Hi. I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. I caucused for Bernie Sanders and was an alternate delegate

Hi. I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. I caucused for Bernie Sanders and was an alternate delegate.

I'm 44 years old, happily married father of 3 boys, homeowner. (Well, that's technically misleading. I'm a mortgage payer)

My income began and ended at approx $45,000 under Bush. My income grew 140% under Obama. I voted for Gary Johnson. I told my wife I voted for Hillary Clinton. She cried when she voted for Hillary because she hated Hillary and wanted to vote for Stein. Not that she liked Jill Stein she hated her too. But not as much as Hillary.

We live in a moderately diverse community but it's the Pacific Northwest so that's a given.

I've posted on Sup Forums since 2006. I was a Sup Forumstard and read Sarah Palin's emails the night she was hacked. I was on Sup Forums when Sup Forums was /new/ and the /new/ before that. I was on here when that swedish guy got the high score on all those little kids. I helped dox Kenny Glenn. I participated in Shekel Shoah and played a critical role in severing their ad agreement with Home Depot.

I post on Reddit frequently. I have nearly 200k comment karma and nearly a years worth of gold.

Ask me anything

From the previous thread:

> What are your thoughts on all the shady shit surrounding the Clinton Foundation and family, as well as the Pedostas and the alleged crimes there?

Ugh so many questions. Look I'll try to be coherent and cohesive but just in case I get lost down a tangent and forget to be concise ... fuck all that shit.

Look, are you millennial? You're probably millennial. You might be Gen X but probably millennial, maybe younger.

The Clinton's suck. I should be precise, Bill is awesome to listen to but he was a dick. He shot up a bunch of rednecks, cold shocked welfare families, and increased the for profit prison system. The economy was great under him but that wasn't his doing. He lied to Congress.

Man does he give awesome speeches tho

His wife just sucks. I hate her so much.

Chelsea appears to be following in their footsteps in terms of fiscal corruption.

Look tho. John Podesta has a ton of skeletons in his closet. But the Podesta Group? He quit that in 1998. I'm sure he consulted a bit but rumors are, those two brothers hate each other. Drawing ties from Manafort to John to Hillary is silly.

Tony, perhaps.

>Also, what are your thoughts on the leaked Hillary emails?

Hillary's emails weren't leaked. She ran a promiscuous server that jeopardized troops, agents, informants and possibly American civilian lives. She was probably hacked. Theres no proof she was hacked (she disabled her log files!)

I read DNC emails.

They were rude. And juvenile. And really not that surprising.

Hey man, thanks for doing this AMA. My question is: what do you think that people who cared about what you had to say would be most interested to ask you and why?

Thoughts on Trump? Do you understand his appeal? Has your income gone up in the year since his election?

Fuck off, you aren't a celebrity, and this isn't your blog.

> Thoughts on Trump? Do you understand his appeal? Has your income gone up in the year since his election?

Not a big fan.

He offered a better option to lower middle class families. I work in the data sciences (so meme such kek) and know how to read data. Look at US income on a scatterpoint graph. It's got two Bell curves. Half of America is still stuck at $45k. Half moved on up like I did. Trump promised to bring unionized blue collar rust belt laborers (traditionally blue, stagnant income) up to my level (where they should be). This appealed to many. Also both candidates sucked and lots of rust belt voters just skipped. (More dems than GOP)

My income hasn't gone up but I was just told I'm getting promoted. Got plucked by some Director dude guy.

In fact if I'm being honest and factual I went up 108% under Obama and 15% under Trump. My first day at my new job was Trumps second day. But I attribute that new job to Obamas economy, it's when I received the offer.

Anyway income hasn't gone up yet but I expect it to soon.

> Fuck off

Good idea but I'll probably do that later

Why are you so full of yourself and are you a jew?

Asking for a friend...

>200k comment karma

Go away.

I eat well because I'm a good cook. And no.

Tell your friend not to be such a stranger.

Did you see that op-ed from the angry BernieBro who read WikiLeaks, realized they proved Hillary stole the California primary among others, and based on that voted for Trump?
Have you read the Flight 93 Election?
Have you read Thump: The First Bundred Days?

Dude, I'm so good at Reddit

Have you never played Reddit? It's easy

What advice do you have for someone in their early 20’s with regards to marriage?

Haha look at our post numbers FUCK UR FROG GOD!

What have you done to confront your whiteness today? Or are you one of those "I don't think I'm a racist so I don't have to do anything" whites?

You are the scum of the Earth.

What color is the sky in your reddit world?

Seems like most people hate you. Fair assessment?

> Did you see that op-ed from the angry BernieBro who read WikiLeaks, realized they proved Hillary stole the California primary among others, and based on that voted for Trump?
>Have you read the Flight 93 Election?
>Have you read Thump: The First Bundred Days?

No. The 2016 primary was bullshit tho

No and no. What did they vote for on flight 93 and who won?


You're young and dumb.
Get some shit together first.
> "Father is the word for God in every prayer"

Having a wife and child is a massive responsibility. Be in a position to .. do a good job. Don't rush into it. Manifest a good environment then vet your partner.

If you can't do all that, don't be a disappointment. Reach upwards. Never be a deadbeat dad.

How many liberal policies have to fail before you convert? Is there just no bar whatsoever?


Well I have a white car and I got into it. So .. there's that.

