Don't believe the anti-trump News on South Korea

If you guys are only watching fucking CNN and MSNBC to get news on korea's politics, you're no better than the normies who think drumpf is getting impeached every 2 seconds.

There are strong pro-trump counterprotests going on too. We call ourselves the Taegukgi (or Korean Flag) because we're patriots. But of course, you guys are too lazy to look into that.
The new regime has been arresting every pro-american politician and counterprotestor they can get their hands on. We don't have much time left.

We've been saying since the beginning:
We're ready to die. Have been for decades. Please bomb and eradicate North Korea because we're fucking sick of commie bullshit encroaching on our lives.

The paid anti-trump protestors..... I actually think they're hired by the exact same (((group))) that owns antifa

also i saw many korean pro trump signs in seoul on snapchat. 트럼프 만세!


Good goyim. Remember we are your greatest Ally

Yeah spread the word!

It's almost career suicide for news outlets to give airtime to pro-trump counterprotests, so we have to do it the old fashioned way.

Just to red-pill you americans on what happened to Korea, we actually had our own presidential election around the time Trump won. It's almost blow-by-blow exactly parallel to your timeline

The only difference was that our conservative Lady was actually in-PEACHED and is in prison. The news loves to bash her and say her fucking prison conditions are too comfy (lol). Now we have the most left-leaning, SON OF A NORTH KOREAN WOMAN president that's almost the spitting image of Obama (always smiling, really nice, cool to have a beer with) and is an actual communist.

Pic related is our brave Flag protestors calling for the release of our true president.

Americans got to enjoy the Best Timeline.
Korea didn't.

ok but 박근혜 kinda was corrupt. Her father was good but tht doesnt mean she was. Idk how the conservatives in korea will do now tht the young are increasingly liberal and the corruption scandal.

I know you're not allowed to let the flag touch the ground in america, but we wanted to make a space for it.

Keep in mind that whoever's holding a flag of any kind (Korean or American) is right-wing and pro-trump.

The Left hates our countries so much that they've completely distanced themselves from our goddamn flags. They're going to try to burn them soon.

by unearthing dirt from the liberal side, that's how
it has already begun

idk about what,dirt there is on korean liberals but they still seem to be more conservative than in western countries

the korean liberals are north korean/chinese double agents

Crush the red menace user

quick rundown?

That's the meme that the Left so successfully jammed down the masses throats. She was inept, not corrupt.

Imagine Trump and Russia collusion bullshit.
It's fucking stupid right?
That's pretty much exactly how dumb our president's "scandal" was.

I admit it was a mistake putting a celibate, single woman with daddy issues into the highest office, but after all the investigating and digging into her life, we've only confirmed that she's as pure as a lily.

She was a terrible leader, had trust issues since childhood, and installed a bunch of inept people around her that took advantage of her weakness.

But the president did not enjoy the high life, or funnel bribe money into her Clinton Foundation, or go around paying to have sex with kids.

Yes there was bribery and shit going on AROUND her, but to hear the Leftists going around pretending like they're the patron saints of anti-corruption is so fucking laughable.

Every goddamn political appointment nominee from the new commie regime was embroiled in some massive fucking corruption themselves, but every single time, it was swept under the rug and they're all successfully appointed.

If you doubt me, just look up "이석기." He's a fucking left-wing senator that was caught with terrorist plans to bomb south korean infrastructure and allow a North Korean takeover. He had been doing this since his days in college in an actual anti-fa-like group called "RO."

Moon's parents are from the north
fled south when war began
Moon's secretary general is a former member of JuSaPa - a radical pro-NK nationalist group
he was involved with smuggling one of their girls to attend a Pyeongyang Youth event back in early 1990's.
This landed him a 3 years of jail time but that only added to his resume to be elected into the parliament controlled by the Korean democrats.

you don't have to defeat north korea by enslaving yourself to america, this is korea's great fault

but Korea needs america to the next threat: CHINA

Everything this based LEAF poster said is correct.

Pic related is a rare college student at the pro-america counterprotest.

