What would it be like without the Great War?

The seminal catastrophe of the 20th century changed the face of our world forever. And it all happened because old men fought a pointless war. And because of it so many things sprung:

>two world wars
>the fall monarchy
>rise of Communism
>rise of Facism and Nazism
>the cold war
>the division of Korea and the war it caused
>the various attempts by the Soviets to restore Russian Imperial land claims (including Afghanistan, which resulted in the creation of the Mujahideen)
>the splitting of the middle east with the death of Ottoman Empire by the Allies and eventually the funding and rise of Bin Laden and Al-Quada, 9 11, war in Iraq, the rise of ISIS, war in Syria
>Refugee crisis

But had it not happened, had Gavrilo Princip failed and the war been averted, what kind of a world would we be living in now?


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>pointless war

When will this meme end, the first world war was inevitable user. The rapid rise of great powers was the cause of the war, it was inevitable that the new military industrial powers would clash for dominance in the new world. If it wasn't sparked by franz ferdinand it would have been sparked by another event because literally every great power was itching to go to war at that point.

Why is Italy neutral but Bulgaria isn't?
Portugal also.

>What would it be like without the Great War?

You like moontea?

its a picture from fantasy book

That picture is amazing


shit man I really like that artwork. glad to see it popping up agian.

The primary factors for war were Germany's Existence, the weak and incompetent Leaders, and declining empires.

Germany was the only rising superpower in Europe and simply didn't have the room to expand, unlike all the other empires which had colonies around the world.

Meanwhile Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Russian Empire we declining as they were forced to grant more autonomy to ethnic groups they were ruling over for centuries, which is especially true for AH.

>austria invaded serbia and demanded that germany help

>germany is the reason for the war starting

>germany was a rising superpower

Hahahahahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

World War one was heartbreaking honestly. All those good men dying for nothing. I blame the fucking French honestly. The Tsar didn't want a war, the Kaiser didn't want a war. The French fucking did. Those frog eating cunts. Massing troops on the German border before it kicked up trying to escalate shit. I'm glad France got decimated in the two World Wars just for that reason.

Well, okay except for Britain.

The entire prequel to war was a huge mess, too many coincidences and near misses happened that could've otherwise been avoided.

Who cares?

Of course burgie would say that you had no STEAKS in it.

>germany was a rising superpower
Yes it was, ww1 was our shot at becoming hegemon of europe and africa. In the long run you would have been outproduced anyway as it has happened already.

Aha. But you didn't. Because you couldn't
Portugal had a global hegemon. The UK had two...

But germany? Never.

Look up the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. That's where the map is from. The entire series has artwork like that, and if you get the hardcover copies, the title pages are embossed. It's a cool fantasy spin on the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and the following world war.

It pisses me off because if WW1 had not happened, Triest would still be ours.

I mean look at this ugly pimple.

ne zasluzujete vi Trst

what the fuck are we in that .jpg? a fucking shell?

More like a shell-hat.

>Manufacturing economy matters
Love this meme

Probably alot of revolutions and violent separatists movements.

But that already happened AFTER the war.

Picture is funny because Turkey is a bionic cockroach.

Why the fuck does Sweden and Norway look like jews?

I like how we were skeletons and shit.

Is Albania supposed to be "shit" or a worm?

take it now!

I think they are supposed to be trolls.

Bergstroll, you know? Mythical beings.

i heard a serbian say that Gavrilo Princip is not a slavic name therefore he may have been from another country or (((another country)))

why is greece a tentacle monster

hard to say with how ambiguous Albanian high culture has been since ancient times. It could be both. My money is on shit, though.


My research points to the same. I think that our country is still full of those people from (((another county))) even now. Halp!

And there would have been alot more if it wasn’t for the war. The countries before the war occupied a lot of peoples who didn’t identify with the ruling government. It was only a matter of time before they wanted independence. It’s still going on today.

Te situation was so heated, that a war was inevitable.
If not for the Archduke, they would've found another reason.
Countries invested so much in armaments, the only way to explain it was that they readied themselves for a coming war.

>But had it not happened, had Gavrilo Princip failed and the war been averted
That's what you are wrong about. Princip's actions were just a catalyst, but war would have happened anyway purely due to the system of alliences and too many powerful players competing with eachother. WW1 was unavoidable. Maybe it would have happened 10 or 20 years later, but still

Figured as much, still those noses

I lost the sauce, but I read some time ago that Princip and his pals received a detailed map of how the archduke's car is going to move through Sarajevo long before the event. They even had time stamps showing where the car will be during the parade. I wonder (((who))) provided them with those papers?

Because with God's mercy and the people's will we were part of the war and we put an end to the joke that Serbia is?

what country isn't. What (((they))) did to your people was a disgrace.

What are these creatures bro?

I should really stop posting with this flag.

(((It is a mystery)))

Also lmao these guys had everything and still only assassinated him by pure luck

The war started because you fuckers couldn't destroy Japan because for some reason you attacked Japan from the baltics and started shooting at Britain ffs.

Had you been smart enough to defeat Japan, you would have had cool Japanese-Russian culture like we have with India. You would have also had most of China and it would have been split between Russia, France and the UK.

Russia's economy would have boomed and moved westwards meaning you didn't need control of the Black Sea and Austrai could have taken Serbia, Bulgaria and eventually the middle east, which would have given the Germans their own "India". France would have had Africa (sorry France, you draw the short straw).

The United States would have most likely expanded into the Caribbean and further south.

As for Germany? I believe if they were going to expand, they'd probably side with the Nordic countries.

Thing is Ferdinand wanted the Slavic nations to have more autonomy... but sadly he was killed by one of the same people he was in support of.

Much can happen in 10-20 years.
The reason it did then is because... well...


Hey bro! I was over there in Sofia just last week. Beer is great! Got ass drunk with some local gopniks. Stay safe over there. We'll get (((those bastards))) one of these days.

They're called Swedes

WWI didn't cause WWII, it was the treaty of Versailles that caused WWII.

>had cool Japanese-Russian culture like we have with India.
>like we have with India

>The war started because you fuckers couldn't destroy Japan because for some reason you attacked Japan from the baltics and started shooting at Britain ffs.
The Russian Pacific fleet wasn't strong enough to fight the IJN, so they pulled a maneuver that was a joke. Not a joke as in "what a silly thing to do", a joke as in "what you going to do, sail your Baltic fleet to the Pacific?".

>your country's fault
I'm Slovene, not Russian, recheck the flags.

Zdravo ;) I always have 2 minds about people from Serbia, but I prefer our devil to some foreign one. We should stick together.

Much better world.

Great war just would've been started over something else.