Would you rather live in a military police state controlled by Nazis with reduced freedom but no niggers/crime or live...

Would you rather live in a military police state controlled by Nazis with reduced freedom but no niggers/crime or live in the current world today?

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Is that even a question? The fucking Nazi state of course.

>draft and forced service

I think I'll pass

Id sacrifice more than some degenerate freedoms to live in that world. I'd sacrifice my life

>cousin who was EMT murdered by niggers while trying to revive other nigger
>father had car and kayak stolen both by niggers (both caught cause of their low IQ incompetence)
>gf reports to me that the only men who sexually harass her are niggers

yeah I'd give up just about everything to have them gone

This is assuming the Nazi state is a white ethnostate. Curfew is enforced in certain neighborhoods, no right to own guns unless you are a party member or in the military or police force or are a farmer and/or can prove you require predator control. No freedom of speech/assembly if it is detrimental to the state. Private ownership of goods and businesses. Freedom of religion as long as it's Christian.

Sorry about your cousin m8

Do you honestly need to ask?

>Would you rather go to heaven or hell?
Difficult choice. . .

The former

>reduced freedom

Define freedom?

Where do I send my vote to?

I'd join the "nazi" military police and round up degenerates.

thank you
It's been over a decade and I still get butblasted everytime I think about niggers

Nazi Germany did have gun rights though, contrary to popular belief.


sounds perfect

The world as it is today, dumb-ass. I don't care how racist you imagine you are, if you were transported to Nazi Germany you'd be scared shitless and scared straight. Have you ever even seen anyone be murdered in real life? No? But you've seen it on television often enough that you know what it feels like, right?

Easily today. My life's not bad at all. Living in the Third Reich would suck.


This is really more for occupied countries that aren't Germany. Jews would likely be expelled to Palestine, Mexicans to Mexico etc.

That's a pretty stupid question. A bunch of neck beards on Sup Forums play at Naziism like it's some kind of joke. This bullshit started when the sjws started calling everyone who used the wrong pronouns a Nazi. Now the insecure man children who blame all their shortcomings on the blacks and the Jews have taken it as a badge of honor. Real Nazis were socialist cucks who gave up their autonomy out of fear to a bullshit hierarchal big government that relied on invasion, plunder, and enslavement of others to survive. You would all hate to live that way. If you are tired of high crime then move out of Detroit for fucks sale.

also that girl on the left signalling with the
>muh heritage shirt
she legitimately looks Irish so is the Amerimutt meme btfo?

t. jew

The freedom to live in a niggerless state is freedom enough

Gun rights in NS-Germany were much more liberal than of the current Germany and some US states.
What you are talking about is that a certain rank would grant you carry permit in civillian life automatically without formalities needed. It was not just party but every organisation. Post officers and train conductors were armed as well. Hunting permits were automatically carry permits.
At age 18 you could by long guns and ammo without license or registration.

Nazis were German nationalists, not white nationalists, so no. They attacked other Europeans. I defend them against lies but there were issues with them, to say the least.


t. boomer faggot who thinks Rush Limbaugh and kikebart are an actual legit source for information

Stop watching hollycuck movies.

You could own guns and have your own bussiness.

>Nazi Germany did have gun rights though, contrary to popular belief.
They were pretty lax compared to current Western European gun laws. That's true. Also fuck you Jew.

I'm going to start butchering you fucking worthless rats. You have no idea what's coming and zero respect for the reckoning you face. Further attempts at gaslighting and humiliating innocent men are going to result in your extreme suffering

The amount of harmless things you can do with out a law that says you can't, and the number of opinions you are allowed to express with out getting arrested and shot for it. Also the number of laws that restrict the government from forcing you to do stuff against your will.

God forbid you get a job user

>reduced freedom


> No freedom of speech/assembly if it is detrimental to the state.
You probably have more freedom of speech compared to modern Germany where your a nazi if you are not a total regressive and can get sent to jail for a funny dog vid

the blacks look so sad, like them white devils are paradin' em for keks

Here we can behold the reason why the US is 56% white and falling

The land of the free and the home of the whopper

t. amerimutt

>That's a pretty stupid question. A bunch of neck beards on Sup Forums play at Naziism like it's some kind of joke. This bullshit started when the sjws started calling everyone who used the wrong pronouns a Nazi. Now the insecure man children who blame all their shortcomings on the blacks and the Jews have taken it as a badge of honor. Real Nazis were socialist cucks who gave up their autonomy out of fear to a bullshit hierarchal big government that relied on invasion, plunder, and enslavement of others to survive. You would all hate to live that way. If you are tired of high crime then move out of Detroit for fucks sale.

