Wake the fuck up /pol

Fucking shit lads, we fucking lost a battle today.
We gave the left an inch and now they will fucking take our whole country.

The fucking left are pissed off at Trump and us Trump Voters ( Alt-Right) for winning the election.
They will do anything to take the 2020 presidential election.
These fucking minorities who are citizens will always vote leftist democrat and they will come out in full force by 2020 and vote democrat.
Lads what if this is the last time we vote for the existence of our people? What if this was the last time we will ever see another right-wing win?
By 2020 there will be millions of new eligible minority voters.
There just isn't that many young white people to fucking vote.
You are either a white baby or an old white person.
There is no middle age White America because we have fallen for their Cultural Marxist propaganda and our Women abandoned having children for living a childless degenerate lifestyle.

Texas will become majority nonwhite by 2020.
If we loose Texas then we can kiss America good-bye. That's it, we will become a fucking third world shithole and all will be lost.
Why the fuck do whites support their own fucking replacement ?!!! Why do white liberals hate their own people and themselves?!! Why would they find joy in their own extinction?!!
Fuck /pol i'm fucking sad right now, I feel like we lost the fucking election. And no matter how hard we push and how much ground we take, the fucking left comes back and takes more than what we've taken.
And it's all because of these fucking minorities /pol. They are the fucking reason why we even have blue states in the first place.
Civic Nationalism will never ever fucking work. They will always vote in their own interests and don't give a fuck about America or us Whites. The America my grandparents grew in will disappear and wtf will I inherit? What America will my children inherit?
We need to step up our activism like never before.We need to redpill as manyyoung whites as possible.

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Yes, keep pushing the Alt Right and white supremecy. Its not like faggots like you who turn people off from the right are the reason this mess is happening.

White revolution is the only solution. None of these GOP goons will save you.

Fuck off with this concern trolling Dr clears won in Democrat states most scrapes by hardly a victory

>advocating for white interests instead of white genocide
>advocating for a sustainable nation that doesn't turn into a totalitarian nightmare
>white supremacy
Go back to /leftypol/

>Texas will become majority nonwhite by 2020.
it already is.

fuck off fucking shill.
People like me are the one's who are trying to redpill my people into waking the fuck up.

Do you want me to push alt-left and communism?
Fuck off faggot

This. I believe at the end of the day this will be our only option if Trump does not do what he promised or if we lose 2020.

It would've been better If we fucking won.
Meanwhile the leftists are fucking happy and singing kumbaya.
This is a fucking war and if we drop our guard shit like this could've happened.
I didn't even know there were going to be elections today.
And I bet neither did a lot of people.
We let our guard down, we can't risk that again.

proof ?

Why we need to declare war on Communism. Start raiding schools, homes, etc.

Time To Shut Them Down.

>non hispanic white = 42%
also non-hispanic births are around 35%.

Lol. Fucking lefties coming to pol trying to shill the Alt Right to make the right look like clowns. Fuck off faggots

>The fucking left are pissed off at Trump and us Trump Voters ( Alt-Right) for winning the election.

Stop identifying yourself by a smear name that Clinton pulled out of her ass during her primary speeches.

The "Alt Right" does not exist.

we didn't "give an inch"
the area was already theirs, and it remained theirs. and still only by a narrow margin

you don't need to win every time to see progress is being made

I honestly believe you're fucking bait, after the first few sentences I read. In the absolute miracle that you're a real person you need to calm down and not act retarded. Things are moving the right direction. Just don't do anything autistic cunt

Not after the 2018 draft.

We're in the end times...it's getting worse and worse every day.

>/lefty pol/

how the fuck am I shilling for the left you idiot?
stop being a paranoid cuck

The Alt-Right for me is NatSoc and WN

>Fucking shit lads, we fucking lost a battle today.
Virginia was not a loss per-se. They spent 5x as much to have a close race in a Democratic stronghold. They are writing a push up as a win. It was neither a win or loss.

what about by 2020 when all of these new minority voters will vote for dems ??
wtf do we do now ?

> right direction
> still doesn't get that we are fucked by 2020 due to these minorities that will become eligible to vote if we don't do something about it

off yourself

Did you copy this from redit? If not you need to lurk a bit before shilling to make your posts fit in better.