Jew > Ar*an

The jew will win, we always do sweetie.

Are you Jewish? I want to be friends with a winner!

Have fun in hell.

Hitler was right! Death to the jews. This is my new catchphrase, use it today.

Hell is for goyim.

I am the jew from the other thread. Fuck off, Europeans are great.

medi + glasses and jew hat = jew

Why do you hide your flag, my brown friend?

Lmao they're still ugly no matter what

except for that one time

Repeat after me, pol:
Ya salaaaaaaam. Have you worshipped Allah today, Sup Forums?
Mashallah, what's that? You haven't? Well it's the Jehanam for you, dirty kaffir.
Remember that Islam os the most redpilled religion and was praised by Hitler himself (PBUH).
Wait, is Islam dare I say it, /our religion/? Ya salam alhamdulillah.
Remember to hide and sage and report all anti Islamic threads as they are probably kept running by Shoah Blue and CTR Shills.
Assalam Aleykum, my fellow Islamic Brothers of Sup Forums.
Ummati Qad Laha Fahrun~~


Brazil? Really? You statistically were robbed raped and murdered by other mud people since making this post.

This doesn't make you any less brown.




Perhaps in this realm, where Satan rules. But not in the next. You are on borrowed time. If you studied the old testament, you would believe the new testament. If you don't do either, enjoy your ride now, in this fallen place.

isn't actually brazil whiter than the us?

I wonder how these will look a few months from now

that's what you look like now, just without the personal defense. please gubberment HALLPPP

check ur priv pretty boy

You sound like a nigger who hates whites out of insecurity