despairing at the modern state of the world

> despairing at the modern state of the world
> want to be Catholic
> Catholic catechism condemns racism
wat do
> inb4 sedememe-ism
> inb4 orthomeme
> inb4 Protestantismeme

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well Christianity teaches that all men descend from noah but just genetically variated into different genetic groups as the tribes dispersed throughout the world so all of them condemn racism.

Catholicism died when the jewsuits took over

Orthobro or gtfo. They have apostolic succession and they arent degenerate, wtf do you want? You really need the fucking bishop of Rome to approve?

christianity is a universalist religion deal with it or stay a heathen

Yeah, I know. I'm well aware of the stats on race-IQ, race-crime, race-voting patterns, so this is causing me a fair amount of pain to wrestle with. On the other hand, I try to remind myself that an ethnostate is functionally impossible due to an inability to settle the 'who is white' question on the basis of principle. But I also know that race is a socio-biological phenomenon, and it is intellectually dishonest to dismiss race because we cannot give a mathematically precise definition of it. So I remain torn. Catholics condemn illegal immigration (or they should be, according to the Catechism and common sense) but the Church doesn't seem to really support the idea of an ethnostate. We are obligated to have piety towards our ancestors, and a duty to look out for our own communities before we start taking care of others, but I just don't see any kind of opposition to something like mass immigration or demographic displacement
This article addresses some of the concerns that have been preoccupying me, but again, I just don't see someone saying
> you are allowed to oppose the flooding of your communities with people who are of a very different ethnic or cultural background as yourself

The story of the "Tower of Babel" can be interpreted as following: God divded mankind into different cultures/languages. Multiculturual/cosmopoliton projects like the building are doomed to fail.

don't you think?

Yes, I can see that. And Aristotle would agree afaik. I think it is entirely natural (ie: flowing out of human nature) that people like to be around people who are like themselves, so why is the Church so gung ho about mass immigration?

I just don't understand how the Church can be so naive to not oppose this mass immigration, how they can blithely accept the demographic and socio-cultural displacement of white people.

Non-denominational Christian is UNQUESTIONABLY the best denomination.

I grew up non-denominational Christian (aka Evangelical Protestantism), parents are a part of the Alliance Church. Catholics are the one, true, holy, catholic, apostolic Church.
> Lrn2philosophy, theology, and history

Fuck racism and be a Christian

Acknowledging truths without judgement is not racism, it is acknowledging truths without judgement.

>in my experience black people are brash, loud, and destructive

As that is true for me, that is not racism, that is observing a fact impartially.

All the church cares about is more followers. They don't care about ethnities, that's true.
And yes, they are naive, also true. They probably think they can save all these poor souls pouring into Europe. Preaching the gospel to non-believers and trying to convert them is the duty of every christian.
The fugees leave their predominately muslim homelands and are consequently less
influenced by this religion. Instead, they enter countries with a (previous) christian power where
the curch can preach freely and spread their ideas to them.

So, i can understand where the church is coming from. In the end they are just as naive as liberals, though.

>despairing at the modern state of the world
>You know what I need in my life? The reason why everything's so shit in the first place!

traditional catholicism (pre-vatican II)

also read up on the curse on Ham's offspring (negroes) that they will be the servants of servants

but, no racism amongst baptised and believing christians

hence why ethiopians are ok, while somalians are completely barbaric subhumans (because muslim)

dumbass, it is the great apostasy, people withdrawal from Christ, that has cause the degeneracy and satanic world we are in today

>but, no racism amongst baptised and believing christians
All one needs to know about you, cuck.

nice rebuttal kiddo

I've been attending a traditional Latin mass, but the Polish priest there says he will not change the Church merely to suit my politics. I told him (with tears in my eyes) that the Church is going against natural law by encouraging this forcing people together, but he seemed to think that while there was nothing objectionable about people naturally gravitating to their own enclaves, it would be immoral to create a law explicitly encouraging that behavior.

The basic problem seems to be that while you can come up with very sound definitions of Muslim (one follows the teachings of Muhammad)
or Jew (one who follows the Talmud)
or Catholic (one who follows the teachings of Christ)

It is impossible to come up with a rigorous definition of 'white'. I have a vague feeling about who counts as white, and I know that sub-Saharan Africans aren't white, but things get murky with the Mediterraneans and the Irish/Finnish people, so people unironically say that there is no such thing as white. It makes me sad, and it seems like the Church has never supported things like mass immigration/illegal immigration before, but the leaders have all bowed down to modernism and liberalism and are betraying us to the wolves.

> inb4 someone says those definitions aren't rigorous enough
Muslim: A believer in or adherent of Islam.
Jew: one of a scattered group of people that traces its descent from the Biblical Hebrews or from postexilic adherents of Judaism; Israelite.
a person whose religion is Judaism
of or relating to a Catholic church, especially the Roman Catholic Church.
(among Roman Catholics) claiming to possess exclusively the notes or characteristics of the one, only, true, and universal church having unity, visibility, indefectibility, apostolic succession, universality, and sanctity: used in this sense, with these qualifications, only by the Church of Rome, as applicable only to itself and its adherents and to their faith and organization

one could argue that God created the nations (there are even guardian angels for the individual nations) so forcing them to interbreed in the way it is pushed today (Kalergi plan) is antichristian in nature.

