Alright Sup Forums, I'll bite. Why do you like Fascism?

1 often capitalized :a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

>Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader
>forcible suppression of opposition

At what point do you think this system would be good for you, as a person who has little to no real political power? (Normally I wouldn't assume, but we are on Sup Forums.)

Other urls found in this thread:

The reason Fascism is good is because it takes into account that the average pleb has no clue about what’s good for them.

You should ask Hitler in the 1920s when he was preaching from a park bench.

Or maybe ask Salazar when he was an unemployed dropout.

Or maybe ask Mussolini when he was a general laborer working in Switzerland to avoid the draft.

It's a revolutionary movement. You get what that means?

why do you hare fascism?


self-interest and a basic understanding of statistics. Giving a dictator control of the country you are in is giving yourself a great chance at having a shitty life if you've got no real political power to throw around.

Why don't I ask the literally thousands of nameless people who joined those movements and got shat on? Probably because they didn't succeed in becoming top dog, and thus nobody gave a fuck about them.

There can only be one dictator. There can be any number of peasants.

I don't, and only half of Sup Forums is fascist, the other half is libertarian.

I'm mainly asking to try and find why those who _do_ support it do so... I haven't really gotten many actual answers though, so that's kind of disappointing. But I more or less expected it.

Spain under Franco had dignity, jobs, and no street crime; they built cars and provided Jews fleeing Hitler with full citizenship let alone refuge, which is a lot more than they got from FDR.
Did you know that? Or did you know that "hurr durr not-see bad!"

Liking fascism is a combination of wanted to be contrarian and latent homosexual fantasies of being dominated by an authoritarian government

It is a sign of low self respect and competence to want to trade personal liberty for a government that dominates every aspect of your life

because is pretty güd

If its a cause that convinces me that it provides a good society that maintains order, is invested in the community and provides a sense of brotherhood in the way the reich did, I wouldnt ming playing second fiddle or below. It also must acknowledge harsh truths and only use utopian ideals as a basis for realist policies. This is regardless of what government it is, doesnt necessarily mean fascism or natsoc.

because fascism allows you to put people who know about x in charge of deciding about x, instead of allowing the public, through a (((democratic))) process to elect politicians to make decisions on things they know nothing about because they are politicians, who only know how to get elected and stay elected usually through bullshit and corruption (atleast in finland)
also the rate at which it is possible for the system to work is far higher because of a lack of political bitch fighting

Jew education has guaranteed a rethink on fascism and Nazism, not because either are right, but because it's an inevitable correction to subhuman over-killing brainwashing. John Kenneth Galbraith and John F Kennedy didn't talk about re-evaluating Hitler because they were secret Nazis, they talked about it because they were objective. Hitler proved that Keynesianism can work and, if he had stopped at a certain point, the world would see him as a hero.

Theres laws yes? they restrict freedom for the sake of a greater good.

That is small micro-scale example but for the entire nation in terms of whats ultimately best for them.

Most pertinently is the fact they are impervious to external corruption from foreign subversion and other tactics of outside espionage.

Which is why kikes are so afraid of it because they have substantially less influence on fascist countries unequivocally.

Fascism is the first and the last option for a country to preserve itself. Now I ask you why would this political ideology, which is intrinsically associated with self-preservation be more likely to war monger?

>the awnser
its not.

Its all about the control of currency,and government controlled central banks fighting to keep control from privatization.

>I.E Fascism mobilizes a country industrially, scientifically, spiritually, and physically to increase the probability of survival., this being the ultimate goal of all true fascist. Consquently it is thereby a philosophy of nature, and natural order than a political ideology.

Stoic + Fascist= 21st century Übermensch

it gets rid of niggers the quickest

I'm... not sure I see your point? Isn't providing for the jews a bad thing? Well, I guess it's dumb to be confused when Sup Forums doesn't turn out to be some kind of strange gestalt hive-mind, but it is a little disappointing at times.

So you're saying you'd support it if you could actually see that it would make you better off?

