All the Jews went AnCap

>All the Jews went AnCap
Just remember, if you see an AnCap he is either a Jew or a normie parasite.

Anything to divert us away from glorious National Socialism.

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I absolutely agree OP :)


Divide and conquer. Very Jewish of you to do that.

AnCap is a conduit for Jews to take and infiltrate Sup Forums


no shit

How do you know that and how can I know that you aren't trying to weaken pol with you shit talk?

Adolf Hitler - "They Said I Was A Dreamer"

>Just remember, if you see an AnCap he is either a Jew or a normie parasite.
How can an ancap be a parasite? There is no welfare.

AnCap is how you justify voting for republicans to normies. "Small government." No one is REEEEAAAALLLLY AnCap. Sounds good on paper but then you get shit on by niggers in reality.
"Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought-perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals."

I guess Hitler was wrong too, because he too had Jews in his ordeals and ranks?

jews are fine. jesus guys enough already

Hi leftypol. Are you really so stupid you think you're fooling anyone? There are communism threads everywhere but you somehow think you're under the radar?


You must be lost. This is Sup Forums, where we talk about reality and laugh at niggers for being inferior subhumans.

>small government
I feel like you don't understand what we are up to. Also nigs are not welcome, freedom is a white mans things.

You inbreds always post that one kike which was never a member of the NSDAP and was featured by a Jewish publisher of Berliner Tageblatt.

Listen to your Rabbis lay out what the kikes did to Germans.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Nobel-Prize-winning novelist & historian.

.. but yeah, he deported 80k+ to Palestine.

The only cash welfare program in Germany, the winter relief program, was funded entirely by donations. They paid a lower tax rate during the six years of peace than you pay right now if you live in Bell County, Texas.

Do you really tell normies you want to abolish all government? How do you protect your people from mongrel hordes?

The roads meme is dumb, I won't go there. Do you want everyone to be for themself, or do you wanna save the white race and into space and shit?

.. and if you don't believe your Rabbis listen to this widely respected kike Benjamin Freedman lay it out to Americans in 1961.

^ Every American must listen to this speech.

>How do you protect your people from mongrel hordes
Uhm idk guns maybe
Well I do.
I can only tell you what I want and that is that every one is for themself. Separating cultures and races has reduced conflict in the past and we can still trade (nothing wrong with trading). What will save the white race is that with the abolishment of the welfare state people will get more children because they are the best way to make sure you are taking care of when you are old. I don't really care that much about making it global. If nigs want to have a state let them have it. They will be less efficient due to that and we don't need to worry about them.

I'm talking about a horde of niggers. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. They all want your property. How do YOU, a lone state of one man and his family, coordinate the halt of this invasion. You need borders, friend. If you're white I want you on my team. Government has few uses, one of them is borders.

>Government has few uses, one of them is borders.
But you have to admit they are really fucking bad at it just look at the US and Europe right now.
Borders can be managed privately. People can sign up for protection agencies...
But I think the risk of a nigger invasion is also very low. Europe has water separating them from Africa and as we all know niggers can't swim. And even if they are already in your country like in the US they tend to stick to them self live in their gettos. Sure cutting of foodstamps might anger them but there are also factors in an ancap society that will reduce nigger aggression.
Before all of that welfare shit started nigs were much calmer than now and a lot of them worked. Also they can then have their own pure black private police which will lower the anger because of muh white cops shooting black guys.

>They all want your property. How do YOU, a lone state of one man and his family, coordinate the halt of this invasion.

Insurance companies can defend borders better than any state run military

Who is going to pay for that? You're forcing people to require insurance in that way so it's a loss of liberty.

I do admit that goverments are ineffective when kikes get involved.

>Who is going to pay for that? You're forcing people to require insurance in that way so it's a loss of liberty.

People who want to defend their property can purchase private property defense insurance from an insurance company. This is a voluntary transaction between an individual and the insurance agency. They are not required to purchase defense insurance but they can do so as a voluntary rational agent acting in their own self-interest.

I get it, but logistically it doesn't make sense. Are you proposing big gated communities? Why not a big gated country?

I'm just suggesting that military should be privatized and this private military force should be paid for by people voluntarily purchasing defense insurance.

The benefit of this is that these firms will have to compete on the free market so they would provide a better service.

Secondly people can opt out of the property defense insurance.

To expand on this, if everyone will be paying for insurance, why not let the government handle the funds, kike free and efficiently? You can't deny that the U.S. government has created the most powerful army in the world. I guess to be fair to your point, it's been done by corporations using free (stolen) money of tax payers. AnCap is a nice thought experiment, but the logistics are fucked. Lots of senseless death and killing. Do you really believe you can get people to adhere to the NAP? Even whites have vermin.