Make a valid argument for gun control

Make a valid argument for gun control.

I have yet to hear one.

They're scary

If you don't control your gun it might go off and hurt someone.

There aren't any.

>I have yet to hear one.
Because there isn't one

Why does anyone need a super duper big assault rifle?

Having a gun makes it very easy to kill a lot of people. We should not have guns for that reason alone.

For mowing down a large number of people attacking you. Also for having an advantage over someone attacking you with a lesser weapon


To rebel against the state if it ever becomes tyrannical and before your "muh supreme airforce" argument may I point out that every single worthless middle eastern organization has been fighting for nearly 20 years against every country in the world and they still haven't been defeated.

don't need an argument. give the gubbment your guns or they will drone strike you, bitch.

I'm used to not seeing guns in my streets. It seems like a perfectly fine way to organize things. Nobody misses them, nobody would use them, nobody would be at ease walking next to people who carry them, unless they are professionally trained.

that's a far better argument than it sounds like, it's from real life experience not political theory

Niggers shouldn't have firearms.

So the government can oppress the people. I win.

Having a big cate gives you an opportunity to kill a lot of people.
Flying a plane does
Learning chemestry does
Working in a store that sells food does

Do I have to go on or do you understand thats its a nonargument?


How about bombs or vehicles?

>For mowing down a large number of people attacking you.

When would this happen other than in a zombie movie? This shit doesn't even happen during natural disasters or big riots.

I would have no problem if everybody would walk along with an assaultrifle on their back.

In fact I do feel unease because of roaming "cultural enrichers" at evenings and people who let their dogs run close to me in places where its not permited to let them run free.
And I do not even argue to ban dogs, wtf is wrong with you?

proper background checks so the retarded or criminally inclined have a harder time getting a gun. The Texas church shooting would've happened differently had the air force properly posted his dishonorable discharge information to the national database.


Large scale robberies on banks or gunshops, civil war.

Americans are stupid and need guns to feel safe when in reality there are very few instances where it will be used. That’s all, the illusion of safety and nothing more

You're reaching.

All those things serve other purposes, guns only designed to harm and kill.

oh yes. My gun is totally under control. Life is good.

Yeah, he would have bought a used gun instead.

Way different.

Killing is sometimes necessary and entirely legal.

You have no concept of enjoying a hobby.

Nor do you have any concept of what gun ownership is actually about. It's a national tradition, it's heritage. It's part of our identity as a nation.

Says there apparantly my cock is only just enjoyable.
Every bitch i fuck says its the hardest they have ever been fucked and keep messaging me to fuck them.
Please stop spreading jewish lies.

It will magically make all guns disappear and we can finally live in an Outlaws of Gor novel

I always laugh when idiots use the car argument haha

Cars primary purpose is to quickly take you from point A to point B, guns primary purpose is to kill.

We have “car control” we have speed limits, You can’t drive if you’re too old, you can’t drive if you can’t see well. You have to wear a seatbelt. You need insurance. Do you get what I’m saying?

The misuse of a car can kill a few dozen people in rare instances, but the proper use of guns is meant to kill efficiently.

you need to be 18 to post here

It certainly has happened that homes have been invaded by more than 1 robber at a time, sometimes up to 5. You want to protect yourself from 5 guys with handguns with nothing more than your own single handgun?

>t. lying dicklet

Yes and the "illusion of safety" becomes reality when a bunch of niggers with illegal arms are trying to loot your property like it was in the Los Angeles riots in Koreatown 1992.

(It also happened quite often before and after that, just unreported by MSM)

Burgerika, don't let them sneaky jews take your guns. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!

No, I am not. Those things allready happend several times and temember that you have only one life and it need to happen only once to kill you or your lived ones.

Further you have the "only legitamate base of power is the option of force"
Witch I see kinda refuted because the masses cant hold such power as they have no will otherthen the propaganda they consume.

You can say the same thing about a lot of white weapons, maybe we should ban anything that can inflict harm or can kill beings, like blades.


You mean mowing down people in churches, concerts and schools?

That look like a dicklet to you?

Stop spreading jewish lies cunt.

>What are statistics
It most likely varies country to country.

I suppose we should all start getting chipped and allow the government to assign us jobs as well. Infact why do we do anything for ourselves anymore, why practice our rights as individuals, its just scaring the soft as baby shit liberals.

>Hold breath
>Gently squeeze

I’ll say this again, replace “car” with any other useful item you think of
Also, using a slippery slope argument shows me your level of intellect

> what’s next? Banning shoes? Banning pencils?

I always laugh when idiots use the car argument haha

Cars primary purpose is to quickly take you from point A to point B, guns primary purpose is to kill.

We have “car control” we have speed limits, You can’t drive if you’re too old, you can’t drive if you can’t see well. You have to wear a seatbelt. You need insurance. Do you get what I’m saying?

The misuse of a car can kill a few dozen people in rare instances, but the proper use of guns is meant to kill efficiently.

The argument is that you don't need a gun to easily kill a lot of people, you fucking retard.

