Calm Before The Storm #115

Copy pasta from prior threads... If anything needs to be changed please let me know.

Updated Summary:
Big picture:

Compilation of "Q" posts:
Text: (Updated, can download CSV on page)

Updated Answers (use Google link at your own risk):



Another CBTS RD:
Saudi Arabia RD:
HRC Indictment RD:
Breadcrumbs info dump: → → → → → # → # → # (This started it all; archive:

→ → → → → # → #
>Swiss user wants to talk about See eye ayyy in Switzerland and CERN
→ → → → → # → #

Links to thread #1- #91:

#113: →
#112: > → →
#111: > → → → →
#110: > → → → →
#109: > → → → →
#108: > → → → →
#107: → → → → → #
#106: → → → → → # → #
#105: → → → → → # → #
#104: → → → → → # → #
#103: → → → → → # → #
#102: → → → → → # → #
#101: → → → → → # → #
#100: → → → → → # → # → # (epic 100)
#99: → → → → → # → # → # (9 post infodrop by → → → → → # → # → #)
#98: → → → → → # → #
#97: → → → → → # → #
#96: → → → → → # → #
#95: → → → → → # → #
#94: → → → → → # → # → # (Q and +++ in here)
#95: → →

Other urls found in this thread:




fell asleep 4 hours ago with the messages still playing.


is it literally NOT HAPPENING???

someone tell me!!!

Anybody not talking about israeli involvement in 9/11 is a shill pushing an agenda.



shills will try to deter you. stay frosty, like everyone knows you will.
there's important work to be done yet.
mass production ends wars.


READ Trump & Saudi arrests

Focus on Al Waleed. Crypto kike was a deep state sand niggers who had just as much money as Soros.


Just woke up. Can anyone update on latest FACTS or Q posts from the last few threads.

What is the Fat Leonard Scandal?
Who has plead guilty?
Why does this matter?
Who else is implicated in the Fat Leonard Scandal?
Why has the Fat Leonard Scandal not yet gone viral?
What does this imply?
Why do we need the Fat Leonard Scandal to go viral?
To prepare the normies for the storm.
How do we make the Fat Leonard Scandal go viral?




This is such a fucking boring thread. Nothing is happening and nothing is going to happen. Get over it.


Read above

Just ignore the fucking shills. Responding to them tears up the thread just as bad!


Guess there is one operational center for communications for BO and others, and Q is drinking his coffee there.

Molten metal with flammables around it intact.
What is controlled demolition?
How was it controlled?
Who controlled it?

What is the Storm?
What has the Storm been demonstrated as capable of doing?
Who controls the Storm?
What else can the Storm do?
How long has the Storm been hidden from us?
Who benefits from its hiding?
Why is the storm about to be revealed?
Why is this being allowed to happen?
Who benefits from that?

My take from these questions:
1) SA helped take down JFK in order to start the path toward HW being VP for Reagans and have had an agent in the WH from 1980 until Trump.
2) They got their claws into the Clintons through the Bushes, b/c HW called Bill his "son".
3) They recruited Obama through Harvard, and continue to recruit via HUMA.
4) NK is an agent of Saudi Arabia. The Kim dynasty is kept afloat via Saudi cash. Kim is an actor, who pretends to keep the world on edge so his country is off limits to tourism and travel.
5) Because of that, the four families (Saudi, Windsor, Rothschild, Rockefeller(?)) use NK as a base of operations. Because if you were going to have secret meetings, a place where there's no electronic noise or surveillance is great.
5) Trump walked right up to NK's front door and said "what's up."

Use Alice in Wonderland as a structure to tell the story built from the questions Q asked.

"Alice and the Bloody Wonderland"

They've done this in the past in support of hillary, we can capture it for the cause:

Longest LARP thread I've seen

pic related

Frequency reserved EAM
Not often used, usually quiet...goes nuts in last 24hours.
Alpha-numeric codes are spelled out with NATO phonetic.s
Codes are usually short 8-10 characters, and again, not often.
Codes broadcast today were betweer 125 and 270 characters.
Codes where on a non-stop repeat (some repeating themselves, no particular order)
SKYKING is a reserved callsign for highest priotiy xmission
Further Foxtrot-Foxtrot used is upper priority again, only surpassed by Foxtro-Flash
Code transmissions ended with a failed comms check, something went wrong, other party did not respond.
frantic chatter and alarms ensue.
soundbites like "touchdown 3...2...1.." etc.

scary stuff
al quiet now
live stream i was watching from (youtube) is still streaming but only seeks back 2:00hrs
Recording can be found.
i went mental on Sup ForumsCBTS but no-one seemd to notice, just talking about spirituallity and abstract stuff.
I am sure there is a recorded stream available. somewhere

hmmm logs are 404'ing - it has an entire transcript. - click Discord link for pic related


Still? You guys need to get a life, get a girlfriend, get done pussy. Your outlook on life will change for the better.

