Do you anons have any leftist friends or simply friends who don't share your political beliefs?

Do you anons have any leftist friends or simply friends who don't share your political beliefs?

Pic related

One of my friends is an anarchist. Funny enough he is also my most racist friend and tells nigger jokes all the time.

What is this guy's problem btw?

Yes and I love them very much.

I grew up in NY so yeah. Its pretty annoying. Most of them are just so brainwashed on "anti racist" material that they cant see past it. Most of my friends disagree with me, i have a few that do though. So many of my friend will call Trump a racist nazi, but then bitch about the puerto ricans who suck up the welfare system. It really just comes down to virtue signalling to fit in.

Most of my friends that I hang out with don't share most of my political beliefs, and some of them are leftists. My lefty friends are more open minded than your average lefty, which is why they are my friends, but after many long debates I think they are starting to realize that open borders is a bad idea, and that the (((status quo))) is stacked up against whites. I enjoy discussing politics with them because it actually gives me insight into how leftists think when they don't just spout buzz words.

Nigger I live in massachusetts, my friends bitch about more gibs ALL DAY.

The current complaint is how Trump is attacking education because he hates intelligent people since they're not his base. By this they of course mean the GOP tax plan where their bullshit tuition waivers for TA work will finally count as taxable income.

>Person A gets the TA job, Persons B, C, and D do not
>Persons A works for a tuition credit worth 17k
>Persons B, C, and D have to work other jobs to pay 17k for tuition
>Persons B, C, and D are taxed. Person A is not.

This tax plan which cuts BS like this across the board and gives honest people $1,200 back into their pockets is now "evil" to these people. They're having their "privilege" checked and finally have "equality" and they hate it. Elitists dicks hate when you take away their tax evasion.

My brother goes on and on about how Trump is literally Hitler, to the point I told him he sounds like a jilted lover.

He's 41, I'm 30. I still love him.

>that picture

Wew lad.

Leftists don't have any honor. They will stab you in the back any chance they get.

t. Used to be friends with an anarchist before he cut off contact with me

Leftists believe they are the objectively good side and anyone opposing them is objectively evil

Most of my family is far left except my great grand father that wants another crusade on the sand niggers and likes trump.


It's just that simple.

I dropped all leftists from my life because after the election every single one starting ranting and raving about murdering trump supporters. Same people too fucking pussy to go shooting with me want to tell me to my face how I need to die? Lel fuck that. I unironically wouldn’t be upset if they all died in a fore

No. In fact I make a point to avoid them.

It's better when the day of the rope comes if you don't have any personal attachments to those you must execute

Take him seriously. He should get reported.

They are shooting us, after all.

I prefer animals over adults. You're all
fucking crazy.

>saying cunt is a republican thing
I would say that's an edgy liberal word to throw around

Actual anarchist are not antifa faggots.

One of my former roommates is a complete soyboy lefty who wouldn't shut up about bernie on faceberg.

Guy is completely miserable, has trouble keeping real friends, never worked for more than $12/hr, and is always "depressed." No girlfriend, of course, despite living in a college city full of women.

pic somewhat related

I live in a VERY leftist town (82% of my county voted for Hillary), so almost every single person I'm friends with is a Hillary supporting, John Oliver quoting, buzzfeed browsing normie retard. They believe that Trump is a literal fascist and unironically think he's going to end the world. When I told them I voted for Trump, one of them actually had the audacity to tell me "yeah, that's because you just go along with whatever's happening politically without questioning it". They're still so fucking mad he won and complain about it constantly while I just BASK in their agony.


Also: ehy would ANYONE wanna have trash in ones life ?
Ofc u keep the toxic, retarded, degenerate subhumans / leftists out of your life, if you have ANY selfrespect.

Keep your life clean.
Keep leftists out.

He sounds just like another shooter

I live in liberal hell.
Everyone I know is one of them.

Yes. When I met my friend years ago he was sharing racist jokes with me, now fast foreward to the Trump election and he's lecturing me on racism and white privilege.

Severe autism + leftist/media propaganda = OP's pic

I have a few lefty friends. We mostly don't talk about politics - or if we do, I ravage them in debates until they don't want to talk about politics.

If he's white, there's his problem. Women don't fuck whitey any more.

I'm half Hispanic and the White side of my family are a bunch of race-mixers (hence, why I exist). I am the epitome of the "le 56%" meme. I hate that the world is going down the shitter, and I hope that the only salvation I truly believe in is an actual "end of the world" scenario.

He got doxed a year ago and went into hiding. He was a postal worker or something in NY.


Yeah of course. We get along fine because we don't base our entire relationship around politics and instead on shared interests.


Yes I do. She gets mad every time I call for the utter extermination of the Jewish race. Other then that we are fairly cool with each other.

Most of my friends are libs. Best friend is marrying a surface-tier feminist. Can't even debate with them because they literally go straight to muh fee fees and don't know any facts of their own.

Literally still watch all of the Daily Show spin offs and unironically find them funny.

how the fuck? You talk perfect English and imply that there is debate in Rwanda, what is this sorcery?


Dude did you live through the Genocide?

hi rare friend!

Almost all of my friends and family support Trump. The one exception is for a friend of mine who was a huge Bernie bro, and who turned into a #Hilldawg later on in the election cycle. It was really cathartic to seem him lose over and over and over, and to see him squirm so much on election night.

I do feel bad saying that about a friend, but I wouldn't have felt that way were it not for the fact that he ended up being such a spineless fucking weakling. Early on in the election cycle, he was a stalwart Bernie supporter that SWORE he would never ever consider supporting Hillary. We were able to have open discussions between us about the merits of Trump/Bernie, and he seemed quite open to some elements of Trump.

By the end of it all, however, he became a hardcore hillshill, despite how badly Hillary and the DNC cucked the Bernie supporters. He just became a rabid Trump hater, and threw a huge shitfit over the pussy tape. Pretty sure he ended up that way because he got a super-lefty girlfriend. I lost a lot of respect after that.

I say you invite them over and start shit so he attacks you with his dildo and you counter with your gun and rid the world of a deranged lefty animal.

I'm American. I'm only here because of a work contract.

I'm engaged to a girl who was far left when we first started dating. I wouldn't recommend dating a left winger though generally. They turn on you constantly. Luckily mine was only nominally self-described far left and was rational enough to move to the center since then. I would never date anyone who says rape culture or hates white people or thinks republicans are evil or denies that abortion is murder though. Those are red flags for entrenched liberal zealotry and probably wouldn't change for you.

good luck and may you bag many nigger scalps

yes, but they never ask so... i think they're a little afraid of what i might say. i'm not really a charitable person to begin with, and i'm rather disagreeable so nobody expects to get anywhere with muh refugees/immigrants/poor etc with me

Deep down I feel like one of my best friends doesn't want to GTKRWN.
We still get along.

They say the American Civil War was brother against brother.

Are you just dense, faggot?


heh.n-nothin personnel to find here ;_;.

unfortunately for you, the eternal beast can be full-blown nigga mode as well.

I don't trust animals and I don't trust the eternal man-ape either.

One of my closest friends is a textbook tumblr sjw, right down to the colored hair and thick rimmed glasses. They grew up pretty shitty and I think liberalism has only made them worse off.