Will you take the pledge?

Will you take the pledge?

What's wrong with hard work and an honest day's labor?

I am not equal to a nigger, unlike you.

No, I'm quitting my job and going on disability welfare tomorrow.

>thank you for your trickle down, mr. Shekelstein

Fuck this attitude.

hello xSTJ

>work hard = trickle down
dirty prole

> posting an edit
Fuck off kike

Found the lazy piece of shit who would prefer violence to actually taking responsibility for yourself.

t. boomer

That fag has sunk into the gutter.

wtf i hate my job and stability nowww

>the cuckservative pledge

Life is more torture than it is a reward

Princeton grad here

If only all 12 of these statements were true, and things weren't completely stacked against those who work hard and try to better themselves. I signed this 10 years ago when I first started working. I got fucked over the entire time by everyone around me.

8. so what if not having a job makes me happy?

Go home and get a hobby.

Sounds like an absolute shit pledge to be honest.

>5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it.


>i'm entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

I used to think that too

The journey is the reward, son.

The world needs people that do the hard work. It sucks but someone has too.

Look at this mans eyes...
What do you think, Sup Forums?

>Work piss-easy jobs as TV host and actor
>Live comfortable life with more money than you'd ever realistically need
>Drill into young people that they need to bend over for Mr Silversteinberg at all times because of some Boomer maxims that have been meaningless for decades.
"Honest work" is such a meme that promotes toil instead of prosperous effort.
Are we supposed to work menial trades for $10/hour until our backs give out at age 35 while we're living in a project apartment? Hey, at least it's a GOOD HARD AMERICAN JOB, KIDDO

>trade job
>pays $10/hr
wew almost took the bait
Plumbing? Electricity? Contracting? None will be automated in your lifetime, there's always work, and it actually does pay well.

>no such thing as a bad job
yes boss yes sir, your underpaying me and wont let me complain about coworkers but I'm good goy. Yes boss I think HR is smart in putting me in this position.

Fuck off Mike and go sing some more opera you faggot

>Making 18 shekels an hour doing a "menial trade" at 23

I'll take the this "menial trade" thank ya very much. Beats working at any other dead end job a lot of the sad sacks of my generation have.

>W-what do you mean my degree in Bee Fecal studies won't land me a job making 100k a year?!

>Work piss-easy jobs as TV host and actor
Didn't he castrate a bull with his teeth?

i'd rather sell crack to preschoolers before i work for this kike worshipping boomer cuck desu