That's not any kind of explanation.

>Why do you like Fascism?
While fascism works pretty well, I do not like or encourage its practice.

Right wing nationalist minarchist libertarian master race here.

Don't like it
Against any collectivist ideology they are inherently evil

People have shown time and time again they cannot be trusted and the west has collectively been swinging back and forth between neo-liberal and neo-conservative politics for 40-50 years now with no real change for the better.

Your argument seems to be "you have no political power under fascism" when for my entire life i've had practically no real political power under democracy either, it's just been a slow march towards shittier and shittier outcomes. I'd rather blow up the system for the 2% chance it turns out well then continue the shitty system for a 98% chance it turns out 'slightly worse.'

bluepill detected
why ignore the only thing that makes life life in pursuit of pseudo-rational/pseudo-logical thinking that leaves only the goal of self-preservation intact?

>Against any collectivist ideology they are inherently evil
>inherently evil

You're not a very well read man, are you.

what more explanation is needed than is good and great?
how can you deny?

At least you have your principals in a world that 80-90% disagrees with said principals while you're a shrinking minority.

I don’t. I just think they should have their fascist ethnostate for the same reason I support gay rights. No one should have to be in the closet in 2017. But I am a hoppean libertarian and a decent percent of pol hates me. Which is fine because a decent amount of lgbtq+ hate me because I think trans people are insane. A generally benign kind of insane but insane none the less.

So you like it because you feel it creates the perfect 'state'? And where do you as a person fit in to all of this?

If the state is entirely unified, but everyone is miserable, have they actually succeeded? (Not saying it is the automatic and inevitable outcome, just tossing out further questions)

Yes I am also 172 iq
Collectivist require subversion of individual freedom that is evil

I just want to facefuck leftists qts tbqh

I-is that cop gonna be ok?

because they're failures, just like us. they failed, we fail at life. it's like we were made for each other.

Yes, which is why individuals created a governing system and tribes in general. The division of labor and specialization all around made life easier.

trains run on time

What draws me to fascism is that in order to make changes, you need power.

Ok I have a question. What if the dictator is complete shit or goes mad with power? I liked Murdoch murdochs idea of fascism and libertarianism where the people keep their guns and free speech in case the leader goes nuts with power. I think that we should still vote leaders into power but that they should all have to abide by a Constitution that guarantees closed borders, a second amendment, a racially pure population, ecenomic protectionism and free speech. Wars of conquest would only be waged against sneaky Jews and niggers no brother wars.

That's my ideal world take it or leave it

They would not have succeeded in fascism if the people were miserable. The state and people are before the individual. I would imagine the state and people together on the hierarchy where what’s good for the state is good for the people.

I think pretty much all people are too stupid to think for themselves. And the word tyranny gets a bad rap.

I can see where you're coming from, in that most people in the first world are very disenfranchised in recent years. Frankly though, apathy and defeatism are the establishment's greatest weapons against the common masses. In a democracy you _can_ influence the law, and policies to be more in your favor, that is mostly not true in a fascist state.

Cease this niggardry. Saying 'something is good because it's good!' isn't an explanation as to _why_ its' good.

I don't really see why people would hate you for those things. If you can accept that people should be allowed to do their own thing so long as they're not hurting others then I can't really find anything wrong with that process. I'd be perfectly fine with these people getting their ethnostate, so long as it isn't where I live.

I don't really want any practical ties to it beyond supporting its right to exist.

No, he ded jim.

So it is.

No it doesn't but I know what you mean. Power and the authority to make changes are what you are trying to say.

Tyranny is the exploitation and controlof the nation and people against their interests. The Jew controlled hellscape we live in now is tyranny.

You’re a fucking idiot

I like the idea of fascism because it combines human nature with modern society. The aim to be the alpha, to be the best. To work for a common goal in prerserving your family/nation. It is a beautiful utopia which has been tried and successful before. It is so appealing mainly because it works. It may have been stopped militaristically by the major powers of the world combined, but that doesn’t change the economic and social success of such a wonderful system.

how difficult is it to understand?