"If you oppose the in-peachment (of the right-wing president) everyone attacks you like a treasonous scumbag, but I believe I need to wake people up to the truth, especially younger people of my age"

btw, it's impeachment, not in-peachment


I'm just following the memes that show the absurdity of such a thing, based Leaf poster! (eg. drumpf etc)

if you try too hard to familiarize yourself to this place then folks here start suspecting that you're an english teacher

So how is her trial going right now? And why did her own party vote to impeach her?

Based Starcraft 2 champions, user your superior blizzard gaming skills to purge the commies, and the liberals faggotry away from your lands.

because her own party has two factions consisting of:
-pro-park faction
-pro-lee faction (ex-president lee from pic related)

they hate each other more than they hate Moon

current head of opposition is also pro-lee

>English teacher.
Don't insult me lol I have yet to meet a single white english teacher here that wasn't extremely left-wing, feminist.. the whole gamut.

That's the reason Korea ended up with the worst timeline. Our equivalent of RINOs threw her under the bus to save their own White-Knight asses. Fucking sickening. This whole thing splintered the Right into two and gave the Left the momentum it needed to dominate the country.

Conservative politicians are only fighting back now after realizing that pandering to the Left didn't get them a single ounce of white-knight power.

They don't even have the evidence to properly indict her lol. They jailed her first and are still "investing," Mueller style, to see if they can actually find any concrete dirt on her

so how will things look like in korea now? Will conservatives ever tske power again? Are they even /ourguys/? wat r the main issues tht seperate 자유 and 민주?



Korean politics are not the same as American politics. Korean left, while having socialist/hippie leanings is the ANTI-GLOBALIST ANTI-IMMIGRATION party while the right is pro-business but PRO-GLOBALISM PRO-IMMIGRATION (AND PRO-US).

Literally supporting a cult group probably one of (((them)))
This is Korean Far Right every body

This guy is nothing more than a shill and even worse he doesnt know a shit what and who he is shilling for
This is the absolute state of right wing of Worst Korea
Dont listen to this delusional piece of shit who runs around with Israel flag on March 1st which is historic Korean independence Act day

South Korea is moving to Chinese side.
Moon Jae-in stands more Chinese side than Park Geun-hye.
Koreans want to go back to Chinese slaves again.

This guy gets it
Thank you
Korean far right is the Cucked SJW but right wing brainwashed

DPRK is better than your degenerate American cock gobbling puppet state. You have no culture and SK will either be retaken by Korean nationalists (North Korean) or lost to an inevitable influx of brown people.

this kind of sign doesn't help Trump here lol
usa is pro freedom so we don't support laws against the faggots

Nope Korea is going to play neutral and balance between China and USA for their survival.
It just was that former regime was pro pro american sucking uncle sams dick not american dick but deep state’s filthy dick acting according to their agenda demonzing China and Russia to instigate another potential conflict

>korean left-wing
pick one you dumb fuck

We're still trying to unite the Right before we can properly fight the newly entrenched Left.

Pic related, Hong, is the closest we have to Trump. His nickname is actually "HongTrump" because of how similar they are.

Even if conservative Koreans aren't fighting for the exact same issues as conservative americans, just the fact that Korean Leftists want to demonize america, kick out american troops, demand trump's impeachment, demonize modern japan while sucking on north korea and china's balls..

There was a point during the presidential debates when Hong demanded Moon state who South Korea's main enemy was, as written in the fucking Constitution. Moon refused to say it was North Korea lol. Fucking woke a lot of koreans up.

That means purely on principal, we will fight to support American troops and American weapons and a stronger alliance with america. Trump is our best friend and we'd like nothing more than to fight north korea and china while they try to put us on a leash again.

All Leftists here, like some abused girlfriend, go nuts when that leash is not on Korea. It makes them feel more at ease.

sum ting wong? engrish prease

Jesus christ where the fuck did these anti-korea and anti-trump shills suddenly come from??

I am confused.

