The current odds being offered by bookmakers indicate an implied probability of only a 28% chance of seeing a second...

The current odds being offered by bookmakers indicate an implied probability of only a 28% chance of seeing a second term.

Go choke on poison kike shill

> 2% chance of winning election Nov 8 2016.

OPPOSITE DAY????????????????????

>Israel calling out kikes

Stock market "odds" from January this year. Dow is now at 23,400 btw

Fuck man I'll take those odds

Hilary has a 90% chane of winning.

Yeah drumpf should just drop out. I mean it's her turn after all.

That means his chances are 14x higher that he'll win a second term

Considering the dow is a worthless measure, what is the point of this?

So still a better chance than he had before election night in 2016?

Link? I'd love to make some money off of that.

Good, I hope the odds get worse. I paid my rent for 3 months of the money I made from him winning. Those odds will fuck Vegas harder than Paddock.


>a 28% chance of seeing a second term.
That's 27.3% more than those same oddsmakers gave him to win a first term.

His odds are improving.

serious. making big bets now.

How did bookmakers do in predicting the 2016 election?

So Ameica is white now?

Tump is an awesome president, you cuck!

thank you very much
go fuck yourself now
>image related
isnt this illegal or like should be fucking deleted

uhuhu duhh i predicted the futuruuuurrrree

you guys are so stupid