Probably even Trump doesn't tweet his own tweets. One should look for any of his tweets going out while he is live to be seen somewhere.

Stop making these cringy larp threads, you retards. Go back to plebbit.

Can someone explain this narrative with Pence being bad?

Fuck off with these threads already dumb niggers

reposing cuz I put it in the stale bread:

>Was there a genocide of jews in WW2?
>How do you know that?
>What happened to the millions of bodies?
>Why is that relevant?
>No body, no murder.
>How many incinerators were at Auschwitz?
>How big were they?
>How many bodies does history say they burned?
>Over how much time?
>Why is that relevant?
>What is Zyklon B used for?
>What do lice spread?
>How many holocaust victims were actually killed by Typhus
>a small portion?
>all of them?
>Why is this relevant?

Case closed

Is there any proof that BO and DJT tweet their own tweets?

Also possible raid on dirty CIA last night....but no way to verify????

Nice to have you around.

Capped from last thread. AL Waleed was a big player now nullified.

>148383515 #
But NK is open to tourism



Your bumps are much appreciated. Thanks.


uses this article:


Starting on said project from scratch unfortunately as I haven't been on my computer since 2012 and had wiped it..

Since everyone else is starting with JFK and what not (though a lot are grossly simplifying it beyond even it's need to be simple) I'm going to start at The Death of the Old Republic.

This is an article for those who aren't building atm and want an interesting read while I start the engine.

Trump to Pence

run Pence hard.


Qike and his little helpers are laughing all the way to Tel Aviv 1/2:

Lets recap this 4 day MMORPG:
- Donald is the chosen one to drain the swamp, he will do it in the name of good with good patriots in navy intelligence. Everyone else is a shill and deep state.
- His son in law, an orthodox jew, basically his right hand, is sent to SA to forment a clean-up of SA's swamp elements. As soon as that happens, SA starts blaming Lebanon and Iran for starting a war against SA. Also, Lebanese PM quits, and government with Hezbollah (one of Israel's biggest adversaries) in it is in crysis/disbanded.
- Also, Donald, the president of the most powerful country in the world, is posting on Sup Forums. Not only posting, but requesting help from autists on Sup Forums. Cause you know, couple of hundred thousand security cleared personnel in America's military and intelligence system are all corrupted and cannot be trusted. So the only chance he has are neets from Sup Forums. He's sending coded messages to us, every foruth line of this tweet or something. Did someone analyze in detail how he fed the fish? Why did the throw all the food at once? Was it a signal to us? Another code? What does it mean? Maybe we can decode it with help from clues on CERN website.
- In the meantime, the narrative in these shill threads goes further to blame Iran both directly, and indiretcly for world's ills.
- From Qike's narative, 9/11 was done by SA and some clowns in the Navy. No mention of Bushes, CIA, Israel. Supposedly, some big purge in the navy is currently going on. Source? Who gives a fuck.

Try not to respond to faggots who only scream "ayyoo ur larp"

topic dilution is bad.

Kill yourselves larping faggots


the 30's and 40's were the most important years in developing treatments for typhus
beta testing diseases on human-shaped labrats?

Qike and his little helpers are laughing all the way to Tel Aviv 2/2:

- Qike and his little helpers are pushing the narrative the Muslim Brotherhood and SA control America. I am sure these groups are fighting for influence, but yet little Qike doesn't seem to understand (or won't say) what is the major source of power/influence in a society. Is it the media? Finance? Corporaitons? Academia? Politics? Legal System? Military? Does the Brotherhood control all these? Please don't tell me that ownership of Twitter and fuckin Mariott Hotels equals to complete control of Holywood, media, and academia.Supposedly,
- Obama was to be picked up yesterday by uber sikrit elite frogger unit (Pepe?) for treason. Yet he tweets today. Just as Hillary did. And Podesta was seen in Georgetown. And Huma was seen picking up a child. And we still don't have confirmation whether Tony is indicted at all.
- Qike and his helpers never thought they could go this far, and just for shits and giggles, introduced a new narrative – the AI. Now, it seems that not only all western world is controlled by Twitter owner, but he has a mighty AI on his side. And by responding to AI (shills), you're making it even stronger. So you better don't question a thing in this MMORPG.
- Until 3 days ago, North Korea was best Korea for showing middle finger to JEWSA and „muh jewz“. Now, all of a sudden, it is a real life Disneyland (plus pedo stuff) controlled by none other than Disney corporation. Yes, the Mickey Mouse one. It really isn't a country at all. They have no military, it's all photoshop. Kim Jong un is CIA agent. Does that mean that CIA is also controlled by Disney?
- Switzerland is also not a real country. It is private property of Rotschild.Even though it only has two banks in top 100 banks. Yet it is the center of world power.