>That look like a dicklet to you?
Yes. Plus you're a total faggot for posting it in response.

Just because you're a retarded bitch that doesn't listen

Restricting access to certain firearms will probably decrease the body counts in these things.

However, if you think "banning guns" will stop them from happening at all, or lessen our violent crime rate in general, you're a fucking idiot.

Guns go out at night without their owners' permission and kill people. Libtards told me so.

For every one of those videos you see of people defending themselves with guns there are literally hundreds more unknown cases where someone was killed. Other countries have just outright banned or heavily monitered guns and the crime rate plummeted. But I don’t expect America to change because what’s a few thousand people dead from gun violence every year when you have a population of 300 mil right?

yet in my 32 years of life cars are the only thing that have killed people i love

If you take guns away from the people that know how to use them responsibly, the only people that will have guns are criminals.

Guns create a fearful society. We should strive for a loving one.

Is there any reason to allow carry of such heavy weapons witch really arent suitable for casual selfdefence.

Seriuous question to all here.

>Having a gun makes it very easy to kill a lot of people. We should not have guns for that reason alone.
Having a car makes it very easy to kill a lot of people. We should not have cars for that reason alone.

If that’s your argument, then why do you need uncontrolled guns? If it’s so easy to kill with other things?

Other things have primary used, guns primary purpose is to kill.

You're just jealous because you have a little jewish cock.

You're girl is going to message guys like me to fuck her like you can't faggot.

Surely a coincidence?

For when that meth head is banging on your door. Or breaks in when you are home.

I would challenge him to pick one of those guys to be his doctor, another to design the engine in his car, another to build a rocket which will launch near his home, etc...

Guess what he'll do?

Cars are transportation, not mainly weapons.

We have speed limits, we have the DPS, we have traffic laws, there are many circumstances that make it illegal for you to drive. That’s “car control” you dumbass. we should have as many regulations for guns as we do for cars.

Looks like a try hard bait.

Pure coincidence.
What part of "killing is sometimes both necessary and legal" do you not get?

and yet again
cars are the only thing that have killed people i love
not guns

A world without guns is a world in which only the physically strong are in control. It is the most simple thing to understand that even a skinny jeans wearing fruit can defend himself from a burly MMA fighter if he only has a gun.

>and the crime rate plummeted
No bitch, the crime rate INCREASED. Stop lying, you cock-sucking retard.

If your identity rests on your hobby, you should probably get out more

What's sorry is you're terrified of a tool, and not the fact that people can be evil motherfuckers that will completely disregard any enforcement of law you invent so they can shoot people they don't like.

Given that the government and the police have those weapons, you as a citizen are entitled to the same should they intend to make a victim of you.


Because governments turn tyrannical
>t. history

niggers (unrestricted for whites obv)

I wish it would’ve been you

Thank god for those laws we haven't had any DUI's or people speeding! No traffic deaths ever! I hope you get killed in a drive by.

It’s the 21st century. If you’re getting picked on call the damn cops. If you’re getting robbed you probably deserve it.

fire in short bursts

People need to drive more than people need to kill.

What if the cops are the ones "picking on you"

Cars are a tool. Knives and hammers are tools. Guns only harm.

go back to funnyjunk kiddo

>But gun crime went down!
Liberals being weak and pathetic humans that have lived in a society built by strong men *with morals* never seem to grasp that the strong can do whatever they want to the weak when their isn't an equalizing force.

Just did, replace car with knife, mace, bow, hunting traps,
Also, a little note, an overwhelming majority of firearms in the US are never fired at another human being.
Theres also the fact that guns are designed to project force, not necessarily kill.

what the tool accomplishes through its use does not disqualify it from being a tool.

Then stop doing illegal shit

Shooting them will destroy your life worse than cowing to the cop

Or take them to court and have them fired.

Who died and made you the king of assigning purposes? A gun's primary purpose is to ensure the user's safety and freedom. This is achieved by killing the aggressor. No aggressor, no killing.

kek, italy. kek

Ever hunt with a knife? Ever have to warn wolves off with a knife? No keep jerking off to anime adults are talking.

what's wrong with killing people, user, so long as its legal?

Can you do what Stephen paddock did with anything you just said?

Gun control makes it so much easier to control the masses.

lets distinguish attack and defense.
Is it easy to defend yourself with a car, or a knife?

one dimnensional kill is bad not kill ok

a gun is what makes a middle aged woman able to defend herself from a roided brute.

I think we should ban leftists from having guns. Thats a law I can get behind.

USA s violent crime dropped harder than AUS s most gun ban

>I would rather be raped than ride a bike to work
Well, ok. Whatever gets you going, I guess.

You’re conflicting gun control with gun ban. Please read carefully you retard

You are literally evil if you believe that most of the people that get robbed deserve it.

>Scrawny guy pulls out phone to call cops,
>big dude knocks it away and knocks him down
>starts beating him to death.

That instance happens all the time, the difference a gun makes is you can pull it out and pull the trigger faster than you can pull out your phone and call the cops.

Gun control does not exist. Only various steps towards a complete ban.