Its fucking different you are the faggot
Are you that dumb??
Do you think all leftists and right wing act same way with same agenda all alike mirroring each other?? Stupid canuck probably born and raised in Ontario no wonder you are so dumb...
jokes aside, it is flipped. For them, right wing is the DNC, Clintons, Bush basically the establishment. They did pretty much what DNC did.
Left wing is actually ironically morally more conservative and try to restrict degenerancy. Kpop industry emerged and became this shithole ever since right wing took control of korea and look what crap they got themselves into. Corruption, Degenerancy, and Slavery of the system.
This doesnt mean left is all good either
There are plenty of bad ppl in left

Hong is fucking done, after throwing Park outta the party, m8.

Gotta rally behind Mr. Jo

shills are mad after that brilliant speech from Trump, that's why


>Stupid canuck probably born and raised in Ontario no wonder you are so dumb...
이 새끼 장난하노

Somebody organizing communist type people to disrupt Sup Forums these days. They do not realize how much this backfires on them.

Maybe it is you
Go back to shit tier ILBE that is worse than r/donald
You dont belong here
This is your movement:

I was in your country in March/April & know that you'll love my anecdote. I was there on a study abroad trip for a week, & one of the days the host Uni took us on a tour of Seoul city hall. There, there was a protest camp of your based right-wingers. I asked the translator if I could go, to which she replied that I shouldn't because I would make the host uni look bad.

>"What is that camp translator ma'am?"
>"You don't want to go there user, they're ultra conservative"
>"That's a good thing"

As my group was leaving, I pretended to want to take the subway back to the hotel, but when the bus left I visited the camp. Took many pictures too. I tried to chat them up, but the language barrier was tough. No one there spoke good English.

Moral of the story, your academics & high class are a bunch of cucks like ours. I'll commence dump

Read all the way down you impatient faggot

ILBE at this point is half 홍어

after 바다이야기 I REFUSE to believe that the korean left is the lesser evil here

plus fuck the chinks

I would rather go full 윤봉길/안중근 on the blue house than seeing SK under chinese control

A memorial to your naval dead

Conservatives in Korea are just a bunch of (((neo cons))) at this point, all they want is American intervention in east Asia.

The real ethno nationalists who believe in the Korean race are left wingers. This is why they advocate for peaceful relations with the north.

Don't fall for the neo connery.


nigga nobody cares

Trump already backed down and wants to talk to Kim Jong Un

what kind of nationalist bends their asses over to china

To be honest dude i dont know that much about korea other than that right wing is tied to either (((them))) or their own version of the establishments we have here. Me too i dont think left is that great either redpill me on 바다이야기.
What is that? Is there any dirt on president Moon?
To be honest, i think left as i remember in my childhood were the real ones who wanted real independence united south and north independent permanently from china or usa.

Fucking sucks that we're still split on what to do about Park, when we can't afford to be anything but united. I hate that Hong gave up on her, but if it means itll help him win, I'm all for it.

It actually surprised me. Seeing these rabid dogs spew shit about Korea in broken english is super funny. If this is the level of competition we're up against, the Right will win again in Korea.

pic related


They aren't pro China, but pro N korean. It makes sense to be since they are all ethnically Korean.

Why should a Korean betray his kinsman, and advocates for foreign troops in his country ?

Also this, my Canuck mongolid user
They are israel sucking neocon
They are pro interventionists who will do what uncle sam tells them to do.
Literally helping the deep state

That's awesome. I hope you got a good look at the true side of korea.

>university is cucked

Yep... young, "enlightened" college kids have been "fighting the power" while being enslaved by said power since the days of black and white tv. Right now the new Left regime is trying to uncover the "truth" about some fucking police abuse against Leftist rioters from 1980, talking about it as if it happened yesterday.

the kind that doesn't want to live in a balkanized homeland

there's enough dirt on Moon to impeach him thousand times more

바다이야기 is illegal casino game the leftists use to allocate funds

that and corruption allegations of ex-President Roh

lemme ask you this: what kind of nationalist supports a group that
-assassinated General Kim Jwa Jin of the Korean Independence Army,
-conned the nationalist faction leader Kim Gu into endorsing legitimacy of soviet puppet regime
-INVADED the south first
-and mercilessly murder a south korean kid just because what he said sounded like "I hate communist party" when he actually said "I hate Bean Candy"

