What is this travesty?

The left claims they surfed a wave of memes to win key state elections. The left cannot meme and the cringe levels are monumental.



from republican supermajority to democrat majority is kind of incredible though.

These give me cancer.

They did have some good victories but let's not get ahead of ourselves and call it meme magic. 2018 will tell all

>wake up to piss
>check phone for happening
>nothing happening
>see this headline
>almonds immediately activate
>no more sleep

This one is fuckin brutal

This is funny to them?

I like the Sigourney Weaver one

brb putting draino in my eye sockets

why do they have absolutely zero sense of humour?

I picture them staring into a phone screen cracking a smug smile not even the god emperor is capable of. Feeling superior is like heroin to their liberal addiction

The administrative state and media are radically leftist and control every facet of american life.

The idea that something changed because Virginia changed swamp governors is laughable.

The idea that liberals think they went to some kind of war and emerged victorious is just deranged.

Authoritarians think in a narrow regulated way. They are incapable of the spontaneity, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking needed for humour. This is our secret weapon.

Funny, I didn't see so much as a single liberal meme before the election. What wave do they think they rode?

true, but fascists have a better sense of humour. Hitler once compiled all the cartoons from the Weimar days against him and published it with a pic of him lolling and whacking his femur in the bavarian fashion. He also loved Chaplin's Great Dictator.

maybe they were confined to their in-crowd circles

it's not that 'fascists' have a better sense of humour. it's that we accept boundaries are there to be broken down, whilst the current generation of crybaby snowflakes on the left prefer to live within a set framework of acceptable behaviour, which makes their brand of comedy entirely predictable and completely unfunny.

This is the most likely explanation (also suggests their memes such since only those who already agreed could like them). However this is not even a midterm election. How many voters do you suppose they truly mobilized as a percentage of those eligible? Only the truly motivated anti-Trump voters, most likely, which would also account for the depraved transvestites winning office for no more than wanting to chop their dicks off.

It's not a Democrat majority.

What about the Deathrace ad? That was a spicy memeball.

That was a television ad, not a meme.

BTW I know the guy that did that ad. He's a professor at a community college.

I want to see 1) what "meme" got people to vote for that 45%er, and 2) a poll on how many people actually knew what they were voting for.

The blue wave is a big lie. Since they control the media and Internet, they can make people think they're winning again. Maybe it gets some people vote but the objective is to win the narrative. Dems aren't going to win anything.

They got the Virginia governorship, its not the end of the fucking world. MSM is blowing it out of proportion (as usual) to make it seem like the Democratic party isn't dying (which it is).

These retards are trying to gas light the whole country that the democrats are mounting some sort of unstoppable resistance to trump. In reality they won a blue state that went 5 points for Hillary in the election. No one is surprised

democrats won in a highly democrat area. THE HORROR!

i hope they keep on with this blue wave lie