Three Seas Initiative

Why isn't Ukraine included?

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the* ukraine

>forever hohol

Because they neither need nor want a country of retarded alcoholics dragging it down.

hmm, let me take a wild guess...

I'm not asking you. Go back to your aul, russhits.

it should be imo

I 1st hear of that initiative during euromaidan

maybe its because with UK it would not look like a corridir anymore

because it's rightful russian clay

Because Russia will own you, yet again, before any TSI achievements will be made. So why bother.

i can never keep up with what we are calling that thing. what is its name this week?

because u r fags and you are ran by Jews.

Also its an international cooperation group for coordinating policies between certain EU and NATO members.

hohols, why bother about crimea?

>u r fags and you are ran by Jews

holy shit, hearing that from a fucking polack makes me laugh

Azov made a video a year ago.

>hmm, let me take a wild guess...
Well? What is it?

Whatever it is it should stay in /x/, where all made-up things belong.

You know the drill ukie,
Hand over the Lviv.


arent the eu and nato supposed to avoid incorporating the ukraine as part of the post cold war settlement.

The wall came down, the soviet union dissolved, "we" don't move any further east.

why do you want ukraine to be included?


are you stupid? even the americans are now abandoning their failed project here. why would anyone want to deal with this place?

This map is wildly inaccurate. Especially for a 2001 year. There are more people speaking Russian.
But it's not about language, you realize that? I speak Russian and so does the majority of the city I live in. But we don't want anything to do with Russia.


Meanwhile in reality

Why should we include Tel Aviv in the three seas initiative? Its not even in Europe.

there was a referendum btw 2014

Doesn't seem to me like they are abandoning anything, shill.

I will watch but im at work currently

this is an old idea

Ukraine is obviously included

Poles hate Russia so much they're blind to the fact that the Intermarium isn't what Pilsudski envisioned, rather it's another US puppet organisation. As you said

Illegal referendum under the supervision of your military.

why are bulgaria and romania there?
and why the baltic countries?
dont they dislike slavs?


:( I love you Ukraine. I even to a Zakarpattian church.

I go to / attend a Zakarpattian church^

It's the 3 C's initiative, Ukraine starts with a U. Go team up with Uganda.

like if people were unable to say NO

>why are bulgaria and romania there?
geographical reasons. Bulgaria and Romania are important for NATO.

lol yeah confusing indeed..

UKR obviously

Ukraine is in a war. Joining NATO or EU would immediately drag the members of those organizations into that war.

Ukraine isn't worth it.

Pretty much.

Exclude Austria and I'm fine with that.

your economy is shit, your policies are shit, you are in a state of civil war

yes they're able, its all about Sevastopol and ukrainian turn against russia in pre-2014 maidan

probably crimea should be under russian sovereignety but Russia ruined every chance of establishing a negociation process because of the way things happened
it was obviously a coup

Yeah it was.

Who was handing out cookies was responsible for the coup.

so relax dear pan ebany hohol and enjoy it dear pan ebany hohol

Only human countries can be part of this Initiative



why would you include Ukraine and not Moldova ?

These both countries have one of the most fertile soil in the world and they are still having for the majority, a biological agricultural culture.

We will all laugh in 50 years time how everyone will come crying for food because they can't grow anything on their over fertilized soil.

Assuming these 2 countries will still exist, good thing I still have a piece of land back home.

Nice butthurt imaginary union.

It's meant for humans

>Lose 100 Prestige
As if anybody gave a fuck about Jews in the Midle Ages.

Because your disgusting, leeching sub-humans.

Because then it'd have Moldova completely inside it. And nobody wants them.

You keep threatening and insulting us

what those russians were supposed to vote?
to stay in a failed meme state with backward progression with an average sallary lower than in somali?

why so dumb (((tatar)))?

cause you are cunts, that's why

nice imaginary country

why are you even talking? People from countries like yours shouldn't even voice their opinion. Please continue living in your fairy world island

That photo makes me sad for Ukraine. My heart hurts because everything you said is true.

What's the best video game where I can take roughly that territory, make it a nation and have the economic implications of taking having those ports matter in the most compelling way?

Try the Hearts of Iron series.

