The Future Is Female

Admit it Sup Forums

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Still need males to make females.

that person is not female

Women just want the dick most of the time, which is why they get all bitchy and absolute.

Just give them the dick and they'll mellow out.

So the future is in the kitchen?

The future is half female.

future is sage

Pick one

We're rapidly approaching a point where females are being replaced in society by males. Look at trap culture that's perpetuated by half the boards on this site. Traps put more and better effort into being women than women do. I personally think it's disgusting, but why blame someone for going after a trap that perpetuates all concepts of femininity without the worst part: actually being a woman. I'm glad I'm going to be dead before society reaches this point, but if you want to blame someone for trans activism becoming prominent, look no further than Sup Forums.

The future will be female of hypersexuality continues to escalate.
Women can withstand frequent sexual activity more easily than men as they do not lose vital nutrients nor have the rise in prolactin that follows the male orgasm which destroys his motivation.
Sexual excess destroys the male mind and renders it lethargic, inefficient and sex-obsessed. If it weren't for the sexual revolution, women wouldn't be able to compete. However, they can compete against prolactin filled men focused on sex instead of loftlier aims.


Daily reminder that every single matriarchal society has either been conquered or became a complete shithole.


If extreme feminists keep acting this retarded, women will go extinct in a few year xD

>The future is collapse of society
>the future is indeed female

Why is she doing the ISIS finger thing?

Whatever. I don't mind opting out of society and watch it burn

Anyone who got this pic on men vs women in survival tv show, please post it.

Let me correct you, so we can have some reality here, can we ?


thank me later.

proof of this?

Which ones?

That’s no female

Look at her nose. It's Darwinism in full effect. Why is she here, as a product of her ancestors' environment after all these years. Symmetry is a pretty big lie when it comes to evolutionism. Granted, when you go by the numbers, we're stuck with a lot of degeneracy. But Symmetry is something which, in most cases, comes as a secondary trait for a male wanting to mate with a female. At least for a species that's supposed to be more subject to the aesthetic values the universe holds.

>Just follow your nose!
>It always knows!
Admit what, again? Sorry, I was distracted.

yeah the future is gonna be a degenerate tattooed whore with a major in tradition african dance theory working as a blogger. i fucking hate millenials



More like the future is Androids and artificial wombs if females don't start acting female again.

Pick one, faggot.

I know every commercial on tv now adays boosts women powa!! and reason "super" hero movies are so popular.. only way women can be as strong as men.

Society is falling apart rapidly. If that's the future of women, then God help us. They're the ones who brought us here. Thanks to the internet we have spread this idea and brainstormed ideas on how to fix it.

This traps aren't delusional. They know full well that they're gay men in drag.

white sharia .. put women back in the kitchen and homes to raise the youngins.

Exactly. History is written by the winners.

Stupid feminist

Are you two gay men in drag? Cause you sure sound like it. Neither are acceptable and thus the distinction isn't necessary

This whole thing is predicated on men letting women get away with it. A few strong men will shut down the entire female sex

I'm not into traps. Doesn't mean I can't acknowledge that traps are better than trans people for trying to look feminine but knowing that they're just gay men.

That's comforting actually. Given that shit goes too far in a matriarchal hell hole, men would just easily overthrow it. Good thing white Knight orbiters are never strong.

>...the future of sucking my dick!

>China has a 1-child policy
>they kill off female newborns
The Future Is Chinese


>41 replies
>(((one post by this ID)))

They misspelled ugly cat ladies.

I too would admit that traps are better than the other, but that's negligible when both are objectively terrible

I don't know man. Traps just go about their weird shit on the internet and in gay communities. Nobody is advocating for trap rights or muh pronouns because at the end of the day, they're just twink faggots. If there were a treatment that could at least turn trans people into traps I'd fund it for the better of society.

You better hope not. Can't you see how fucked up things are getting already?
You're just doing the corporatists' bidding. BTFOing yourselves as much as you are men and children.
Why are you so stupid?

White males need to encourage entire Women-only cities to watch them fail miserably like Nigger-only cities
>let the White male sit at home playing video games and getting unlimited tendies
>"I only look this way because you made me that way"
>"You need to get a 3rd job so we can have 11G internet, you lazy slob!"
>let them fall like Domino's
>rebuild societies to their former glory's

If left wins - there would be no future.


tesla was right.

How exactly does one get t the point where they're 'OK' with the great reveal that "She" has a bad case of 'Humoungus Wellhungus Surprisus'?
>are you saying that Feminism and Feminists have created the environment that absolutely mystifies the gynecologists?

The future is Muslim and Chinese, so definitely no.

There's either a future for humanity or not.
If not? Then yes it's certainly female.

