Self hating whites are cancer

Self hating whites are cancer
Why does twitter give these people a blue check?

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A blue check is like a modern yellow star

and they wonder why gen z is so redpilled.
Those feminazi rekt videos may have saved us all Sup Forums

She's describing Haiti.

Self-hating white?

I have a suspicion.

Any tweets about Hanukkah?

>fucked it up
>Created the greatest society ever conceived.
We should honestly leave this pieces of shit for the fucking crows.

Funny. Most of her twits are drooling over fictional white men.
Methinks she got btfo for being insane and now hates all white guys

Id be willing to bet you have a Facebook

What are you talking about? Generation Z are the new cuckservatives. Don't you understand how the left-right Paradigm works 8 years Democrat eight years Republican. The tail end of the Millennials were cucked (8 years of the Democrats) now Generation Z is because being cucked (supporting the Republican Party in WH). The early Millennials from the 1980-1985 group are the ones mostly responsible four red pilling Generation Z in the first place. The meme Magic erroneously dubbed they all right was spearheaded by Millennials. I think we can all agree the Boomers sold America out during World War II to Jewish internationalists..

yeah you evil white men, gettem! kek


>I have a suspicion
Why? I'm not defending kikes but self hating whites exist by the millions. It's why we're in this position to begin with. Jews are just being jews. Blame the narcissistic desperate need to feel morally superior whites that enable them for the west being as fucked as it is.

It tends to follow social guidelines

Not him but I literally don't. If you use facebook you're a dumb normalfag

gas race traitors god save the king

>Fucked it up
Riggggght. The whole of technological progress and the advancement of civilization is now voided because some dindu got choked out after resisting arrest. K

I wonder...

Yes, the non men have done so much already.
Like ..erm...

Don't get mad. Ask people like this if we can leave and have our own homeland away from them.

>wasting a perfectly good ego

A world run by black women.

That might actually be hell.


leftists are now reduced to using "guilt" as "white demo outreach"

muh marxism

this. make the public perceive the blue check as a negative and that will set all those douchy fucks back a step

Any self hating white is secretly a pedo or serial killer. They hate themselves but act self righteous so no one catches on.

I think you should look up the origins of the recent meme "Bush did 9/11" or try finding a Youtube documentary on the Holocaust without finding holohoax comments underneath before you go making blanket statements like that. People that are 20 years old and younger today have grown up in a society in a much worse state of decay than those before them, and they've also spent their whole lives with internet connections, where they get most of their info from. Gen Z is without a doubt the most redpilled demographic by percent of the population
t. gen z

>Men you had your millennia and u fucked it up, bye
>Post this on a website create by men
>While using a device created by men

add ugly girls and girls who are a little "off" to that list

Sounds like another shape shifting kike to me


You can't unredpill yourself.

She says in one tweet that she's not jewish.

very this

Schrödinger's jew.

this is so stupid it isn't worth bothering with. at its most fundamental, no men = no sperm, so therefore human life would end when the children born today died, which would be at a maximum 100 years from now. the reality is they would die in a few years at most due to the need for water and food and shelter. Jean Bentley is ignorant of the amount of men required for her to successfully managed surviving the 19 hours 46 minutes of yesterday before she made that tweet.
some bitches really are stupid

I can't find any evidence of her being a jew. She's just a miserable land whale.

how did we fucked it up again?
we live in the best scientific and technological era mankind ever knew.
we live better, more, healthier and with access to more knowledge than ever before.

ohh you say men are evil because this war and that war? what about ALL the other accomplishments for the good of humanity, you know the majority, those don't count for nothing?

race traitors, defeatists and separatists will be the first to hang, you can quote me on that.

It all started with a carrier pigeon at the Battle of Waterloo. Or so we are told.

>8 retweets 17 likes

I get more upvotes posting 'nigger' on reddit.

I sometimes wonder how that would look in practice. Like, who would hold up the security of the system? who is the police?


come and take it.

milenia? singular? try 4 bitch

running society towards its grave


So what they're saying
>no more (((bluecheck))) ever again because all the (((importants))) ever are 100% (((bluechecked))) buh-bye

because they are self-hating
twitter wants the narrative to be overwhelmingly anti white. but if they censored everything that's not anti-white, their userbase would quickly die off.

so instead they just take the opposite approach and instead of banning the one side, they promote the other

This one's even better

These ppl are real theyre russian shills just like you

They give it to people preaching genocide, so I doubt they give a fuck about anything but increased activity from people bitching.

Ohhh... so that means there'll be a new kind of verification along the old verification, the one that DOES mean endorsement and IS an indicator of importance.

now, it did pretty much exactly what they wanted it to do.
their only problem is that people start to realize what's going on and propaganda does not work that well when people realize that someone is trying to manipulate them


She's right, we did fuck up.