>everyone will come crying for food

Its a third world country, corrupt as hell. Nobody will "come crying", they'll send intelligence officers to buy land and companies and Ukrainians will toil in the fields for Zimbabwean wages with all the food and profits going abroad and everyone investigating it disappearing.

Hai guys. I'm the new kid in town.

Poland doesn't have 3.5 Jew oligarchs controlling the entire economy. Poland didn't have a retarded revolution staged by Kagan and Nudelman.

he can't core it all. Poland and Hungary with recreate Austria-Hungary route would have most cores on that

Jews were the same powerful and hostile elite in all ages. Don't buy into their shoah memes.

>new kid
anybody told you about jews yet?

It's a meme my man.
However, Moldova is the poorest nation in Europe and developing it would be a pain in the ass, plus, they like Ukraine, have their own issue with Russian-backed insurgents.
Sort out Transnistria, invest in industry a little, then talk.

>Why isn't Ukraine included?
It's not a country, it's land that temporarily is a politically correct settlement for hohols, until good times of genocide come back.

Ukraine? What is Ukraine? Do you mean South-Western Russia, on the border with South-Eastern Poland?

I repeat again, why are you even talking ?
It's the poorest nation in Europe according to GDP figures. Well no shit sherlock.
Have you actually been to Moldova or just watched some Jewtube videos about how we don't have electricity and shit and use wells to drink water directly from the ground ?
We have the shittiest economy ever, that's true. That's because there are the same communists pigs at power who don't care for this country
Moldova is the fastest regressive country in the world. We are literally losing population at records speed.
in 2007 we were 4.5 mil in the country. 2014 figures shows no more than 2.5 milions.
The country economy is only sustainable because relatives who work in Europe send money home.
It's kind of of weird because, as poor as Moldova is, if you actually go there, you will see more luxury cars around than on Champs elysees. I wouldn't be surprised that all stolen cars from Europe end up in Moldova.
Also, there is a moldovan say which says "Better have a nice car than have a nice dinner"

But how can we do anything when we have Russia literally with their guns pointed at us in case we wanted to unify with Romania ?
(military presence of russians troops in Transnistria are still there nowdays).

Moldova shouldn't even exist. We are Romanian, the native tongue is romanian , we've always been romanian before all that commie bullshit.

And even more important why nobody in the west cares about this stuff like all media did with Ukraine years ago ? Only that this shit is still happening since 1991. The majority of people in the west don't even know what and where Moldova is. I bet if that has anything to do with jews.

The only good thing about our country is our culture and our very conservative traditions, which the west clearly lacks totallly of.

Ease up big fella, I'm not trying to be malicious.
But yes, for those precise reasons you agreed with and listed, Moldova should not be included in the Three Seas Initiative, because all other nations are relatively stable, have no notable active secessionist movements, let alone armed ones controlling ground, and have an established industry.
I actually support you guys in your pursuit to join Romania.
Perhaps this is naive of me, but would giving Transnistria recognised independence solve many of the complications prohibiting union with Romania? Transnistria was not part of Greater Romania, so I don't see why they would want to be part of any Romanian state.

answer me you poor excuse for a human filth

>Chernobyl Disaster Area

It's really uninhabited?

Majority of the Crimeans are ethnically Russians. So it's not surprising they voted to be with Russia. Plus Ukraine is arguably the worst country in Europe.

I will be as much honest as possible. There are few reasons:

1) Ukraine started being intrested in anything west related the moment it was already sinking, Ukraine simply wants to drag west into the war

2) In a small picture Ukraine might seem as "independent" wink wink nation but in reality its deeply penetrated by the communist and putin pupets.

3)Fixing Ukraine is not just about giving them some money building infrastructure etc. The whole nation would have to be rebuilt from the scratch and it will take generations to do so

4) USA whether people like it or not have a tough period and some could say its declining a bit. USA don't understand the exact significance of independent Ukraine.

5) Without USA full support, and partialy western, central european countries simply can't just stand alone against Russia and with the touch of magic wand help Ukrainians. Central Europe is not ready for this, it have its own problems as well

6)In the long run, Both sides knows that there must be independent Ukraine. Im not saying Eastern Ukraine will remain Ukrainian, but western world will not let russian take over whole Ukraine. You guys need to deal with it.
Accept it and than try to start from the begining to rebuild a nation.
In the long run, if USA would keep supporting the strong central european unity, The Belarus as well as Ukraine will eventually become a part of semi Intermarium project *** do not confuse intermarium with three seas initiative.

