>Scientists have postulated that a chemical reaction called phosphorylation .... may be the reaction that connects [lipids ... amino acids .... and nucleotides that form genetic information]
>diamidophosphate (DAP) might be the answer to how on primeval Earth
>DAP was able to phosphorylate nucleosides, which are the building blocks of RNA and DNA

>Lipids + peptides + nucleotides = creation of life.

The pieces are falling in place
The superior humans that we called scientist, the ones who are trully superior hunans, are sistematically encircling and defeating that which the christian worship

step by step pieces fall in line, step by step the christian is forced to take refugee in the wonderland
one day only the retarded (like flatearthers) will be capable of following the creed of the ignorant

while the ones who seek truth are increasingly capable of answering their answers

how will christiancucks ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds cool but it all amounts to jackshit unless scientists can actually create conditions in which life naturally occurs.

>still having misconceptions about what god really is
atheism not even once

are christcucks unable to answer me?

but i see a patern here

day to day the answers are answered, and only stubborn retardeds will deny evolution for example

Evil is a human manifestation of human free will, you have no clue what god really is.


your argument does anything to debunk his
>greek filosofers destroying christianity even before it existed

On the contrary I don't think you understand the significance of what our 56% white friend wrote.

Again, you have a misconception of what god is, and it blinds you from actually understanding the topic.

Eat some magic mushrooms and you'll quickly snap out of your autism when you realize everything is interconnected by a higher intelligence.

Science wont save you from Hell nor will it save any of those scientist. Repent

suggestively is (unfortunately) built into our brains
chemicals can change our brains

but that doesnt mean that we should resort to our primal nature, or let chemicals take the place of logic

>implying hell exists
>implying i dont welcome hell with open arms if it turns out it exist

do what thou wilt

>died in 270bc
>arguing against christianity
why are atheists so retarded

logic is timeless and spaceless

Answer this first, why does the bible say humans will suffer and it'll only get worst? It seems counter intuitive to suggest God didn't give people the freedom to choose between things, and then argue that God wants everyone to suffer so he is therefore evil. The Bible doesn't say humanity will be free from sin, suffering, etc.

Can I have a cellular peptide cake?

With mint frosting?

because the first christians lived in opression and prosecution, so they were pesimistic
probably someone has made a timeline of how many times christians have claimed the apocalipsis is comming

if god gave humanity the freedom to choose, why does he punished everytime they did something he didnt like?

analise this: if god has a plan, and he is omnipotent, then there is no such thing as free will; he already know if one person is going to be bad or good before they are born

Extra-ordinary experiences (i.e phenomenon external from our own brain chemistry) manifest all the time on mushrooms. You'd know that if you tried them; it showed me external synchronicities that are entirely independent of the brain chemistry themselves, among other jaw dropping things. I stopped being a retarded atheist when it happened the first time.

Fact is atheists (who base their world view on incomplete scientific theories) are incapable of understanding universal intelligence/consciousness because they dont understand human consciousness in the first place. The universe created us in its image by giving us consciousness, but atheists dont understand the latter so they cant even begin to comprehend the former, which is almost on a whole other plane of existence from the human experience.

When the bible states the Kingdom of god is within all of us, it wasn't kidding. Consciousness is the key and its shouldnt be a surprise to anyone that atheistic, materialistic scientific institutions with (((moneyed interests))) haven't cracked the code of consciousness yet. To do so would completely revolutionize the way we see the world and those who rule over us.

>I stopped being a retarded atheist when i consumed chemicals that made my brain work diferently of how it is supposed to work
>to make it worse, logical reasons to be an atheist didnt change but i havent taken the time to analize what happened when i consumed mushrooms

>rocks have consciousness

dude, i can live with deists, to be honest i am angnostic
but there is no way the bible is a source of truth, at best a source of opinion

Everything is fake and gay and made by jews. Science was absolutely perverted by jew niggers.

>Nuclear weapons

all bullshit jew magic.

I don't get the pic

>haven't cracked the code of consciousness yet

i mean, its electric flows in the complexity that is our brain

if someone ever emulates a brain in a computer/upgrades himself to a computer, will that make you happy?

because from a scientific viewpoint the universe its pretty boring for most people, but that doesnt mean science is wrong, we are, for expecting something that wasnt

>i say this while using a computer and internet


if i (an atheist(i actually am an agnostic)) consume mushorooms i will start to believe

Great! Now what does this contribute to disproving God's existence?
Oh wait it contributes nothing to disproving God's existence

Nice try fedorafag

Good thing computers and internet were a worldwide invention spanning from many different people so the filthy jews couldn't insert black magic in it.

