Why does this autists try to suck other people down into his shit listed section of politics...

why does this autists try to suck other people down into his shit listed section of politics. its like hes trying to kill other peoples reputations

if he actually cared about the white race he would just stop involving himself in politics because hes doing more harm than good

i know you're reading this btw dick you ugly feminine little cock smoker. kys already big guy

Other urls found in this thread:


He’s a Deep State shill like David Duke.

>Be libertarian
>Be retarded
Pick one, oh wait you can't be one without the other.


Holy shit. this stuff is so fucking gay. so many isms and shit. This is worse than gender identity. Identity politics is such an autistic fucking shit storm. absolutely disgusting. Until you faggot LARPERs get into ExoPolitics, talk to me. Get fucking lost.

>dat pic
Literally two people shit-arguing like on here.

Lol some shill got my account banned someone help a gay fag nigger out and report them XD

hes probably a plant

Yeah but getting blocked on Sup Forums is rare other than normie sensitives

>aut righters infighting about who is the better natsee

what else is new?

Accelerationism is always valid.
Showing normies that we're all allied and that they don't have to hide their real beliefs to win favor with leftists is always valid.
You gain nothing by towing the line. You gain nothing by trying to remain friendly with the people who want you dead and replaced.

Or maybe Lauren should stop being an equivocating cuck and just go full alt-right. She's clearly down-playing her beliefs to maintain mainstream credibility. That's personal greed over integrity. I get that Dicky is sitting on millions and can afford to be ostracized from liberal society, but if you go into politics you're either signing up to play ball or you're signing your soul away to the kikes. If you wanna do the latter, you don't deserve any slack, you're no better than what we see on TV.

Lauren is not /ourgirl/ she got POOED. Imagine finding pics of your mom like this with a POO

Richard Spencer does not care about a white ethnostate. His only reason for being Alt Right was so he could cash out on it. He is a fucking nobody who needs to be expelled from the Alt Right so we can get back to the roots of the alt right. Fuck this attention whore and his stupid hair.





brb gonna paste my mom's face on this pic and jerk off to it

where did these come from? they are new

This is very nice!

Thanks, my spanish tsun-tsun friend.

dicky is a faggot but he's 100% right to criticise southern, that fucking dyke bitch walks a tight rope in an effort for max fame, she has no real political convictions


Because leftists shouldn't be allowed to masquerade as rightists. If you're a liberal you're a Progressive Liberal. If you're a conservative, you're a Conservative Liberal. There are virtually no right wingers in most-Christian western societies. It's a fringe ideology of people who read people like Carlyle and Evola. Most "Alt-Right" personalities are socially liberal fiscal conservatives who are mildly concerned about Islam. They're only right wing relative to insane weimarian hellscape that surrounds them.

They are the millennial generation's proof that today's conservatism is ALWAYS just the liberalism of decades past. The left will keep marching on, and the alt-lite millennials will keep making apologetics for trannies, faggots, and nihilism.

Spencer has literally done nothing wrong. I love the guy.

They are not new, they are from 4-5 years ago. ZOG is getting desperate.

>yeah my wife rode the BBC once but i forgive her, she learned her lesson, she's """"redpilled"""" now :^)

hey finn i know you like both of them (i don't disagree with you) what do you make of this?

I think LS is not redpilled enough on US/Canadian history and Spencer is more correct than she is. But him doing this publically is probably not that smart. I don't get what this achieves.

spencer definitely has somewhat sketchy connections but they're not tangible enough to be taken seriously, i don't get why spencer has owned this activist role so much, he's clearly better suited to just being a well-mannered intellectual, when he's with the microphone it just doesn't sound that good.

maybe he's trying to force her to admit she actually falls more in line with white nationalism? i dunno

This prevents entryism and subversion. Either she's a snake in the grass, or she's hiding her power level. Spencer is forcing her to cut the fence sitting, "I'm still learning", "I'm on an public intellectual journey", bullshit and take some real stances instead of building a media career by piggybacking off of the genuine political and intellectual endeavors of others.

All I know is he was having long-form philosophical interviews with Jonathan Bowden on multiple occasions before anyone in the US knew or cared who Bowden was. He's not faking it. Not a chance.

Maybe she is really still learning though? There are tons of people on this board who were way more bluepilled than her at 22.