It's THEM who betrayed the innocent Koreans first by firing the first shot

you're not korean or severely brainwashed

Kek Was Lee Clinton’s fuckboi?
He gave that speech on May 24th. Surprisingly, Huma and Madam already had his speech on 22nd. My enlightened Ilbe anons pls redpill me on that

>that and corruption allegations of ex-President Roh

has led Roh to get "suicided" by being jumped off a cliff

>what kind of nationalist supports a group that

It's THEM that started the BALKANIZATION, NOT South Korea you fucking shit

You bet your ass me and my bros will fucking track your ass down and your parents and put you in the CIA blacklist

모르면 입 놀리지마라 좌좀새꺄


I get the feeling that more than being leftcucks, your youth is just soft, decadent, & doesn't truly understand the scale of menace that the North represents. You're more normies than Antifa from what I gathered, but my last day there (April 1) I did see huge left-wing protests

based Jin, i'm with you. hope we blindside em so yall don't get sacked

the brainwashed one is YOU
your parents send you to USA while sending everyone els'es kids into streets to be used as meat shields for protests
shame on you and your kin

You are misleading
The left you are mentioning is norks not south korean lefts if I am correct.
Also Kim Goo was assassinated by Lee Seung Man’s subordinate. He opposed division and wanted unified country. It was Lee who kept shilling for South and North division as far as I know




it's all normies in SK.
if they even knew a lick of english then they would be the easiest one to redpill

>falling for the left-right meme


This shit again???

SK is none of your business

I totally agree on this one despite our different understandings
Korean MSM just copy and translate whatever CNN or NBC says.
I bet if they did their own investigation and told the truth, Trump would have been recognized as decent guy

After Kim and Roh's Sunshine policies and what those have led to has me convinced that they're accomplices of crime

Also, Kim Gu fucking deserved it, he was the Osama Bin Laden of Korea.
That guy had good intentions but would have led to instability of society with his radical ways

>wanting to unify with Kim-Il Sung

Those are just pro-America gooks who don't know the difference between Trump and Bernie Sanders.

>be South Korea
>hang badly written anti gay banner
>hang badly written anti gay banner right over 4 permanently mounted public dildos

South Korea
Best Korea

i don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, but i'm down with fucking up NK. how the fuck does that make me or obviously LARPing OP a jew? fuck you shill fag.

alas the only source of redpills in Korea is ILBE
but ILBE is pussy repellant
and there's a dire and severe lack of pussies in SK right now
gotta toe the pussy line else no gf for you


Whether by force or coercion or funding uprising Yea you motherfucker why not
It is Kim and the nork elites that are the problem as well as cia trying to instigate war. Fuck you why not unify Korea and set up democracy there and finally bring peace and true independence from hostile neighbors and foreign interests

>SK is none of your business

tell that to Korean War participants

it's literally the only instance where the UN actually did its job


The universities are the left's most dangerous weapon. They may not be as cucked as they are in the West yet, but they're quickly catching up. I recently heard one of the foreign professors in my department proposing a "safe space for LGBT students."

why not unify Korea

why not fly teleport back in time and suck your dad's dick? because you can't.

they wouldn't have had to if korea wasn't split up in the first place by US and soviets

it wasn't split up because of US and Soviets
it was the koreans themselves
the conflict between communist koreans and nationalist koreans pre-dates the korean war and goes all the way back to Japanese occupation days

Ideologically speaking you retard
You criticized me for wanting unification
Yea everybody wants to rescue those poor north korean kids being rounded up or forced to go interment camps for their elites at a very young age and majority are starving and live without electricity.
Obviously we cant do it right now. I thought we were talking under these preassumptions that we cant right now

the real globalist group is the commies under the command of the COMINTERN, which still exists to this day even after the collapse of the soviet union

We can't rely on our j-media to give a fair appraisal of Trump's Korea trip, so I had no idea you guys existed. Thank you for being hospitable to our president

Korea wouldn't have been split up if Japan never annexed it. Japan wouldn't have annexed Korea if the Meiji Restoration never happened. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Quit your bullshit