We've been around for like 300,000 years, and suddenly thought Democracy was a good idea like 500 years ago, as if giving every worthless motherfucker an equal say in the destiny of mankind was ever a good idea - and then giving women a say in the destiny of mankind like they've ever done anything but take dick or gossip in that timeframe.

Because countries run by blacks/Latinos/Arabs are hugely successful, right? White people are knocking down the door to get into them, not the other way around.

Sad but true, too bad things will have to violently collapse in order for the natural order to come back.

i think it's the most polarized
right wing is far right
left wing is fat left
not saying that's good or bad

it was basically a combination of the French enlightenment and wide spread literacy that fucked us up.

the first taught people that everyone is equal when that is very much not the case. and assuming it's true anyway leads to obvious problems.
the latter made people believe that somehow their are intellectually superior to people from any other period of time and that people's social experience (with regards to women, dindus and so on) was therefore worthless and their rules to be discarded.

Lol most white teachers these days are self hating whites pretty sad to see. Especially when theyre supposed to be "role models "

>fucked it up
BITCH we put a man on the fucking MOON and invented fucking POCKET COMPUTERS that can do literally BILLIONS of calculations per second all so that these DUMB CUNTS can share a PICTURE of their fucking MEALS

Come on my nigga, there's no such thing as democracy. People are stupid, sure, the majority even, but even then nobody is willingly electing these stooges who continuously humiliate, undermine, disrespect us and rob us blind. There's just this weird system in place where 'everyone' gets a turn to 'run' a country, except 'everyone' is a list of select few and 'run' means govern through consensus of that select few.


i know >end
but your comment was first to start 1488...


No white boys, then say goodbye to: cars, airplanes, modern medicine, computers, internet, air conditioning, heating, most food, cell phones, cucked porn, blacked porn. Have fun living in your cave and eating grubs. Maybe then she wouldn't be a fat kike.

because the cleaning lady knows that niggers would be up in there like a shot because she is a fat white woman


this. she's probably just realistic and knows that the best thing Jean could ever hope to get if she dates white people is some fat minimum wage loser who spends his income mostly on alcohol.

Ironically, the nuances of group differences, individual hierarchy across groups, and voluntary association stemming from the former two are a blurry redpill in and of itself.

Dixie, in its traditional rejection of enlightenment principles and different yet proximal racial groups, is actually a marvelous case study on this.

they can have her

Quit posting literal who's on here that has nothing to do with politics. It's annoying as fuck and all you faggots always reply and don't sage this low tier garbage.

why do people like you post this stupid shit on Sup Forums?

take some advise from Choppa


lol twitter is the only place dumb bitches can pretend any one listens to them. these aren't real women.

>responsible for almost every major technological advancement in last 100 years
>improved standard of living for entire planet
>you fucked up

DOTR when?

Its like. Building a car. The first car ever. Youre learning how to drive it. And some jackass on the sidewalk says “hey buddy i dont like your driving” and they come and pull you out of the car and steal your car. But not only do they steal your car. They take credit for its creation.

Non-soy white men generally don't go for obese roasties. Cleaning lady might be on to something here

Yes we fucked up by giving cancerous incopetend whores like you voting rights and affirmative action in workplaces.

overweight attention whore getting the attention she craves.

We fucked up? Is this bitch serious? We literally made this world you dumb whore. Your subhuman trash niggers and shitskins are ruining it. You are helping by not siding with your own people.

Only a new Hitler can restore order to this world. Shit is beyond hope otherwise.

>women will work so they can pay us neet bucks?

Doesn't sound that bad ...

when you see shit like "im glad dem crakkaz are dyin" on the internet with a ton of upvotes, you know its time to purge.



report en masse

Sometimes I wonder if you guys just create a shitty account, connect it with your other shitty accounts, post some bullshit like this with mentioned account and post the post here.

I don't know if I am being manipulated by the jew here to become militant.

Actually it's niggers who fucked up and now they're begging to be given a second chance to prove they're not completely worthless in the grand scheme of things.

>Get rid of all men
>Humans die out because nobody can reproduce

How can people believe in equal rights even as they advocate the death of their species?


>created the modern society that allows her to freely bitch
>u fucked it up

how are people this stupid?

Where and or how do they even think their life would be better without white men?

Yea put women of color in charge. What possible can go wrong?

>Self hating whites
you mean retarded colonial origin cunts, most "british" as that ho is, dutch, german, austrian, french, irish and judens. i think that covers it.
whites you say. topfknkek.
no balls.

Blue check= blue pill.

If racism = prejudice + power ( not my definition) and nobody denies prejudice is ubiquitous, then obviously those in power should do everything humanly possible including racist things, to ensure they remain in power

People don't hate gays.
They hate faggots and the cringy LGBT faggot community.