Healthy societies, the creation and preservation of high cultures, economies that serve the entirety of the hierarchy, require coercion, of one sort or another. The right policies must be implemented, people must be held to high standards, virtue must be acknowledged and rewarded, vice also acknowledge and punished. All these things require a powerful state to implement them, where social pressure and cultural indoctrination has failed. I don't trust the masses, a democracy, to see to these things. They are too open to degeneration, greed, stupidity, etc. That leaves a minority, a mannerbund, to implement it. Yes, the mannerbund can fail, and can be corrupt as well, but democracy is less capable/trustworthy still, in the long-run. We're not living in a fundamentally kind, benevolent, utopian world. Freedom and the wisdom the masses cannot be trusted.

So after you seize power what do you think the first step is.
History tells us it is to kill all the other
Revolutionary s. This is what Hitler did Stalin mow.
So if you're not top dog will you survive

I don't like it, but think it may be necessary to defend against leftism.

Watch this

Yet prescribes that there are people that know what's good for everyone. Someone please enlighten me, how did these angels aquire these powers?

The leaves are on a roll today. Keep it up.

Fascist states that failed failed because the people wanted to influence the system, for better or worse they changed those systems. The systems / policies changed because the people wanted them to.

Can you honestly say the same for democracies? The red tape, the bureaucracy, the establishment as you call it create this beautiful illusion that you, one man, can make a difference but what western democracy has moved away from neo-liberal politics that have by every conceivable metric (bar GDP) been in decline over decades? Not. Fucking. One.

I don't care if you don't like Fascism, but don't you dare for a fucking moment act like Democracy isn't a god damned joke.

The same shit you fear about Fascism i see as the status quo for Democracy.

Your post fucked with my eyes.

You can’t honestly be this stupid. Look around, many of the people in my country are far too self-absorbed to focus on politics, or what’s good for them. They mock the slightest mention of anything political. People on this board are aware of things happening politically, some of them, like me, know exactly how to fix them.

Being raised in a healthy environment, religiously, culturally, socially, economically, sure helps. Democracy, over time, erodes all of these things. Seeing virtue rewarded, and vice punished, certainly helps as well, which today's "freedom" is undoing.

because it's more honest than anything, you're one group looking to do the best for yourselves and you'll fuck any other group to get it, and there's no lying about it

be forever shackled to your primal vices you god damn filthy crustacean

I would be a scientist working on ground breaking research

Define "miserable"

Words have many meanings.
The state would have everything provided for them just like capitalism does, but none of the vanity, and debauchery, degeneracy, and decadence. The goal for is citizen is therefore not a matter of acquiring wealth and fortune for themselves, but for the state. Willingly (most of the time) because of the simple fact there are threats from the outside. Hence tribalistic social hierarchy, with the best of the best in the top positions, regardless of wealth, social status, ect. Its culture hearkens back to more primitive communities and tribes in the paleolithic era, so its tried and true.

>fucking cavemen can survive cataclysmic events such as ice-ages and melting glaciers

Literally tested for millennia

If you think capitalism or democracy or fucking communism or any other fucking retarded system of governance is going to survive more than 2 centuries your fucking retarded. gas yourself.

I genuinely don't care about the type of government they are all flawed.
I do care about individual freedom so you
Can have a cyber king if you want just don't take my rights away

I should say 'Democracy as it stands' rather than just Democracy. If the world wasn't a shithole and people weren't fucking retarded, Democracy is the natural and best choice. But the world simply doesn't work that way anymore.

Get a life


>Communism would work if *I* planned it this time!
The horseshoe theory is real

Tell me what the purpose of individual freedom is to you.

Because to me what it amounts to in this day and age is nothing but a motte and bailey buzzword for self centered and destructive materialism.

