Europe must take middle eastern and African climate refugees
>Syrians and Afghans may make up the largest number of refugees flooding into Europe right now, but Africans from the Sahel are not far behind. “No one is saying ‘I’d better pack my stuff and go to Europe because I expect CO2 emissions to rise,’” he says. But the knock on effects — failed crops, ailing livestock and localized conflicts over resources—are already driving residents of the Sahel northward to flee poverty. Libya’s collapse has opened the doors wide for migrants, and the smugglers who ship them across the Mediterranean to Europe.

It's your responsibility Europe. When Africa becomes uninhabitable due to climate change, you have to take the climate refugees. It's your duty. There's no "buts", "ands", or "ifs". Europe is for everyone.

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a lot of people I know are starting to talk about the jews... looks like we could have a Hitler emerge around 2024

It's only going to get worse from here on!
Africa population explosion will send hundreds of millions fleeing to Europe.
They Europe of old is already changed but tomorrow it will look like shit

agree, we should take them as slaves, nothing more, no rights for them

It's time to talk about how you can take climate refugees into your home. We have an obligation to not only make room for them but make them feel at home. Time to start plannjng, Europe.

Every refugee and non-white that walks into Europe is just walking into a meat grinder that's going to activate at some point in the future. And then the non-whites who stayed behind will forever know to never enter Europe again.

Climate refugees will be a vital part of europe's future. We have an obligation to take care of them and encourage their growth. Without them, Europe has no economic future.

Wishful thinking!
Europe as it once was is already gone.
A few more generations and it will be blacks walking around thinking it was always a black homeland

>the best carrot the jews have is GDP
>some vague imaginary concept that were somehow wealthier

I cant wait until the mobile guillotine arrives on wall st

Rember we are all just human. There is not white or black.

>without them, Europe has no economic future
If your IQ isn't above 90 your not a human
your an Evolved Ape

Better idea, shot them.

id rather the african continent be completely burned to ash then let another fucking savage into europe

you stupid fucking faggot
if you betacucks push this shit it means you are pushing for a race war that means extermination
and hopefully you are a casualty

Wtf I love Anacrho-Capitalism now

there is no difference in nations?
then move to zimbabwe and prove it

There is no argument. Europe will take climate refugees. It's our duty.

I would like to tell you about our friend Mr. Rifle

Then they don't. DUN DUN DUN
Poland, most of Easter Europe would say nope to ye, and ye ethics/duty.

suckers... good luck having a future

bro, evolution exist (according to liberals) then i should serve my own genetic interest. Lets kill all the brown people and take thier land

Their land will be useless due to climate change. That's the whole point of this thread. That's why Africans are migrating to Europe.

Hippity Hoppity, Europe is not there property.

There's more land in Africa, use the one the climate front it's moving towards or from.

Ah, so we can reduce the earth's population down to 5 bill and prevent climate change? sounds great
reminder to sage in this thread

op i know you are a troll, but for the sake of argument... you do realize Europe is fucked due to climate change right? Rising sea levels will drastically decrease the landmass, not to mention crop production is at its peak. Also, if you take economy into the equasion, large parts are in debt and dont have the resources to take care of anyone (including themselves)....

We need them to grow our economy.

No we don't; the machines will do that.

European economy has peaked... unless you produce something new and revolutionary there isnt much where you can grow... Also a huge sudden increase in population will crash the economy...

europe love refugees :DD

Funny Europe is being told this.

NZers were told in the media last night we have to take "climate refugees" from the pacific islands (We have the majority of them here already)

That there is going to be a special "Climate refugee 'visa'" for them to get access to NZ.

Country just elected a 37 year old SJW as leader so we are pretty much Canada now.

welcome to fantasy land! please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times to insure safety! :D

You need them to increase debts you mean?

>8 inches long with 7 inch circumference

Isn't this nearly a literal chode?

I knew that she was going to replace those chinese students with inbred coconuts... good luck with that

dude it says a 10 and a half inch dick with an 8 inch circumference is enjoyable... its fake lol

It's literally the size of my dick, it's not even close to a chode. Don't you know what 7 inches in circumference looks like? It's not that big.

A chode is fatter than it is long, so for an 8 inch dick to be a chode it would need a circumference of > 25.13274

Shoot all niggers and Muslims at your borders, and remember to sage all meme flaggot threads.