Why is she even talking to someone with 15k youtube subscribers?

Could be but I think it doesn't take much longer than 6 months to become rapidly redpilled if you are here long enough. Maybe she doesn't want to reveal power level for money or even to help her to continue to redpill normies without seeming like le ebil nazi.

Can this low iq idiot shut up once? He is nobody's leader and he sucks at discussion.

he talks like a fag and his shit is all retarded

She hasn't shown any signs of subversion. It's very understandable if she wants to hide her power level. "Forcing" people to reveal their power level is the most retarded action possible and I hope someone puts a bullet in his head for it.

More profiled individuals on the right is a good thing in itself, because it makes the left spread their fire around. Unlike in Norway where the full pressure is on Listhaug and CTG, putting them at the breaking point. The right should not attack each other, something the left understood decades ago.

>she wants to hide her power level
If she wants to do that, then she should stop covering identitarian politics altogether.

Lauren is a guillible dipshit, just look at the phases she's been thrhough:

1) the lolbertarian phase: "hehe feminist btfo", "sjws are collectivists", " I treat people as individuals not groups, hehe", "muh Ayn Rand"

2) the "red pilled" phase: "Im not nationalist Im just pro-western", "race doesn't matter as long as they integrate in western culture", "white genocide, huh? a stormcuck conspiracy, kek!"

3) "Help! We are being replaced!", "omg, look at this street in Paris! black immigrants everywhere, loool!", "this ravaging individualism is destroying our common culture, heritage, kinship as a people!"

>Be active in political discussion
>Be mentally well

>Be active and successful in politics
>Have integrity

It's a game for losers that turns anyone that gets involved into a loser. A mix of tribalism, manipulation, hedonism, self-righteousness, and passivity to the revelation of truths.

Politics is the sum of the worst elements of humanity brought forward.

That's exactly what he's doing. He exists solely to subvert. He's a deep state shill.

That is the exact path of many people on here. What is your point?

And yet she does more good than you have ever done in your life, or will ever do.

don't respond to the faggot Lauren.

You just described Sup Forums trough the years.

Did you never changed opinions about anything? Only eternal manchilds, like anarchists, stay on the same retarded ideology forever.

>She hasn't shown any signs of subversion.
Fuck that. As far as I can tell, these YouTube e-celeb "journalists" haven't interacted with a single writer from amerika.org, vdare, 28 sherman, dissident right, eag, the federalist, hestia society, c2c, or even fucking counter-currents.

If ANY of these people were serious they would be interfacing with this outfits much more often. People like Southern are either not aware or not interested. Either way, it's a bad sign. She's more comfortable in the company of people like Milo. Fine. But that has NOTHING to do with white nationalism, or any of the real existential problems facing the west. She's just angling for a click-baity media career, and she's using the contrarian internet zeitgeist to do it. It's milquetoast millennial conservatism ie. liberalism with some half-baked libertarian sentiments, and skepticism towards Islam. Big fucking woop. That describes more politically-disinterested college normies. That's all I see from the alt-lite, politically AWARE normies, so they notice SJWism. That does not make you right wing.

Spencer is 100% correct to put her on the spot. And she's not the only one.

CIA niggers glowing so bright you'd think they're white!

>amerika.org, vdare, 28 sherman, dissident right, eag, the federalist, hestia society, c2c, or even fucking counter-currents.

I've never heard of any of those. She's doing a far better job of rallying people to the cause than they are.

>If she wants to [hide her power level], then she should stop covering identitarian politics altogether.

No, she shouldn't, whatsoever. Why the fuck do you make a demand like that?

Even neutral coverage is positive for us.

When everyone who usually covers this is left to far-left and covers it in an extremely unfavorable way, why this desperate need to cleanse anyone who doesn't go GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW in Nazi uniform? Neutral coverage is good, presenting an additional target for leftists is good, having a diversity of people on the right in terms of power level is good.

There is no reason at all to attack her, other than some kind of cringeworthy angry nerd-spite that she doesn't conform to your perfection criteria. So maybe you should just neck yourself, nobody likes you or will like you, or will ever conform to your expectations.

50/50 whether you are just completely retarded or a false-flagging purity spiral invoking leftist.

She interacts with Generation Identity that is the most relevant Identitarian movement in Europe right now.