Watch 'Century of the Self' to see how your ideals of 'individual freedom' got kiked out and co-opted by psycho-jews.

fucking this


No room for debate

do you realise that to be truly logical or rational you have to let go of all instincts, including the most basic one of self preservation?
you either end up as a reactionary automaton fulfilling your basic needs like the most simple of bacteria or as an indifferent piece of meat because you have let go of instinct, you have let go of your programming and thus you will have no reason to act at all in any way
enjoy your eternal limbo between logic and nature

> some random cunt on Sup Forums can fix it
Whether people are informed or not, it's not enough clearly as democracy shows that even those that try to get informed land in different spots.
> virtue rewarded, and vice punished
Would be good if our fascist gods could explain what virtue is and what's right/wrong objectively that would lead us to very specific end goals not based on some elites personal preference once they get power....

How did you two get the powers to find out what's best for everyone despite millions and billions with varying wants/needs and circumstances? How did you find out what truth is?

>There is no alternative to our plutocratic masters and their plan/profit interest to absorb the West into the Third World. Only surrounded by the people, society, culture that they've created, are we really free.

>I do care about individual freedom so you
>Can have a cyber king if you want just don't take my rights away

You should not have the right to cause harm to the nation and its people, Shlomo. You are free to do as you please, as long as it has a net positive impact on the nation.

Ya not watching some conspiracy theory video.
The fact is individuals pursuing there own goals for the benefit of themselves and their family is the most beneficial to the country

I support what is basically italian style fascism, especially in 1927-1937 era (Before German influence), and 1944-45.
In a nutshell, its a planned economy with certain personal liberties, one party state and militarism. Sounds like a dream to me.
And yes, by definitions of Sup Forums, Fascist Italy would be considered full on commies. Believe it or not, state business ownership was second in the world only to USSR.
Fuck your (((rights)))

98% European DNA
What harm do you think other people's freedom causes

Who said the goal was to be 100% logical? Humans are organic and will always be inherently flawed. Emotions are essential to the spirit, whereas logic is simply a matter of correct and incorrect reasoning, but you cant reason with something that is immaterial. There are things in this universe that we are entirely incapable of understanding, so to strive for 100% logic and reasoning would be futile, and ultimately, and ironically, illogical.

Read mein kamph
Ford translation

>what virtue is and what's right/wrong objectively
It was pretty well nailed down throughout the West, until capitalism and democracy spent the last 2 centuries or so destroying Western tradition. Sure, it can be hard to pin-point, but anarchy and the death of standards sure as hell isn't an improvement.

Plus the reason may people here look so fundly to the nazi stuff is partially aesthetics and the unity of the nation, triumph of the will is a good look into how they managed to produce a general feeling of comraderie and patriotism (Though it was propoganda, and a very good example that revolutionized the future of political film). They had military parades, they had childrens clubs, they gave away military medals to women who raised children. Even being a mother in Germany meant you had some achievement to be proud of. You can tell even in their music from the time like Erika. All of these things were patriotic, unifying, and helped make everyone feel like they were a part of the great machine of progress, and liked it. This holds a special place for 4channers, who in general are against the grain of modern society which places everyone on a pedestal merely by existence, and saying they dont need to progress or grow to suceed.

>implying you have any political power now
Start voting to get rid of welfare and niggers, and we can keep a real republic. Fascism is always a reactionary movement to communism, that's why this is happening. Cut out the Marxist cancer from society before it's too late.

What if I want to own a gun just for the sake of owning a gun?

The notion of a harmony of interests under freedom is flawed and utopian.

Right to bear arms

It's just a plain boring documentary my man.

Straight up history and facts of how "skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desirable ways."

Individuality, and the American notion of personal freedom and liberties shifted people away from their national identity to a personal one to make them easier to control.

>Who said the goal was to be 100% logical?
you did when you mentioned stoicism
>Humans are organic and will always be inherently flawed.
I don't think you understand stoicism, since it's goal is to reach a level of perfect logic
>There are things in this universe that we are entirely incapable of understanding, so to strive for 100% logic and reasoning would be futile
once again this is the ultimate goal of stoicism, to understand the logic of the universe in a perfect manner

In regards to right/wrong its more of trying to find a happy medium between personal liberty and social policing. Think of the Nash Equllibrium, where each insividual voluntarily does what is best for himself, AND the collective. I tend to care more about personal liberty so i know what you mean by the objectivity of right and wrong, because it doesnt really exist, its only a social construct designed to keep people from doing terrible things.