>giving a shit about what Christians think
>implying they won't say God created DAP
who gives a fuck
I just want more whites

Considering this information adds nothing to your life, it's not exactly significant

There is free will. He also has a plan for christians to follow. God has allowed jews and christians to be punished when they dont stick to the plan.

God gave us free will even though ir could hurt us because if we had a dictated life, we could argue we never had free will to choose.

Top scientists just discovered that OP is a huge faggot and loves dicks in his ass. Dang, I still believe OP might be straight but scientists wouldn't lie and they can't be wrong either.

>we could argue we never had free will to choose.
well at least you are logical

> God has allowed jews and christians to be punished when they dont stick to the plan
>lel i am an atheist he wont punish me

why be a christian then user? i mean if he was a human he would be a dickhead

Obviously Christianity is untrue. You don't need scientists to tell you that.

>you cant fake a chemical process

>implying this reaction doesn't exist the way it does because that's how God made it
I ain't even a theist. You're just a cuck. Sage in all fields.

there are three attributes of god, which atheists will claim are mutually exclusive
all-knowing, all-good, and all-powerful
omnipotence doesn't mean god can do things that are logically impossible. god gave man free will, and therefore god cannot force man to follow the path of good.
god knows things that man is incapable of knowing, either in the present or for the rest of time. therefore, the true significance of events cannot be known to man. what may look like a tragedy to us could bring about great good.
god did not create man for happiness in the material world. those with faith are rewarded with eternal happiness in the next world. if one with faith is brought to an early demise, that simply speeds their path to eternal happiness. likewise, god punishes the evil and sinful with eternal damnation.

They took a Nitrogen, Ammonia, water and methane and zapped it with electrical shocks to simulate lighting. They found that the gases naturally created simple RNA strands. So basically natural gases found in abundance in the atmosphere. Struck by lighting can create life.

+1 Zeus for the win

Got me there. You've done this chemcial process correct? You know lots of people who have recreated it too right? You're not just having faith that they are telling the truth are you... Because you're worse than a "christcuck" if so.

Rocks are part of a wider conscious system, they themselves are not conscious, but the universe they find themselves in is. The universe isnt dead like pop-sci stars tell you it is.

And again, mushroom trips manifest things IN REAL LIFE all the time, entirely independent of your brain chemistry; they're called magic for a reason. All it takes is proper intent and mindset to discover incredible things, things usually hidden in plane sight, things that will still be there when you come down. This is what happened to me, so yes I do speak out of anecdote here, but you can experience this first hand as well if you want to.

>its electric flows in the complexity that is our brain
This is a very laymans term that does not explain the actual subjectivity and experience of consciousness itself. This statement further compounds on the point that mainstream science does not have a very good grasp of the topic yet.

>if someone ever emulates a brain in a computer/upgrades himself to a computer, will that make you happy?
Maybe but thats not going to happen within the public domain for sometime. To do so we will probably need to develop a better understanding of human consciousness in the first place to do so.

>i am an agnostic
>i can live with theists
>i am just debunking the bible as a source of truth
>because Sup Forums is unironically a collective of retarded fucks that regulary post threads "debunking" evolution

>scientists may have found an answer to abiogenesis
>so Christianity, which says nothing about it besides in the craziest of Evangelical Protestant circles, has been BTFO

God is omnipotent. The issue comes from the claim that he is malevolent. If evil can be used to form a more meaningful good/more good/whatever or come by logical necessity of some good then you cannot make the claim that God is malevolent letting evil occur. However, evil does not "exist", it is simply a privation of the good.

A good example of the benefit of evil in theology is the doctrine of Free Will. Something created with the intent of experiencing love and sharing in God's love requires the ability to voluntarily choose to love, else the love is mechanical and not actually love.
This can be applied to things naturally in the world as well, such as the finite and distinct nature of the universe enables things to run up against one another and cause clashes which cause a lot of things. We could say this derives from the same sort of purpose but I won't assume to be a theologian.
More to the point, for Catholics, what suffering comes is a method towards growth towards virtue in various means. It could allow an important good, it could break your heart so that it be more open, it could be a method of transformation, or it even could be repercussions of sins playing out to persuade you away from it.
We must try to relieve suffering but we do not relieve it by attempting to escape it but relieve it by overcoming it. And in that we are united with the suffering of our God, who has suffered with us.

