How do we fix capitalism. and by fix i mean destroy

how do we fix capitalism. and by fix i mean destroy

fuck off communist

The answer is feudal monarchism and mercantilism.

once we get off this planet,
no more capitalism.

Off yourself with a guitar string faggot

National socialism is the only way

It's easy.

Use the military to sieze control of the means of production and put it in the hands of the workers.

Only proven way to destroy capitalism, and the only problem with it is that it's impossible to destroy capitalism without sending the majority of the population into poverty.

Actually a capitalist looks at this and says "I wish I was this wealthy"
Fuck spics and niggers who don't work for that shit

Working as ingtended

no correction is necessary

>capitalism cucks

If you say that, you're a fascist, not a capitalist.

Capitalists don't care if their neighbors got rich by doing things they think aren't fair, only that everyone has an opportunity to make themselves wealthy.

You can't, capitalism has become too entrenched, it's pretty much impossible to destroy it now.

Why would you want to be that wealthy?
It's perverse to want that much material wealth to yourself.

If capitalism makes people want to live like that, it must be a perverted system indeed.

you stop consuming.
they go bankrupt.

if every 'worker' could own and manage a business, everyone would do it. ordinary 'workers' don't generally know enough to make the right decisions in management (that's why they're workers).

communism fails.
millions die.

Get rid of the state

To destroy capitalism you need to destroy economics first.

If we deported all shitskins capitalism would crumble. So basically a natsoc revolution to take back what was stolen from us and given to shitskins

>how do we fix capitalism. and by fix i mean destroy

you destroy capitalism by creating immense wealth so that everyone can get everything.

which is a fucking delusional dream, not everyone can get a girlfriend.

So, do you want everybody to be equally poor?

Yeah capitalists imported enough shitskins to stop Yt from making any changes

i want a world where material wellbeing is an afterthought and spiritual purpose takes the forefront

Kill yourself. Capitalism can't get to you in hell.


You know how.