You're just afraid that you have to get your NEET-ass up and work for a change Juan

I think my state isn't that bad right now. I am however concerned about what happens with it in 20 years.
But I would sure as hell prefer Hitler over living in a shithole like UK.

>world's biggest super power

quoth the kraut.

Nazis, obviously.
Uniformity creates resonance, this is what the Jews seek to destroy.

why should i have hitler, when i can have Franco?

are you retarted or just non educated?

given the poor understanding of the Nazis by the people on this board, I suspect many would go for it. having actually studied some history i would say fuck that idea, the present day is far better in every single way.

stupid question, but I suspect it is jsut to draw out the stupid people who say things like this

please KYS I promise it will make the world a better place

you deserve neither liberty nor security, you betray your American roots and the founding fathers.

Wtf I love the eradication of my race and my grand children living in a brave new world sryle jew ruled dystopia now

Pierre is just afraid to get BTFO a 4th time.

>Oh pleezee monsieur americane pleeeze help pour Pierre contre le kraut mauvais

I'm not from America

enjoy your concentration camp for wanting to post freely on the internet.

not. Not in the slightest.

are you really this stupid or just a troll?

Whilst i think nazi germany was worse than current society - i would choose the nazis because although i disagree with an authoritarian police state, something like that is temporary and at the end of the day you still have your people in existence ready for a better shot.

In today's society it may be more free but we're seeing a demographic change that will be permanent and will destroy us, the west and the world that depends on us. Culture and society change but demographics are final.

says someone who has never been to the Uk and has no depth of reading in history. You fucking moron.

wtf I love moral decadence now

I had a great grand father who live in Germany during WW2. I got to hear their side of the conflict straight from his mouth when I was young. What actually happened is nothing at all what the history books say. Remember that history is written by the victors, and Jews are the biggest cry bullies the world has ever seen. The hyperbole of those hook nosed rats is beyond legendary.

Pic related is pretty damn accurate of what really happened.

You already LIVE in a fucking dystopian police state with the difference that is against your very existence and not for it.
Also you are aware that Hitler wanted to transform the Reich into a republic after the war, just not a democratic one.

Nah, blonde hair blue eyes here. Believe it or not, there are a few of us actually white people left on the board. I'd love if I could have grown up with Hitler Youth to gain valuable skills, discipline and work to help out my people and country.

They would keep people on the right track. Besides, there is no such thing as democracy or freedom. The systems in place now is all about engineered consent, abusing your subconscious to make you buy shit, and tricking you into thinking you're making your own choices when you're not.

At least Nazism doesn't bullshit and gives you the facts. The problem I have is the scapegoat used, but it is what it is.

The thing with the dog happened retard. Maybe check facts before spouting retarded shit?

Freedom is the ability to eat soy filled hot pockets, watch cartoons at 34, never marry or grow up, and have to constantly kowtow to your inferiors to prove that your aren’t racist.

Not as bad as nazi germany, i'm very free to criticize the state and live how i want. The government has no say in my career, relationships or acquaintances. There are increasingly encroaching laws on "hate speech" and they will get worse and worse.

I have no doubt it will get worse and as said, the demographic change is going to destroy us permanently so i would rather the nazi state and accept a bad life with the knowledge that my children and their children will have a good life.

All humans are the same.

>Life in NS Germany was bad

Where do you get this from?

>niggers vandalize the schools
>they riot and chimp out
>old grandpa was harassed by niggers
>pushed him to the ground beat him down laughing
He was in his 70s
>niggers broke into our car and tore the seats
Yes, even if I was a nonwhite.
The nazis would be better.
Why did they fuck it up?

>6 posts by this id
Lmaoooo get a life you neckbeard nobody gives a shit about your nazi fairy land

By my metrics, i dont believe a society that doesn't value free speech as a central value is good - it will stagnate philosophically, artistically, scientifically and politically. I also believe it important that each person decide for themselves what a good life is and it be on them to live it and bear responsibility for it. A state should be minimal.

Nazi germany was deeply corrupt at a state level and on a personal level there was a climate of spying and distrust.

What this poster said Pic related. I mean you can be arrested and imprisoned by your post alone.

>free to criticize the state
Yeah, just don't say anything bad about Islam. Thats at least 15 years in prison.

So you endorse the very policies that led to the status quo and will ultimately destroy the European races?



I say bad things about islam all the time, publically. Now i thoroughly disagree with the laws, they are wicked and wrong, but a lot depends on how you say it. You have to criticize it with a detached tone, dont make it obviously an obviously personal, emotional feeling.

It's also unwise to criticize muslims particularly, better to criticize the religion as an idea.

Gimme that sweet nazi state.

I prefere my freedom. And I also like black women. You mad storm from babies?

Are you really asking this here?

This speaks to me

>1 post
Gtfo shill
>6 posts
Get a life!

