Holocaust or holohoax? red pill me

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THE nazis has acsess to 6 million Jews but how many escaped and how many survived?

Find out how many people in the camps as recorded by the Red Cross

It happened and National Socialism is a criminal ideology.


watch The documentation „ohne third of The holocaust“

Everything you need to know user. Buckle in for 12 hours though.


Fun fact, 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, which almost as many strawmen and cherry picked 'facts' Holocaust deniers use.

I have yet to see an outright claim that the Holocaust is a hoax that can't be discredited. Jews do milk the Holocaust though and create lies under the pretense that no one will question it for fear of being accused of anti-Semitism, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Anne Frank is an Antebellium Belle.

concentration camp was a thing back then. The US put japs in concentration camps during ww2 for example and nobody says shit about it.

Once the germans started losing the war, dafuq did they need those camps for? so they decided to empty them out and clean up the place




Thank you for this gem leaf.

>a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard clutches tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic, Anne and Peter curiously reach out to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not know its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.


>Did Nazis kill a fuckton of Jews?
>Were there 6 million of them?
Hell no, that's physically impossible. 3 million is already pushing it.

It didn't happen but I wish it did was the correct answer. Hitler did kick out the jew bankers though. He also allowed jews to move to then Palestine.

It's duchessa an utter and blatant lie full of unsanswered questions and cui prodest lacking any document whatsoever allegedly acted out of european subsconscious centenerian (((anti-semitsm))) (Official explanation of holocaust sacred author Hillberg) that only simpletons and retards could stil believe it




The Jews have been using the "muh 6 million!" number for thousands of years.

6 is a holy number to the Jews (thus the 6 points on their adopted Star of Rothschild), and "million" is just biblical-speak for "many."

So if you're an ancient Jew, and you want to talk about a sacred event to Jews (which because the Jews are a death cult would have to be about a slaughter), you use the holy number 6, and then the "many rooms" biblical multiplier of "million."

But the "6 million" number is no more real than "72 virgins," or "40 days and 40 nights" or "8 days." It's a *mythic* number.

To prove it, you can skip all the other stuff and just do the thermodynamic analysis of how much energy it would take to burn the bodies.



Juice are breeding whites out of existence by breeding with them, that's why the shilling for jewesses is skyrocketing

It's slightly more complex than that.

The Zionists are interbreeding with the *dominant financial families* (Clinton, Trump, and Putin all have formerly Christian daughters now married to powerful Zionists, Murdoch's children are half-Asian, etc). This is calling genetic introgression, and ensures the Zionists will be bound by blood as the rulers of the world.

The rest of humanity, the useless goyim, will be interbred - but only with each other - to form a single mixed race. Since the days of Aristotle it's been known that a stable society can only exist with some level of racial purity. Thus to rule the world the globalists must create a single race, which they will then fill with a false history and the false religion of the worship of the Zionists' debt-money.

So... are we literally all fucked?

>So... are we literally all fucked?
If we don't stop waiting for someone else to save us and start fighting to save ourselves we are.

If we fight we can still win. We outnumber them by 100000x. This is why they work ceaselessly to brainwash us all into believing change and victory are impossible - because the only way they can win is if we don't fight at all. (See Yuri Bezmenov's videos about "demoralization" and the overall concept of "learned helplessness" for more.)

The other thing working against the Zionists is as they become ever more wealthy and removed from the world they become ever more helpless and dependent. This is why they are pouring so much of their money into AI and robotics, to create a new class of slaves that will never revolt against them. Then the goyim can be safely exterminated.

But with our overwhelming numbers advantage, the only way we lose is if we don't fight. If we wake up and fight, we win. So right now the task is to wake up as many people as we can. The Zionists can defeat an awakened humanity no more than darkness can exist in the sunlit brightness of day.

Believe. Fight. Don't give up.

I'll never give up, I have experienced enough first hand to see what we are facing. I know that already just myself I have faced many people who have tried to corrupt and destroy me. I'm all in, this isn't over until they throw dirt over my body.

>Fun fact, 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust,

What were their names and previous addresses?

Where specifically did each one die and how?

Same here.
If we do nothing, we will die anyway. That much has already been made apparent.

I'm with you both, fighting until we win.