Ultimately, like most Greek theistic problems, they are made towards the Hellenistic conception of gods and so it really isn't applicable to God unless you perceive Him as that sky wizard. This is called a Theistic Personalist view. The apostolic denominations (catholic, Orthodox, oriental) support the Classical Theist view.

Those are slide threads intended to draw the ire (and responses) of non-retards, the vast majority of this board's userbase, and if you weren't a raging newfag you'd realize this.
Sage goes in all fields.

>this is what happened to me, so yes I do speak out of anecdote here, but you can experience this first hand as well if you want to.

i believe you user, we dream you know? but that doesnt mean that when we are sleep we travel to alternative realities
lots of people have seen "dark entities" in the dark of night, wich either were animals or were constructs of their brain because of fear
logic is above our personal expiriances

>Maybe but thats not going to happen within the public domain for sometime
they emulated a worm you know
>technically a worm was alive in a supercomputer for a couple of seconds

I would also wager that "God" is at the very least Omniscience, being able to know everything, because it actually IS everything. It may be omnipotent, but the existence of "evil" is purely a human manifestation based out of free will, which it gave us. If we sway to far from god, odds are mother nature will simply reset us before we fuck things up too much.

>god did not create man for happiness in the material world.
following the bible he did for us to worship them
if he was a human, he would be a dickhead
if i am wrong and he exists, i welcome hell with open arms

do what thou wilt

There is no counsel against the LORD, complex machines don't just appear by accident and the most complex machine (man's body) was obly made by God.

You atheists are laughable, all you do is try and desparately find any lie yo cling onto other than just accepting the fact that Jesus is Christ and God in the flesh

Well why

>if he was a human
he isn't
that's core to the understanding of god as an actual god, not a "sky daddy"
enjoy hell

Well according the bible youre already damned. You can live whatever life you want and even be successful. You just wont inherit the kingdom of heaven. You'll be sent to hell.

Like I said, I've had "manifestations" arise physically in our world, manifestations that were pointed out to me during AND after trips. Dreams end in when we wake up, in contrast to these manifestations that are still here in my life, because some are actually physical, and some of them are actually numerical as well.

>technically a worm was alive in a supercomputer for a couple of seconds
But was it really? Is it really a worm without a worm body? I know plenty of people would argue such a thing is really a synthetic abomination created by man, an abomination of consciousness. In fact many think the beast from revelation will be a super AI, since it will be connected to all monetary transactions, transactions that the mark will be needed to make, which acts as a devotion to materialism, which is the opposite of our non-materialistic, omniscient god.

meant to post this

Epicurus does not know the will of God otherwise he would know that God saves these wicked men for greater damnation or that they repent. Evil is the departure from God's commandments, all evil has already been destroyed by Jesus Christ by belief, yet this idiot uses his weak mind to mock the God of all, he will burn in hell because he trusts his foolish mind other than God's wisdom

By your own words you damn yourself

Lmao. A postulation is less than a hypothesis.
Nucleotides do not polymerize on their own under any conditions. Amino acids can polymerize in some very special circumstances, but they are degraded faster than they form, so they cannot accumulate. Abiogenesis is a lie, the chemistry is simply not possible.

This is a baseball, Atheist.

Ever wonder what it feels like to have one hit you in the head?

>They found that the gases naturally created simple RNA strands
No, they found individual nucleotides, and in extremely small concentration. RNA polymers do not spontaneously form, and even when they exist, they degrade extremely quickly. Within hours in room temperature water.
But even if you weren't just straight up wrong, what makes you think RNA polymers equal life? Even the most basic and ancient of organisms require not only nucleotide polymers, but networks of protein enzymes to maintain and replicate them.

>may be


See my biggest question for the people who think all life came from the same “life form” is that when that mean all life has exact same value? After all, grass comes from the same soup pond as us.