If anything she is not strong enough on defending US/Canada. She explicitly said she wants Europe to remain racially European.

>all those beta orbiters defending a childless degenerate redpilled roastie
you are all much bigger faggots than dicky
at least dicky stands for something, while southern just advocates for tax cuts for billionaires

I hope next time she comes to Europe antifa kills her

>I've never heard of counter-currents
>Must not be doing much for the cause

she basically does an elaborate mix of all 4 of these things as a means of increasing her popularity rapidly, she doesn't outright subscribe to either facet of the right, and she wears this as a badge of honour as though she's somehow unique and very smart

no, she wants to appear based without explicitly stating it also without any risk associating with it

>What is your point?

that most of you are gullible dipshits.

>Liked one of Spencer's tweets

Enjoy being on the FBI's list

>never heard of counter currents
wow, r/the_donald finaly is the majority on Sup Forums, this board is dead

what fucking cause are you talking about exactly? what objective convictions is she promoting? she isn't rallying anyone dude her main draw is that she's le ebin alternative freeze peach meteor, she's building her own little fourth estate, she's not an activist

She just explicitly said it on twitter. She explicitly says it in this video:


You're talking nonsense.

also what does generation identity stand for? is a 3 generation algerian french considered french? their message is incoherent shit

She's not neutral though. She tiptoes on a line, basically saying that America is indeed everyone's country, even though it's not, and she's not even from America.

Generally, I don't mind her, but she deserves to be called out for only going halfway with her ideology. Either do it or don't. America is a white country built by my ancestors regardless of what goes on in Europe.

Again, that all comes down to basic sanity about the threat of Islam in Europe. This is what I would expect from someone who deemphasizes race over culture. She's completely reactionary (pejoratively), with no broader philosophical grounding.

Just block Agent Spencer, Lauren. Also, find yourself a husband and start having white children before you’re too old to produce anything but autistic or retarded leaflets.

she is recycling Sup Forums memes and scamming beta orbiters for donations, then she goes burn the coal or hang out with gay zionists from the alt-lite, sad!


you got your races mixed up familam


for why be all these vapid cunts catfighting with one another these days? And tbf, it appears Laurelie here kicked it off Twitter sniding at Loomers Vegas triumph in successfully LARPing as an adult reporter for about 10 minutes.

They are ethnopluralists. They think ethnicities should live separately. They are not civic nationalists.


How is it a scam? Why are you inventing things instead of basing your arguments on facts?

I think I need to quit this shithole. Someone give me a good IRC channel or something, because pol is regressing. 2013 or 14 was the intellectual high point for this place.

>his 'activist' role
He wants it both ways. He wants to get out there and mix it up and antagonize conflict and then stand back and pick his fingernails claiming he's some kind of intellectual. This dude is just an edgier Milo.

If they haven't reached me, someone who is on the far right and actively online, they are doing a terrible job.

I've been here since /new/, Sup Forums since 2006.

I was just giving an examplr

I asked you a question, is a 3 generation algerian french considered french?

what do they propose when niggers outbreed whites? stickers? posters?

her "journalism" is a joke, stealing memes from Sup Forums isn't journalism. Her peak journalism was when antifa wanted to bash her face in and she cried and apologised

this, Spencer is ourguy Milo the BBC loving faggot and Lauren the BBC loving whore are both KIKES

Maybe you're just a Kekistani faggot.

Have you even read Moldbug?

>I've been here since /new/, Sup Forums since 2006.
wanna know how i know your full of shit?

>Did you never changed opinions about anything?

I do, but I do not follow the flow like a gullible dipshit.

If you are intelligent enough you should be able to notice some kind of a pattern here: cause it's the same thing all over - you start off as a lolbertarian "individualist" and slowly move to embrace some of the 14/88 shit. You think your beliefs are a product of rational inquiry, but they follow the same pattern that led a lot of classical liberals to embrace fascism in the 1920s and early 30s --- this "red pilling" process is neither something new, or nor does it mean that you are stirring towards a greater truth, it's a repetition of history, a cliched reaction to the shortcomings of capitalism.

The move to the left was a slow one, the move right must also be slow. Spencer, if he's not CIA, is pushing things too fast and that will never win over normies.

>She's not neutral though. She tiptoes on a line, basically saying that America is indeed everyone's country, even though it's not, and she's not even from America.