Intermarrying outside your race isn't bad per se if both are practising christians, however in Scripture God has forbidden people to intermarry with the seed of Cain in antediluvian days and by extension the seed of Ham after that (because I believe it was Canaan who married a Cainite woman and hence carried the curse of Cain into the already cursed seed of Ham).

Being devout and practising christians in this case is really a necessity, and it should be in a completely christian surroundings, because of the sins of the father. If you mingle with the seed of Ham you mingle with its curse. Should for example your offspring be apostates and leave Christianity, they will receive the fullblown effects of Hams curse next to their already apostate state. So there's a definite risk, dangerous in these modern times of decadence and atheism.

before i lurked on pol, i always thought "white" is basically a synonym for "european"

White people are people of the proto-European's ancestry. They used to be called Aryan before ww2. These people spread far and wide, broke off and formed civilizations, integrated with other's etc. Turkish people share a lot of ancestry with White people for example, because of the admixture.

I'm not denying that white people exist as a vaguely identifiable group, but I'm saying that I acknowledge the criticism that an ethnostate is functionally impossible because of intermixing and no hard 'cut off' point. If someone has 5% non-white DNA, will they be allowed in? The Nuremberg laws were chosen without any reference to a higher principle.

You could make your own religion.

>It makes me sad, and it seems like the Church has never supported things like mass immigration/illegal immigration before, but the leaders have all bowed down to modernism and liberalism and are betraying us to the wolves.

Definitely, as the vision of Our LAdy of Fatima warned us exactly 100 years ago: the Great Apostasy would start in the Church from the top down. In the later days there would be an antipope who is a heretic and will lead many astray (obviously Francis), and he'll step down and cause another great schism in the Church. This is the start of the Great Chastisement. Where the events of Revelation 12 will unfold.

Similar sentiments were held among American Southern whites merely a couple generations ago, albeit they are mostly Protties.

if you're interested in that subject, listen to E. Michael Jones

So what are we supposed to do? We can't stop this mass immigration, we can't run away forever, and we can't change the Church's teachings. It's like we're just stuck standing still, frozen in place while our culture and communities are ravaged and torn down

Personally my cut-off for Germany on a time-scale is (for the West and the East) the 60s before the first guest-worker set his foot there. Basically i consider every naturalized citizen after that point in time as non-german. You would not even need a DNA-Test to clarify that. Just check if a person was naturalized in his life time or his ancestors were once immigrants and later naturalized.

The visions of the blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich has always been regarded as truely divinely inspired by traditional catholics, Mel Gibson used it as inspiration for his Passion of Christ. It was written in the early 19th century.

>But God replied that it would not be so; that whoever should kill Cain should himself be punished sevenfold, and He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cain's posterity gradually became colored. Cham's children also were browner than those of Sem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color. They who were distinguished by a particular mark engendered children of the same stamp; and as corruption increased, the mark also increased until at last it covered the whole body, and people became darker and darker. But yet in the beginning there were no people perfectly black; they became so only by degrees.

Gee user, maybe you should stop seeking religions and start seeking God?
Crazy, I know.

This is how it was prophecised. Satan is the prince of this world, and our faith and our prayer was the only weapon we had against him and his fallen angels.

Remember that Jesus asked this very question: when I come back will I find the Faith still?

In the end it will be kept by only a small group of mostly rural people. If God didn't shorten the days of the Great Chastisement there would be nothing left, in such an extent will Satan be able to deceive the masses.

He basically creates a world of lawlessness (meaning God's law), to show God that people will even prefer it above His.

We can't do much but pray, of course we need to act too, but the decline will continue. Prayer is powerful however we shouldn't ignore it. Especially the rosary, as Our Lady of Fatima requested. We are living in the latter days.

We'll be rewarded for all our pain and suffering in this life, in the Afterlife.

The church was taken in, developed by, and fostered by europeans and the west in general. If anything, it is immoral for the church to turn it's head and allow the very people that built it to suffer genocide

And that's the thing. This isn't typical immigration that the west is receiving. It is extremely unnatural and artificial: a product of a plan designed to eliminate whites from the west. With the cultural Marxism in tandem with the anti western propoganda, I would argue that the church is morally obligated to save the west, and in effect, the white race. If the church truly believes in diversity, it will start by protecting the only race of people who gave diversity a chance.

Just stop living by Catholicism as if it was a Totalitarian ideology. A healthy dose of own thoughts especially in the political realm is more helpful. I don't think a religion is supposed to or even should give you a fixed rule regarding every facette of life and again especially of politics. You're not a retarded muslim, user. Often, common sense is just enough.

:'( How do we stop this??

you can't user, not yet anyway, first a lot of suffering has to happen, a good part of humankind has to die

>want to be Catholic

What are we supposed to do in the meantime then? Benedict Option? Try to get into positions of power and influence society towards Christ? Become a subsistence farmer? Be a NEET/monk? Take up arms and drive the non-Christians from our lands? I'm lost, desu.