197 elderly people as of 2012. They refused to leave or secretly snuck back in, and have basically been given permission to stay. 3,000 staff members who live on the borders of the zone periodically enter. But other than that, no. They don't want people going in and looting radioactive waste, for a lot of reasons. Mainly preventing radiation sickness from stuff like some hohol pulling contaminated copper wiring from a building and selling it for scrap outside the zone.

Trump looks so happy there
and days after that he had to talk with germans who attacked him

it would be good to see the three seas countries stand as a bulwark against SJW infested and dying France and Germany. (Britain as well, although Brexit gives me some hope for them that they can turn around) in 3 generations the majority of those in France and Germany won't even be European, let alone French or German.

What the fuck are you on? We threatening you?


Everyone, including Ukrainians would benefit from this
It's an emberrasement compared to the rest of Europe, you'd think it's a middle eastern country when it comes to the mentality and hopes of it getting better

You see its not that clear who is in fact really benefiting from this migrant crisis. After reading listening to many think tanks / profesors from the World Politics discipline, it is very noticable that Germans are in fact benefiting from this situation. Most of people even here on Sup Forums don't even know what was NATO made for. Let me remind you:

"The object of NATO, said General Lord Ismay, its first secretary general, was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”

People need to realize that Germany is intrested in regaining control over themselves, and refugee crisis is one of the ways to do so.

partition when


Soon, hopefully. Poland stronk.


let's get Königsberg back as well

Taras please.

>start a war to get ostpreussen back
>lose brandenburg as well

made me kek
kraut nigger
will they ever learn

What is Poland?

Since the End of USSR, Transnistria was nothing more than a military base containing a shit lot of soviet weapon utility. That's the only reason that piece of shit exists, and I believe is the only reason that moldova exists in the first place. Someone didn't want Romania acquiring
all of those toys.

the problem is, there was a new "elected" president last that literally loves sucking Putin's dick. It was literally the biggest fraud election ever. Buses filled of people from Transnistria were sent to vote against the pro-european candidate (which lost at a very very little percentage difference) for literally pennies 200 lei per head (which is the equivalent of 10euros). I Guess when you have a stone edge piece of shit communist mentality you'll do anything the state orders you, especially when they offer you food for 1 week lol. Churches priests were told to influence the people attending, saying shit like "If we join Europe, they will bring us trans, gays, satan etc ... "
Since there are many moldovans in all parts of Europe, organizing the election in the foreign countries must of been a top priority. But guess fucking what, nearly half the people who wanted to vote in every country, didn't get a chance to, because Moldova didn't send enough vote bulletins LOL.
I don't even want to include also the system they used to count the votes in Moldova. (I'm talking about inside the country) I know outside it was pretty regulated because I was invited into participating into counting those votes in France.

Well ok, the piece of shit get elected. Everyone was nuts.

You know what he did in his first month ? He encouraged that transnistria was always part of Moldova and so, their dept of the gaz of 5 miliards euros towards Russia is now Moldova responsability to pay. (when the country's GDP per year is less than 1M€).

no autists allowed


I think more and more Poles begin to wake up when it comes to geopolitical situation, especially regarding absolutely fucking disastrous Germany/EU (((refugee))) policy. Dont get me wrong we are and will be highly cautious towards Russia but we wont hate them as we used to during communist occupation. In my personal view we need to start having much more neutral approach towards Russia (just like Hungary does) because UE stupidity and cultural marxism madness is biggest threat Europe is currently facing, not Russian imperialism

I guess our only chance is to wait a few years until all those commies old fuckers will die of eventually, giving new generations a chance to finally rebuild our country. because that's what's blocking us: old fucks who vote the only shit they ever known all their shitty commie lives.

That's what i'm gonna do. I won't lie i immigrated to france because my country is shit. But i'm no nigger piece of shit. I will come back eventually when we will purge communists to build a family life I was destined having in my home country

Fuck communists, and especially, fuck jews

A real country with since 966.