And now your noodle is cooking

The instant collapse of all your ridiculous myths about the purpose of a military at once must be painful.

I will give you a minute. I dont judge you for your tears, they are natural.

They have to offer big incentives to get the goys to throw away their lives for Israel. Make no mistake, thats what ever war has been for since WW2.

they aren't really incentives though. Most infantry get screwed over, one way or another, imho

Shit man, I joined because I woke up on a Teusday and did it on a whim. Try explaining that to some faggot officer.

I hope people make long term life altering and And life risking decisions for more than one reason.

I’d be willing to bet my right nut that if you asked guys from the frontline infantry, or any other section of the military where you’ll actually have to go into dangerous, life-threatening situations, the percentage of guys who signed up “so they could pay for college” would dribble down into the single digits.

There are literally only 4 reasons why anyone would join the military and they can be divided into nice round numbers.

The poverty of ordinary Americans is the doing of the Federal Reserve bank, a socialist institution.

many enlist to pay for school, then through service become patriots. Also, sage this faggot thread

> Prior grunt in Army
> Get degree in finance and hate my civilian job even though it pays well
> Considering joining the Air Force as an RPA pilot to indoctrinate as many airmen as possible in "far right" ideology
> We'll see what happens

What do Anons?

"Muh college tuition" sounds better than, "I was too dumb for college and didn't want to get a job in the local factory". It also sound better than..... I really just wanted to kill people and fuck hookers.

Serving the military must be mandatory.
Most westerners following a military career to make wealth.

Do it my bases patriot. Thank you so much for your service to this country, since without you contribution, and the contributions of other service members, we wouldn’t have the freedoms that we do today. I’m sure you’ll be hearing that a lot in the coming days, but I thought you could one more anyways. In any case, go for it. If you think you’ll enjoy it, and find fulfillment in it, do it.

>The poverty of ordinary Americans is the doing of the Federal Reserve bank,
Sort of. They're not putting enough money into the economy, but the usual method of putting more money into the economy (cutting interest rates) is currently unavailable - they have to resort to QE which is less effective. A bigger government deficit would be a much more effective way of putting more money into the economy, but that's beyond their control.

>a socialist institution.
Why do you call it a socialist institution when it's the only central bank in the world that ISN'T 100% government owned?

I'm supposed to believe that none of them joined to get girls, or to travel, or to help instill discipline in themselves, or to earn the respect of others, or to get buff and shoot guns?

13b here.
no, fuck that. Focus on getting rich. Like you, I have taken full advantage of the military and its benefits. I have a good job, rental property, ect. But fuck my deployment to Iraq.

The country is fucked. The military is pozzed and they are still going to let transgender soldiers in. Its not worth fighting for a country this fucking stupid. No white man should join the military. Let the faggots, trannies and minorities do the dying.

pussies and faggots find ways out of being a warrior you limp dicked slack jaw little bitch.

sorry, I agree with you on the fed, but the message was meant for this user.

Do not join the chair force.

I did it because I look nice in uniform. Am I Forest Gump?

Youre welcome Moshe Shekelbergstein.

I know about it OP. I have gone from conservative, fascist, libertarian, ancap to now finally, monarchist or "natural order".

What if the army removed the free college clause and added that amount of money to your contract? Would people join then despite "free" college?

You just realized this is how it works? Are you retarded? If you can't replace what you want to collapse with something better, suck it up and play their game. Don't be a big dumb smelly retard.

Whatever happened to joining to mow down towel heads?

>5% family tradition

I must be retarded. Ill let you guys figure it out.

The central bank's power is given to it by the government and its mandate is to set government targets for the price of goods. The distortions created in the market by mis-priced interest rates, stock markets, housing etc., create inefficiencies which destroy wealth and transfer what remains to those who are richest.

I'd argue the money they pump into the economy through low interest rates and QE only props up failing corporations.