Famous Youtubers The Hodge Twins Release Interracial Comic Book Series

The Hodge Twins are among the top 100 most popular youtubers and they've released a comic book series about them doing (as they would say) "all kinds of creampie action" to white women.

With their platform, this is pretty much like the John Persons interracial series gone mainstream.

How does Sup Forums feel about this? How do you think it will affect society since a lot of people will read this stuff?

I've never heard of those people or this comic

They're pretty big in America.


Is it porn?

> Comic books
> 2017
Oh c'mon

>Barely a million subscribers
>Literally half the subscribers than a tranny leaf

> Is it porn?
My life is porn, where I'm passive

no theyre not

idk are you an old geezer or something?

every millennial i know has heard of them.

>They're pretty big in America.
Really? How big?
If they don't have at least 100 million followers or fans they aren't shit in a country of 350m plus citizens.

>Literally who

Never heard of em

sounds like someone's butthurt their mother got plowed by the hodge twins

they probably went all in leavin them nuts hangin. all kinds of creampie action too

>literal "Muh Dik" nigger babble
That user must have struck a nerve nog why so buttmad?

They don't understand how memes work.

t. Hodge Twin


is this a real comic?

Huge sweep in last night's election for the Democrats which is foreboding of the incoming blue wave. You must feel really frustrated so i can understand why you're getting irritated over a comic book about white women getting plowed by big black cocks

This is a real comic that is coming out. It's not just Confederate/Southron stuff, though. I think the co-writer and co-creator put a lot of Rebel promos out because it triggers Leftists and SJWs.

Yes. But the guy isn't a alt right from what I've heard.

Just loaded up their youtube. 1.2 million subscribers and they've been at this for 8 years. Most of their videos haven't even broken 100k views. Even ones from eight years ago. Fucking report of the week has more regular views in videos that are under a month old.
Yeah, real popular.
Quit shilling your shit.

Vox Day is Alt-Right. Chuck Dixon, the co-writer, is a cuckservative.

>Straight back to "Muh Diking"
I'm not a Neo-Con so why do i give a fuck who wins these elections you're having?


Sheeeeit I didn't know it was current year i'll make sure to remember next time he comes back to "Muh Dik" some more.

What race are comic books?

Hi friend
U lookin to build rock hard mussels

I see a little irony here.

You're literally a fucking cuck if you aren't keeping John Persons stuff in your wank rotation. It's like lighting your dick on fire.

Dixon is a pretty good writer, though. He's just a civic nationalist who thinks the Republican party can be saved. Besides, Sup Forums would ultimately approve of the man who co-created Bane, for crying out loud.

why do you care about the niggers fantasies? we all know they would rather fuck white women than their own ape females.

some white dude and his girlfriend were trained by the hodge twins.

huge mistake for him to pick them as his trainers. let's just say he no longer has a girlfriend.

Observe OP

Observe how hes baiting you idiots into giving these guys publicity for sales.

I love this part. Every time a nigger swirls they're admitting their own women are unfuckable sheboons. I've never heard of these nogs either and I am on YouTube hours every day.

>am*ricans getting blacked daily

Why else do you think I'm counter-shilling, user?

>top 100 most popular
>the Tyler Perry bros. of youtube


keking at this pic
I watched one of their vids and it's so fucking retarded

their wives are mexican but their looks, they could've easily snagged any hot white chick and they probably have done so on multiple occasions in their pre-marital lives