Chkd. I love this thread.

People who hate normies, hate me. God damn I love being normal.

Like what?

The failed liberal policies that grew my income 140% or the failed liberal policies that brought my cousin home from Afghanistan and put her in Stanford Med?

I mean, bruh, the coastal elitists Dems are taking great care of me.


>Ask me anything
Хyи cocёшь? Бoчкy дeлaeшь?


Kek is speaking in this thread

Sup Forums ignores it

do you foresee the seattle real estate bubble to burst any time soon? you mentioned PNW so i was hoping you'd be in the greater seattle area, or if you would like to go further and say, the PNW in general? how much should i save up?

>failed liberal policies that grew my income 140%
Honestly you still make very little money. Making 100K +/- is nothing and likely reflects your lack of hardwork / lack of sophistication / poor decisions.

Remember that you are and your kids will always be slaves. Some will say that this slavery is ultimately you (and their) choice, but thats not strictly true. The slavery you are afflicted with has been bred into you by thousands of years of weak parentage. Calling yourself an atheist while simultaneously being an adherent to christ-cuck mentality (compassion, pity, etc) is the worst kind outcome. You are literally getting all the negatives with none of the positives. Part and Parcel for a 100K wage cuck though....

>ask me anything
>first answer says 'ugh'


What is wrong with earning $100k and supporting a family with it? This makes you a cuck?

Do you think there are any differences in the races of the world?
Do you think evolution/natural selection had a play in these differences?
do you think these differences might have a positive or negative effect on how well someone does in our type of society?
Do you think these differences are worth preserving?
Do you think people of European decent deserve a home land?

>I post on Reddit frequently. I have nearly 200k comment karma and nearly a years worth of gold.

Do you prep your wifes bull, does she make you clean her up after and how often does she peg you?

Oh yeah, and how big are your man boobs and how large is your craft beer gut?

>I post on Reddit frequently

Jimmy Dore ?

Just, why? Why are you here? Legitimately, truly, why do you stick around? If you're so proud of your Reddit use, why not stay there? They will accept you there. There is no love for you here. Even the more moderate reasoned folk don't want to hear it and disagree. Most people outright hate you. It's a cesspool for someone on the right; I can't imagine what it's like for a leftie.

Legitimately, truly, why are you here? And here, here's a fun one, are there any stances or ideals you think you have because you've stuck around here so long that are wildly apart from your left-wing bent and may even be almost antithetical to what you usually vote for?

100K in Pacific Northwest is like 50k anywhere else. Hardly enough to support family. His wife no doubt needs to work (because he's not capable of actually supporting his family). So Mr and Mrs Cuck let the state raise their little fag children, while they are off at their McJobs. Tax payer gets the bill, then Mr McCuck appears on Sup Forums to brag about it.

Secondly, he is actually trying to brag about it "was making 45k but king nog made my income BOOOOOOOOOOM all the way to 100k". Its gay and weak. I've literally make 100k on good months before. You can too if you are not weak / non fag mentality.

>In fact if I'm being honest and factual I went up 108% under Obama and 15% under Trump. My first day at my new job was Trumps second day. But I attribute that new job to Obamas economy, it's when I received the offer.
This proves you're a fucking moron

No offense but you sound like a kike.

No the bubbles going to get much bigger

Amazon's about to fuck the Pacific Northwest by finding new headquarters. We're gonna go the way of GM or Ford, in Michigan, in the 90's.

I know it's coming.


What do you think of this map?

>My income began and ended at approx $45,000 under Bush. My income grew 140% under Obama.
>My income hasn't gone up but I was just told I'm getting promoted. Got plucked by some Director dude guy.
>In fact if I'm being honest and factual I went up 108% under Obama and 15% under Trump.
This is typical though. It's been over eight years since Bush left and seventeen since he first got in office. If we assume blame or credit to a president or administration policy and legislation doesn't always take effect immediately. Years is the norm. You would have been late twenties and thirties during that time. That's the typical age range where you should have your shit together. Once you had some years under the belt you moved up which coincided with a different admin.

>People who hate normies, hate me.. God damn I love being normal
you do realize this is not a compliment right?
it mean you're a sheeple who follows popular opinions and pop culture, despite how degenerate the might me
you're also someone who believes uncritically anything the MSM puts ou
you refuse to name the jew, or even contemplate how they have conspired to subvert nations throughour history
you accept the Holohoax
you accept the official 9/11 narrative
you accept the false left/right paradigm

>Tais in southeastern China
>Laos and Thailand are Tai countries
>Totally different IQ scores
Smells fishy...

how does your small intestine taste bud

Wait you got fucked and promoted by a director "guy" and don't even know his name? That is some good office head you be givin.


Why did you lie to your wife? Are relationships that shitty?

t. virgin

Hey im also a PNW Gary "Bake the Cake" Johnson voter, whats up

What do you think about the people who are pissed about Amazon and other big tech companies presence in PNW?

Ive been into code sense i was like 15 so I like it alot

thank god, well, i work in the game industry, amazon is seriously throwing everything out of wack. my income probably doesnt even come close to what a programmer earns there. (starting 6 figures i heard) so you think seattle might feel it if amazon moves out? what if they leave a satellite office here? i suppose with microsoft and boeing here, it'll just revert back to before amazon got big?

Yea dude I'm normal. That's the point.