Old thread 404'd

Old thread 404'd
Of course this shit gets ignored


Illegal immigrant shoots multiple people with assault rifle on I-35, child in critical condition, happened several days ago and ZERO media outrage. No discussions, no talking points, no calls for gun control, nothing.

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because it's fake


WTF? I Haven't heard shit about this.

No it isn't


>Media is silent because he missed


Narratives must be maintained....this does not support a dis arming of the united states citizenry....

limey niggers get out

Have a bump

bumping for visibility.

What ehtnicity is said child?

This guy walked into a walmart and shot 3 hispanic people, each of them parents


Its okay when a spic does it because its just part of their culture

If it ain't a white perp the skin color outweigh gun ban.


only 3? Not enough.

Dude is innocent though, 100% patsy trust me

False flag


Why dont you make heads illegal?

Good, also

Wonder how am illegal immigrant can't by a weapon

Anutha one

How did an illegal buy an automatic. I thought that was illegal.