Praise Mars

Why do you shills constantly argue about which piece of shit is shinier? (((Christianity))) is worshipping a kike on a stick and Paganism is the literal religion of barbarians.

Why don't you praise the true gods and goddesses of Rome and Greece (essentially the same thing with different names) and convert to Hellenism?


Hellenic religion is a form of paganism though you retarded faggot.

The romans were pagan bumdass. And paganism is degenerate.

Greek and Roman religion is paganism wtf why are there so many fucking retards here.

I'm still pondering that question myself user.

if it's all white it's all right

All Europeans had the same religion you downie.


I have a question. Roman/Greek, Celtic, Germanic and Slavic old religions are pagan, but, what about Hinduism? It's only logical to assume that Hinduism is paganism to, worship of old Indo-European gods

this. hinduism is the original religion of aryans

>implying Greeks prayed to Ares

Hellenism was always a main world religion, it's just dead now. Paganism refers to a bunch of irrelevant religions that were never mainstream.

my point proven

"Paganism" is any religion which is polytheistic. Are you even Greek? If not, why the fuck are you worshiping Greek gods?

I don't know much about that


Burger education... plz stop making us look bad

cant see anything wrong there
what are you trynna say

If I'm not mistaken some Roman scholars believed that the barbarians worshipped the same gods as them but with different names.

scientology is the one true religion. all hail windows millenium.


Paganism isn't about degeneracy, Jew.

How? Aryan is noble in sanskrit, so the real aryan's were Indians, so no Hinduism is not a white people religion.

>tfw Christian but pay due reverence to my ancestors who brought me onto this earth

Feel like it's the best of both worlds. A wholesome community to raise my kids in, but an understanding that I came from a great people who built great things, who were Christian and weren't Christian.

American pagans aren't exactly people I would trust to help raise my kid to be upright.