When you neets finally get off the 4 day adrenaline rush, have some sleep, shower and food, you'll see where all this has brought you.


>Molten metal with flammables around it intact.
>What is controlled demolition?
Destruction of a building by planting explosives on key support struts?
>How was it controlled?
Remote triggering?
>Who controlled it?
Anyone paid to do so by 9/11 perpetrators?

> How is Alwaleed and HRC connected?

Connect by money with the CF & Tony Podesta
Connect by politics with Huma Abedin

Please someone pick up on an poorly reported fact.

JOHN MCCAIN suddenly has a “boot” on his leg...
REALLY... a boot.
Had a “boot” placed on his “weak Achilles’ tendon”


He has been tagged with a police monitoring ankle bracelet, we are being told it’s a medical boot.

McCain has been arrested, its being hidden from us, the medical boot is really a POLICE GPS DEVICE.

Follow McCain...

He’s very very dirty and very tied to SA.

Pence isn't deep state. If he was, Trump pulled him out.

Where is Hillary Clinton?

This user gets it.

Where is Barack Obama?

The Trump throwing food at the koi might be irrelevant, Abe threw the rest of his in first

Who gets the nuclear codes when POTUS dies?
Is it the VP?
What is Pence's history like?
Possible for him to be involved in this?

Just exploring options

Thank God for this.

take notes folks, this is an example of doing it right.

Kek tl;dr

>Yet he tweets today. Just as Hillary did.

Since when does a Twitter posting prove the status or location of a politician?

set_shill_ignoring = max

she's Rosenstein's replacement

yesterday there was an internet spook
nod drumpfy is selling antinukes to japan and south korea and we have 4, maybe 7, navy carriers around asia.

flex on.

Well, there's about as much evidence for that as there is for the gassings, so sure, whatever makes you happy.

Nobody in normie-land is going to scold you for defaming Nazis, after all.

Bump. These threads have so much momentum and energy +++ keep it up men!


Pence is not a powerfull man and he never will be.

what bread do you think we'll get to before da reel happenings habben?



What the fuck is the point of these stupid ass threads
Fucking grow up the faggot was clearly a larp and nothing happened nothing ever happens!!!
Come on we've seen these Hillary/Obama are getting locked up guise!!!!11! No seriously this time!!
Just stop Sup Forums

>Where is Barack Obama?

Busy kissing grand dragons maybe?

Did anyone notice how the shills shut up when I started asking them questions?

Do you think you could do that?

I can't remember which user it was maybe DC or Senate. He was hell bent that Pence was dirty as fuck.

theory based on the questions surrounding who allowed airplanes to leave when they were grounded.

1) who allowed SA planes to leave US during 9/11 when all were grounded?
2) who did the same during LV shooting
3) who would have authority to do this?

3 is answered with 'vice president' among a few others so one theory is pence

Not sure it matters, but here is the location of that picture of the Chinese Ships Q posted. Picture was likely taken from the Hyatt on the Bund hotel.

Where is Hillary Clinton?

Too weird...movement monitor/GPS tracking boot? Have they been arrested??



Q stated there was an attempt.

That means Pence was considered a better option.


Wrong. He is far more principled than most in the GoP. And he is loyal to Trump.

Thanks satan. They both do look like criminals caught.


are there pics of hillary's boot?

Honestly, the fish thing came across as a bit of a derp. He was going for the spoon but when he Abe dump from the bowl he went, "Oh, we do it like that. Kay. HERE FISH!"

Kek and distribute

She has a boot, a GPS device, she has only been given permission to travel to pre-planned book signings.

McCain just received his “boot”...

Hillary and John McCain have been arrested, they have been fitted with “boots”, that are really police monitoring devices that have the appearance of a medical device.

Follow the people who have been tagged with keg implements, disguised as a medical boot.


Slide tactic. Pence, AI, all kind of crazy distractions.

I want to know what happened/happens at CIA

didn't he like immediately move to outer Mongolia and get finger print and facial surgery.

Have to keep it going for at least another day folks.

What are you on about, you scizo retard?

Is everyone who posts here fucking mentally ill? What is wrong with you all?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Where is Pence?