If you treat them as unified with the self/greater consciousness, you'll want to treat these aspects of yourself/humanity with compassion and a desire to uplift them, because just because you can't get rid of certain aspects, doesn't mean you can't transmute them.

You either cast out the danger, sending it into the unknown to wreak havoc elsewhere, eventually reflecting back onto you and your own. Or you keep the danger close, with risk to ones own life, and you try to neutralize it, so it can become a healthy part of the whole.

Also, I didn't mean the complete dissolution of seperation of consciousness, that would indeed be a step backward. I mean having seperate consciousness (ego), but at the same time, realizing within that consciousness that it is part of a greater consciousness (superego, nature, god, source etc), that isn't within the limits of the ego, but expands beyond it. Realizing the unity of the monad/part and the context/whole is the only true realization of what this experience really is.

OP if what you say is true it seems like the anti-Rothschilds, the Phonecians if you will, are the good people

I envy your optimism but I can't see any possible way they give up their power hold without bringing the world down with them. Things are escalating but I don't think the American/European masses are ready to sacrifice their hedonism for liberation.

So far their long game looks promising: 1 drugged up retarded brown race on gov assistance with all labor automized no borders, and world capital Israel)


this lmao

I'm not going to read that but

>Rothschilds are big capital
>big capital is pro-globalism

>Rothschilds are clearly bad

Nat Rothschild is pro trump and brexit

fucking die you shill rothchilds are the ultimate evil and the entire memory of their existence should be purged