You seem to be under the impression that just because traps are subservient, that they must be okay, but I think low test males see traps and think that they can make it as a woman and actually attempt to live as one. They are an overall negative impact as a user in society.

The future is sexbots.

>you meant this

How? ...and you're brainwashed.

I'm still not even sure what that means and I've seen that slogan for over a year

The Future is Rape.

I used to be all for the trannies just living out their life, man. Just a "you do you" type of personal philosophy. Then they co-opted me into their ideology. "You're a biggot if you wouldn't date a trans person.", "She doesn't have to tell you that she has a penis if you date". That's when everything changed for me. I realized that I wasn't going to make concessions to reality for these people anymore, and realized it's a mental illness. They refuse to accept this and thus their suffering continues. Me though? I feel better than I ever have.

it eludes to a Matriarchal society where women are Alphas and Betas serve them
>not sure what sort of future they envision but 'No Thanks'

I can't wait for the rational, forward-thinking, productive future we'll have!

If low test males never reproduce I think there is a net positive to be had. Let them wear their dress and attract other low test beta men. They'll die out and society won't have them around anymore.

Actually I was thinking on this the other day. Society historically goes through waves of degeneracy then a conservative correction that repeats. Gay people don't reproduce but still are born. So perhaps it's just generation of gays creating this degenerate culture over and over again only to die out without reproducing and then we have a calm until they start at it again. Essentially a Darwinian kill switch built into humanity that could kill everyone were it fully accepted.

I'm not sure if prolactin builds up in the system like he says, but its release, from orgasm, is why you feel tired afterwards.

>this image
>dubbed with 'SHIN GODZILLA Roar'

The future is: most of the deviants will go back into the closet and normal culture will resume in America and other aligned nations. It's ok to experience your own weirdness every now and then, but you can't re-orientate an entire culture to the dark side and continue to believe it can survive.

now now Mohammed. rape your own women, not ours

Sup Forums lacks any and all empathy, which is mostly a good thing. I feel sorry for women though, even if some of them are whores and gold-diggers (don't feel sorry for them). They are born weaker and dumber than most men and have no chance at any sort of life I would consider meaningful. My ideal woman is a person I would never want to be. Living at home, raising children with maybe a couple of hobbies to keep me busy? I'd sooner hang myself. I'd have no chance to fulfill my dream. I would live and die doing something that in all honesty, any other person could do. Trapped in a box for the vast majority of my life, regardless of how fantastic the kids are or loving my husband might be, shit still smells like shit. When you think about it from this perspective, you can see why women are acting the way they are. Is it a good thing for society? No, not at all. Women should be at home, raising children. But at the end of the day, is that a good life? For some of them, yes. That's all they really want. But some have their own dreams and ambitions, and it inspires the ones who don't, for better or worse. At the end of the day though, none of this will matter in a hundred years or so. Technology will eventually reach a point that makes women all but obsolete, and they'll either riot in the streets and fail or try to compete with machine women and fail.

Just because feminists fail doesn't mean all females do. Some of us girls don't want a society of cucks.

Those filthy dogeaters should have a no-child policy.

you funny. the future is not female. they need our sperm

Admit it won't be, and kill yourself.

She's probably right, unfortunately.

It's not looking good at the moment.

Sage all beta numale memeflaggot posts

The future is Aryan

You've been posting these walls all day. Most women need to understand that a lot of their meaning and finding refuge from the big questions come from owning up to their proper role.


dude I have been masturbacting daily for 10 years i don't know what the fuck are u implying

I don't really like cats but WTF man. Fucking Burrito Niggers are the worst.

got ya frenchi

Yah but I'm curious which ones have even existed besides mythical Amazonians and some nigger tribes in Africa/new guinea I think

Yeah for a brief period... before the collapse.


These sorts of shillthreads need to be banned with "Redpill me on [x]" threads. Saged and hidden. Shame on you lot for responding.

didn't they cancel the show because it was sexist or whatever?

Not an argument. We still have records of nations that failed and got conquered.
None of them were matriarchal.
It simply isn't natural, and goes against the human instinct. Males naturally lead, and females naturally follow. Sure, some males might naturally follow and some females might naturally lead, but those are so few it becomes impossible to sustain a matriarchal society based on those.


> female
choose one

the future is shemale you fucking sexist-labelist-misogynist-slut shaming-islamophobic sexophoboic robophobe

>it was sexist
reality always is

thanks burgerbro.

They are trying to start a race war / hate war. Women are going to get fucked over, sad really. I like women,, but they dont know when to shut up and some lunatic is going to purge so many females just for kicks.

Holy shit Seinfeld was right again

No, "бyдyщee" is a neuter noun, so fuck off.

>the future is female (male)

future is full of pussies? I can see that.

ok sure

No, the future is "female".