Wouldn’t that*

>spoon'tnik niouz


>it can happen therefore it has happened
no lmao, read some meta-scientific literature, Modern scientists are more like pop-sci social PR people rather than actual science.
Even if we could recreate life tomorrow, it would only prove that such is possible, not that it actually occurred.
No applies the rigor of science to the variable and the unknowns, they merely define out all other possibilities till they find a possibility they like and then claim it is what happened because there is no "reasonable" alternative.
It is the argument from ignorance.

Shut up science bitch

Satanist nonsense, begone



seek help christcuck

Cuckeeism is a mental disorder.

Christians really are pro-white!

no, for the reason there is no objective principle that vindicates life for it's own sake. It is the same arrow that killed objectivism and Ayn Randtards. There is no moral reason to be moral, even if we acted as though objective morality existed, there is nothing to make it objective and nothing to bind us to it in a metaphysical sense. This is why all the greatest moral philosophers namely Kant state morality is the domain of God, not religion, but the metaphysics of a being greater than man.
the mystic and mysterious nature is what binds mankind to it.
It also prevents philosophical subdivision.

Christians are pro-human....

How come it would only btfo christianity? Did the scientists find judaism and islam are legit?

>Theory of carbon molecules radioactively reducing is disproved
>Nah no n.. no you see it's actually chemicals that have to do with even more carbon instead

>Stick with the same philosophy and idea for 2000 years

Which is the truth I can only wonder?

>these non-whites agree with you on something therefore your ideas are wrong!
I won't turn on pagans no matter how hard you shill.

Probably like when you decided to take the Bible fucking seriously, asshole.

Does it hurt being that stupid? No different that Muslims, kikes or any other cuck worshipping faggotry.


and how does this disprove god exactly?

> World lies about events that happened 70 years ago (WW2)
> Expecting me to believe that nobody is lying about something that happened almost 2000 years ago
I would almost prefer hell tbqhwyf

>don't steal
>take it seriously
>I am a stupid asshole for not being a nigger

verb: postulate; 3rd person present: postulates; past tense: postulated; past participle: postulated; gerund or present participle: postulating

suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
"his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes"

hubris is a hell of a thing

lol this nigga tryina take down christians and hasn't even familiarized himself with the apologetics yet

nailed it

Plants, insects, Communists, and AI lack the divine spark that sets apart what it means to be "alive" from what it means to be "conscious"


Honestly don't see how this argument disproves God. So the ultimate creator used amino acids as the building blocks of humanity, ok. Beaner intellectual BTFU

>this smaller scale extension of the fractal explains the fractal itself
keking at the absolute state of physicalists

where did matter and energy come from?

>it does explain fractal's accurance, it does not encompass it
fractal is ''notion'' of infinite reacurance of finite construct. Fractal have no physical manifestation as it would encomopass everything, anytime, anywhere, everywhere. The same reason why physics have no need to stop at building universe's model with so called ''atoms''.

>God is omnipotent.
How can you possibly prove your assertion to someone who is skeptical or incredulous of your specific religious beliefs.

Ok. Josè, you have dna in a pond. Now what?

That wall cannot be built quick enough.

once you have DNA it's basically over. Natural selection does the rest

>The issue comes from the claim that he is malevolent.
No it's only one of the possible conclusions from the epicurian paradox.
IF God is omnipotent but can't do nothing to prevent evil then he is not omnipotent.

No dude, it was definitely a jewish guy in the desert 2000 years ago that created all life in the universe.

>The bible literally opens with 2 contradictory evolution stories, but christcuck retards still believe it
its almost like it wasnt meant to be taken literally
>so youre saying god didnt create us?
genesis outlines what we now called eugenics. the selective breeding practised by jews, as outlined, has provided a 15 point IQ boost, compared to the modern person.
>b-b-but god didnt create us
His law took us from barbarians civilized, civilized to moral, moral to stoic, stoic to scholastic, and scholastic to scientific.
>b-b-but god didnt create us
are you a mindless ape in a wasteland?

I feel as if this leaves out evil being a human manifestation for free will.

but who made those lipids, peptides and nucleotides?
checkmate fedoras

Explain Satan and the fallen angels, beings who were once good and originated from God because he is THE CREATOR.

so the entire argument for the existence of God is that it's impossible for lipids, peptides, and necleotides (naturally occurring chemical compounds) to combine to create DNA. Even though they had billions of years and a vast ocean of randomly mixing molecules