Gun freaks BTFO

>gun freaks BTFO

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Shall not be infringed. By definition, criminals don't follow the law. Saged

why is Sup Forums right every fucking time

What does the article say OP? I know this is bait and piss poor bait at that, but I'd like to see how (((she))) refutes that point.

Fucking what? Do these spastics not know the definition of criminal?

Only a lefty brainlet can write such a contradiction without his brain melting.

>criminals don't follow the law
The VERY FUCKING DEFINITION of being a criminal is they didn't follow the law


All the gun hating libs should move to Mexico where guns are actually illegal but motherfuckers still get shot all the time.

"2. Myth: Criminals don’t follow the law
a buyer looks at a semi-automatic gun

By that logic, why have any laws at all? It’s also not universally true. One study found that over the past two decades, terrorists in the U.S. have basically stopped using bombs. In the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, federal legislation made it harder for consumers to obtain ingredients and easier to monitor purchases. Instead, terrorists switched to guns. An investigation by the Trace revealed that firearms caused 95% of domestic terrorism deaths between January 2002 and August 2015.

Need more convincing? According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the higher the number of state firearm laws, the lower the number of homicides and suicides there."

>Criminals don't follow the law

My chest hurts. I haven't laughed like this in months.

Wow, did you just assume they were criminals because they broke some stupid LAW? It's 2017 you backwards inbred fuck, stop trying to put everyone into little groups for you to hate.

>Legislation of bombmaking materials caused terrorists to switch to guns
>Legislation of guns won't simply cause murderers to switch to knives/acid/trucks
>Like they do in every fucking country where gun control is tried

We have passed the point where you can have any pity whatsoever for anyone who falls for this stuff.

So there's no case here. This is a textual tantrum without any real argument. If we didn't know her name we would be able to assume she was Jewish by the fact that such awful writing got published.


My fucking sides

>Culture Cheat Sheet?
>Criminals don't follow the law

>By definition, criminals don't follow the law.
What if they're not criminals but identify as criminals?

His brain is already melted.

Orwellian shit.

>2. Myth: Criminals don't follow the law

freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength
war is peace

Bullshit. Everyone here knows that Trump is the cause of all problems in the world, old and new.

You would think Jews would take a lesson from Hitler about gun control and how it doesn't do shit.

Normies are getting redpilled about the lolocaust and it's only a matter of time before it spreads to most of middle america and the normies get pilled.

European men are pissed and they have every right to be, but the women literally don't care and are having fun taking multiple sandnigger dicks so they're basically neutered at this point

But if your german/scandinavian-American heartland marines ever find out what they're fighting for and that they've been manipulated, they're going to be mad. Really fucking mad.

It's in the best interest of these kikes to;
A) make sure whites are fucking stupid and cannot think critically enough to poke holes in what is a pretty flimsy story (teaching AP US history was almost banned in Oklahoma, where many white military members reside)
B) Make sure there are as few pure whites as possible to be upset about the big lie
C) Take their guns so that they can't 14/88

I live in commiefornia so when SHTF, I will most certainly be conscripted to fight against the midwest alongside a bunch of other mongrels. Pls be safe and shoot to kill, Midwestern Reich.


are you avin a giggle mate

murderers don't kill people. bullets don't harm are actually good for you. commiting suicide does not mean you die.

3. Water isn't wet

>Criminals don't follow the law

Okay, so I sort of understand what the retard is trying to say.
>Would-be criminals don't go through the processes necessary to obtain firearms for the purpose of committing violent crimes

But even if that were so, how does that feed into the liberal delusion that gun control WORKS? It doesn't. If anything this statement defeats the belief that going through proper and strict channels to legally obtain a weapon reduces crime and the potential for criminals to commit violent crimes.

I mean, unless that's the point they're trying to prove, in which case good job.

They don't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration either. This isn't much of a stretch for these brain damaged idiots.

dont ever post that cat lipped weeb shit on here again you understand me sir

am i fucking retarded? can i read? does it say
>myth ; criminals dont follow the law

fucking sage

Fuck you don't talk shit about my waifu.

konata a shit


its comes

>criminals don't follow the law
what is this timeline and how does the ride end

wtf is trumpism

its like autism but trump has it

>Myth: Criminals dont follow the law

Counterpoint you fucking jew bitch. If they followed the law they wouldn't be criminals in the first place.

It's just pure (((((((((((((((coincidence)))))))))))))))

Kinda like "undocumented immigrants aren't criminals" even though they're all committing felonies to be here?

>higher number of gun laws
>fewer gun crimes

You've heard of Chicago, right?

To be fair, the reason the gun laws don't work is because the niggers hardly follow any laws at all in Chicago. In a homogeneous White kind of society it could work, but only because they abide by laws better than people bred through generations to hate laws.

>oy vey

Not just Chicago niggers, all niggers. Without them you wouldn't need much for gun control.


Japan has the strictest gun laws and have less than 15 gun deaths
America has more than 1500

in a homogeneous white society we wouldn't need gun laws to begin with because the murder rate would be under 1 per 100,000 (as it is for whites in the US regardless)

Its the hysteria that has gripped liberal americans by the taint.

>When you hate trump so much you make in into a belief that only you follow and try and use it as a derogatory term towards his supporters