What kind of retarded shit is this?

So she might have repeated a normie talking point. You don't even quote her. At the same time, she's clearly anti-islam and anti-immigration.

So how the fuck do you define "neutral"? Even a single concession to normie culture, removes her from neutrality?

I struggle to think of how you define "neutrality". In any case, she's far more right-leaning than left-leaning.

>Generally, I don't mind her, but she deserves to be called out for only going halfway with her ideology.

No, she doesn't, at all. There's very many people who could only turn far-right by a gradual step by step process.

"Calling out" anyone who doesn't go GAS JEWS KILL JEWS HEIL HITLER ARYAN BLOOD AND HONOR PURE WHITE GENETICS is incredibly retarded, and has worked extremely badly in the West for the last 50 years.

You don't deserve a white country. You're too much of a retarded, spiteful, degenerate moron. A "white" country filled with people like you would be on the level of Africa.

>calls NazBol unironic Stalinism
>uses the term "right wing SJWism"
I'm done

Not everyone who's been around feels the need to visit every possible honey pot on the dissident right. FFS most of them say the same shit.

No and no

I'm not, but go ahead.

>I asked you a question, is a 3 generation algerian french considered french?
Of course not.
>what do they propose when niggers outbreed whites? stickers? posters?
They want to repatriate them to their homelands

Yup, she's pretty much doing nothing these days. Getting a free ride.

>They want to repatriate them to their homelands
but why? they were born in france and have no connection to algeria.

Spencer has fucked himself by hanging around with Nazis. He has lost all credibility and traded it to be the media's dancing clown.

Fuck you Spencer you're a counter-productive fantasist imbecile.

also everyone ranting about spencer being a plant is just some fucking cernovich-tier "kekistani" or some conspiratard who has a bobblehead of göring on his desk

Who cares

Anybody with half a brain knows where Lauren's heart really is. If you need her to spell it out for you you suffer from severe autism.

Ever time you say "redpilled' you owe Moldbug a royalty check (and he owes the the Wachowski sisters) Anyone who has been here since 2006, and hasn't read Moldbug is a liar or an idiot. I bet you haven't watched a single Jonathan Bowden speech either. Enjoy your twitter drama, and scene gossip in lieu of intellectual content.

As I said, they don't want ethnicities living together and believe it destroys social cohesion.

>fantasist imbecile.
the problem with spencer is that he refuses to show contempt for americans. He thinks people will get his allusions or they will understand his european philosophy, while the average american only responds to
>we re gonna make america great again! we will make it folks, it will be good! so good you won't believe it, I won't tell you how, but this will be the best country in the world, let me tell you, huuuuuge

Except that they are Algerian.

what did they acomplish anyway? it's it just some gay orgy club?

Please do quite this shithole. Please fuck off to websites nobody has ever heard of, that pursue strategies that hasn't worked whatsoever and has led to consistent losses for the last 70+ years. You can even be brave nationalist and wear Nazi uniform in public, to show how dedicated and pure and true you are. Retarded nigger.

>autistic spiteful loser spergs who hate everyone and everything and are rejected by the world, therefore trying desperately to find excuses to smear shit on everything that doesn't conform to their purity standards. If you gave them enough time, they would reject absolutely anything, because in time nothing can live up to their standard.

Most obviously, someone who doesn't live up to your standard of public behavior is yourself. Please kill yourself, or at least fuck off this site to another completely irrelevant loser-site with no visitors and no traction.


Fuck, you deserve to have Lauren Southern give up on this shit, writing a tearful apology for her behavior, declaring that the alt-right is a vile den of crypto-nazis who should be eradicated. She would be paraded by the left, and they would gain support and morale from it, but this is something you deserve because you're too much of a spiteful spergy shitfuck to accept someone not "pure enough"

By "right-wing SJW nonsense" she means stuff like Loomer and Posobiec stopping that Trump assassination play and calling everyone in the audience Goebbels. If you think that kind of behavior is smart you're retarded.

>but why? they were born in france and have no connection to algeria
They were born in France and have no connection to France whatsoever. They are Algerian and belong in Algeria.

He shows a bit of contempt for Americans. His ideology isn't really anything "European" either. Not many continental Nationalists shill for the EU like he does.