My kids are getting easy bake ovens for Christmas just to begin their training. Fuck muds, fuck Jews. I can't wait until the race war gives us the excuse to cull the population.

Individual liberty did not lead to the current state, its denigration did. The left have been opposed to individual rights and responsibility since the time of Marx and set about infiltrating academia, media and government. Now we live in a welfare state with open borders and no freedom to properly criticize it. Companies and schools have huge quotas and diversity drives.

The west boomed under classic liberalism and i believe still would be had it been upheld.

>storm from
From where?

>be me, roommate murdered niggers
>hundreds of other thefts, fights, altercations, etc.
>move to suburbs
>county starts passing out section 8 vouchers outside inner city
>mfw niggers outside yelling and chimping out
>mfw 2nd Amendment still a thing
>now armed to the teeth

Better start saving up for bail for your niglets now

Answer is so obvious it's not even worth saying.


Behind how many layers of repressive irony do you hide your pain?

>I am going to destroy my own blood line haha you mad? Nazis btfo

>American roots and the founding fathers.

I like the world as it is.
Fuck nazis

I'm impotent

I would but I would also be fighting to overthrow it. At least we would have a clear enemy and not worry about degeneracy and Jewish subversion.

Of course. Not even a contest.

At each post i keep saying i dont like the current circumstance and it will get worse yet apparently im repressing the pain? Just because i think taking it at instances, nazi germany was worse than now.

Hi Achmed. Isn't there a truck of peace you should be driving right now?

You sound pretty cucked. These are the words of a defeated man longing for the days of yesteryear.

But thats wrong. Individual rights allow subverters to do their thing since you cant discriminate against them. It allows the financiers of marxism to profit from your economy while using the profits to pay an army that will destroy you.

>having actually studied some history
Aka watched half of a holocaust documentary.

You're so fucking cringeworthy and pretentious holy shit. The history of nazism is not classified knowledge, and most posters here know significantly more about it than the average person due to having a deep personal interest in the topic. That's a plain and simple fact.

You poor dumb bastards. If you're so bent out of shape about blacks. Why don't you just move out of your moms basement in your shithole urbanite welfare-based voting districts and move west? Black people only live in high density urban environments. There is like,.01% black population out west

Way more lax. In fact, the 1928 Weimer law made it so people could have certain firearms as long as they had a permit for it. This permit lasted one year. Certain people were exempt from having to get a permit though, mainly government workers at the federal and municipal levels and German Railway Company workers. If you were any of these you didn't need a permit. This permit was for both long guns and handguns.

The 1938 law made the required permit only for handguns. So you didn't need any permit to own a "long" gun. The same people were exempt from having the permit as the 1928 law, but more were included, such as member of the Nazi party, members or the military and importantly people with an annual hunting permit. The latter meant that as long as you had a hunting permit, you didn't need a permit for either handguns or "long" guns. While this hunting permit clause in the 1928 law allowed you have a handgun WHILE hunting, the 1938 law allowed you have a handgun period. The age of buying was lowered in the 1938 law from 20 to 18 but a clause was added that "competent authorities could make exceptions". The validity of the regular firearms permit was also extended from 1 year to 3 years in the 1938 law. For the manufacture of firearms and ammunition you needed a license. In the 1938 law Jews or manufacturers that had Jewish partners or whatever were banned from getting this license. In that sense, it was more restrictive. A few months later Jews were banned from owning firearms entirely and theirs were confiscated.

Educate yourself. Any right-wing pro-gun idiots making the argument that the government wants to take your guns like Nazis is just fear mongering you. Extreme left and right wingers will play you the same Nazi card to swing your opinion. Don't fall for the trickery of either side.

Here's the translated law.

I was in UK over summer.
It's fully of Pakis, weather's shit and you gotta have at least a VPN, but it's better not to use internet at all.

I'd plant a knife in your belly and stir your guts like a bowl of monkey soup you disgusting favela rat.

But then, you weren't entitled to an opinion in the first place.

Yes. I would volunteer to shoot leftists, faggots, shitskins and criminals in the back of the head. I'd beg them to let me pull the trigger.

>Hey goys move over to my side of the boat where there isn't any water instead of wasting time trying to plug the leaks over there!

Blacks and the lowest scum of latin america will move in after you. That;s what they do. Detroit used to be great city long ago.

What do you mean homosexual pride parades wielding dildos were not allowed in this 100% European and almost crime free society? I mean like wtf freedom is the best :DD

You can discriminate against them, if people do not like what you are doing they can fire you, criticize you or otherwise not associate with you. The reason they have succeeded is because people are not free to not work with them or to call them out. They are protected by left wing policies.

As for financiers of marxism, well i am deeply opposed to marxism and a classically liberal nation is too.