Sorry I posted my reply as a picture. Damn spam filter kept getting set off because I use way too much punctuation.

There is no need for harmony but generally people working for their own interests within the law is good for all
I don't know why you think we need harmony but it sounds like some Hitler bs.

That's not how fascist economy worked.

Proofs on that image

Ok so free people choose to be controlled by vote Whores.
They are not being forced

I don't, what I do recognise is that a proto-facsist military takeover in the vain of Pinochet is last ditch safeguard against the communist swine.

It's a neccessary evil to the most prosperous way of life.

Erika is about going away to war then cheating on your gf my dude

Then how _did_ it work?

Two things can happen within a fascist government:

> Lobbying made illegal
> Banking system is "state owned"

In addition to that, corruption can actually be corrected if the leadership itself isn't corrupt. Hollywood, the blatant corruption within our educational system, the crediting scam, the military industrial complex, foreign government interference (Israel), etc. can all be stopped if the governing officials themselves aren't corrupt.


>What harm do you think other people's freedom causes?
Seems like a pretty loaded, pro "freedom" (as it is currently understood in the West) statement to me.
>interests within the law
Now that is something different. A fascist/traditionalist simply argues that the law must be more extensive, must be more proactive so that an overall national interest, and an ideal of a healthy polis with a future, triumphs.

Because fascism(under a good leader) can improve a nation's economic status, uphold the law and order, and gives the nation a unity under one leader and cause. Before Hitler, germany was a literal wreck. Filled with degeneracy, horrible economy, and commies going rampant. It was an embarrassment to Germans, Hitler fixed that and turned the father land into one of the greatest super powers of it's time under NatSoc.

Because of Nazi Germany, there were many wonderful inventions and influences taken by allies after the war and are still used today(for example, boy scouts).

In most cases, Fascism comes as a backlash to commies, which thankfully can happen soon.

>as a person who has little to no real political power?

Well tell me something, do you have any political power in the US? (((freedom))) can only last for so long, until it can be corrupted and taken advantage of.

This entire fucking image is just wishy-washy pamphlet bullshit. Fascism is like parenting; the child can make choices but the parent is ultimately in control. While this is, of course, intended to be for the good of the child, there are also bad parents, which results in this control stifling and destroying the child rather than raising it big and strong.

Fascism, much like socialism and communism, can work under the right circumstances. These circumstances also, coincidentally, are extremely narrow in scope and basically impossible to maintain for any feasible amount of time. Absolute power and all that shit.

>dodges question
>don't see your point
It was a question. The point was to answer it.

Yes most people don't pay any attention to the vote Whores and just live there lives. The few who do listen are louder but they still only get one vote

I said it was something that brought then together, not that it promoted the best moral choices. Just another thing that was questionable about the nazis, if you can beleive it.

Most of businesses were state controlled. There was a group of people in charge of administrative planning within the party. Whenever state wanted, or saw as needed to seize a private business, it did so. Surely there were corporates, but they all worked within administrative reality of the state. More or less, representatives, not the actual powerhouse of the state. State decided everything. And, well, economy did change slightly depending on the era. First ec min was a market liberal, even though it did not last.

So what will you do when these uninformed retards vote away the freedoms you hold to so dearly, as has been happening slowly over the last century because of the exact shit i'm complaining about and you're dismissing?


There's going to be parents regardless, outside of anarchy. Under democracy, we've seen a plutocratic globalist, pro-degeneracy "parent" become firmly lodged in control, and on track to quickly wipe out the West. The forces of tradition, virtue, etc. must fight and take control, and hold onto it. To trust that democracy will yield the good leadership that is necessary for healthy nations with a future I call utopian.
