Why are people that lift weights more likely to have conservative political views?

Why are people that lift weights more likely to have conservative political views?

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fucking manlets taking all the dumbbells

That guy may be vegan but he's also definitely on roids.

People who lift weights understand discipline and personal responsibility

Bc chad nationalism.

Take your fucking (you)

It's humbling and requires persistence and dedication.

They're not?

I go to the gym regularly and lean to the left politically. I can bench 225, squat 295, and deadlift 395. I'm probably stronger than most of this sub.

That is a completely attainable physique without the use of steroids or prohormones if you have a good mesomorph or endomorph frame.

Meatheads are usually idiots. Attractive, but idiots. To dumb to be a Liberal Elite


Non-manlets can do it with one hand.

Hmm, so he is just casually lifting up 906kg?
Wtf I love vegans now.

Liberals don't know how to work hard and have discipline. They want the government or someone else to do everything for them.

Weightlifting requires persistence, dedication, testosterone, and a willingness to endure pain.

People who possess these attributes don't become leftists, generally speaking. In fact it would actually be puzzling if they did.

Gay men.
They fuck traps.

> was left before lifting
> still left after hitting 1/2/3/4

pic related

Nah, liberals just go to top universities and end up with 150k + salaries. Lmao we're hanging in a penthouse, your hanging in an outhouse, hick-bitch

You were a bitch before and you're still a bitch now?
Wew lad

The ONLY way to attain cannonball shoulders at that bf is roids. Also that kind of asymmetry of legs to arms is a sign

I was in that thread, not original you nigger

weightlifting (like /pol) is out of insecurity and homosexuality

Its the monkey brain in us

lifting kinda activates the old hunting mentallity = the alpha male who is the leader and provides. Women stay home and fill their role

soyboys who doesnt activate the old hunter instinct basically stay home and nurse the children with the women

Because they understand that you need to work hard to achieve your goals.

Sorry but my shoulders looked like that when I was lifting heavy from 17 to 22, and pointing out the fact that he skips leg day is definitely not a sign of use or not. Just because you don't have it doesn't mean others can't either twiglet.

>when the first post is mildy amusing
I see you've never talked to anyone in a gym

fpbp, how will they ever recoveR?

lets see your penthouse

>tfw shaved bear

Lifting makes you understand the value of hard work and consistency.

There are no gibsmedat in lifting.

This man has the right answer
>MFW a Burgerboy posting on Sup Forums might actually NOT be a fatty

well yeah, 90% of men in gyms are gay, so...

Getting buff doesn' t help when your face is ugly.

>not locking all of them in your basement
Come on now

$150K in student loan debt.
See you at Dunkin.

Why are people who lift weights more likely to be gay?

>be in the gym constantly, struggling and pushing yourself for improvement
>in tune with all your weaknesses and how to fix them
>meanwhile society is full of people that come up with excuses

there's no way to avoid that redpill

Simple: after a workout, you shower; washing off the bacteria that manifests liberal idealism. libtards dont shower which is why they are libtards. #Science

a fat american is more free then you'll ever be

Good for a female or 70 year old man.

Why would i work out when i can just be fashionable and have a better effect?

>ppl who are clean healthy are more prone to engage with others who are like minded to avoid deceases from the unclean
>this even explains racism
>you see a race you've never seen before. you react negative cuz you're afraid of decease and other stuff that can negatively affect your health and well being.


lul, get on my level - Bench 130kg (~289lbs), squat 170kg (~378lbs) and deadlift 200kg (~444lbs)

150k jesus chriwst nigga, what did you buy?

Small dicks

also - rightleaning

Except I lift more than you and can kick your ass

>wearing $500 shoes is great for your health!

sick gains brah really working on those delts bruh no homo bruh natty 8pl8 aesthetic guys no homo

Doubledoubles of Truth.

t. sigmund fraud

>implying implications
I have a katana and I can teleport you can't even touch me you lefty bish


saying he takes steroids is so fat neck beards can feel better about themselves and give themselves an excuse not to lose weight because they "don't want to take steroids" like this "cheater."

You need more back accessories. That deadlift is pathetic considering your squats. git gud

>everyone who isn't a blustering /fit/faggot with a waxed asshole is obese

Why was middle guy shopped into a giraffe?


Nope. Do you even lift?

You make not like it, but this is what peak neck performance looks like.

>my shoulders looked like that
you're delusional. All fatties think they're strong and look great. It was all fat, bro. This dude is in single digit bodyfat, looks over 220lbs and there's no way that he's natty.

now you just got to master all those smooth dance moves.

and you will be unstopable.



>he things he'll get 225 (you)'s

Because you can't take gains from other people. You have to earn them yourself.

Also, lifters ITT post your stats:

>155 OHP
>275 BP
>355 SQ
>495 DL

vegans take steroids. you don't even lift or you would know that, along with why weight lifters are conservative.

>Being so btfo that you have to invent reasons to feel superior to your superiors.

Source on that, my bread pudding friend?

It is a fact that the only people who care about your gains are other men.

Lifting clears your head.


I love it when someone fucks up their grammar when trying to point out another's stupidity.

only you can prepare you for those occasional dance gatherings.

you're a disgrace

liberals think the worst of humanity, conservatives believe strongly in self improvement.

libs want govt to make everything better, conservatives want the government to get the fuck out of the way of making everything better.

that is actual science.

Most people who go to gym use baby weights and walk on the treadmill.
They keep no record of their lifts and have no accountability.
When I lift weights I keep a written record of what I've done in the gym so I know where I need to be.

Post some quotes from semi-mythological ancient Greeks to justify your weird self-infatuation.

I love it when some idiot can't comprehend people being to smart too use proper grammar.

>I lift more than you and can kick your ass
Oh, please. This is the strength of an average non-sedentary young man who has done just enough lifting to learn the correct form.

I'll bet he couldn't lift me.

Less self-hatred, more responsible, etc
Chicken or the egg

t. twiglet

Close, but no cigar.
It's kinda the opposite.
People who have conservative political views are more likely to lift, because they understand discipline and personal responsibilty like you said.

they know that to achieve something you have to do hard work, not be dependant on mommy and daddy

Conservatives believe in their own agency and the ability to become a better person and force for good in the universe. Leftists often label themselves as victims with no agency or control of their lives. Beliefs determine your actions in the real world.

Tfw I am stronger and juicier than everyone else on Sup Forums

Good to know the shitposters of /fit/ are also fucking leafs.

Your homosexuality is showing.

It's not tied directly to exercise. It's linked to test.


There is nåthing wrång with häving a glörious juicy PHYSIQUUUUUUUEEEE

but you are a fåcking dåg

Because leftists are lazy, parasites

Yeah you're gay as fuck.

Does that count for body building fags?

r/K selection theory.

You are a fåcking beta leftist

You are a fåcking DÅG

Änd I am your master. As it were, in all actuality

>tfw can only bench 1pl8 and OHP 0.5pl8

>that thing
>having a period