/polder/ Reconquista Piet edition

In today's draad:

>brexit: pay up anglos
>1 year punishment for raping and killing an innocent 14-year-old girl
>fascist spanish petes as replacement for racist black petes
>feminism strikes again
>german and dutch neo-nazi soldiers prepare military coup d'état

Dutch politics:

King Willy has sworn in the 3rd government headed by Marx Rutte

With a small majority of 76 (/150) seats in the House and 38 (/75) seats in the Senate, Rutte III consists of 4 parties: the lyin' libtards (VVD), Christian cuckolds (CDA), Democratic demophobes (D66) and the social Jew on a stick union (CU)

>referendums be banned
>(((refugees))) be welcomed

''As requested by the EU, the Netherlands will continue to take its fair share of (((refugees)))''

''Subsidies should be reduced for member states that do not fulfil their obligations in this respect'' (hi Hungary and Poland)

>an end to dual nationality for staying (((refugees))): making it impossible to ever deport them
>volunteering in (((refugee))) or neighborhood centers result in a certificate that gives you priority over others seeking a (government) job
>punishment for (online) incitement to racial, religious, sexual or ethnic hatred doubled from 1 to 2 years imprisonment
>internet-connected devices may be hacked by AIVD/MIVD (FBI/CIA), collected data may be shared with foreign intelligence services

''€10 million will be made available for law enforcement authorities to purchase hacking software'' (lel)

>mandatory gender-neutrality
>€20 million investment in (((independent))) research journalism
>VAT-1 (food a.o.) increases from 6% to 9%
>an end to dividend withholding tax (good goy Netherlands)
>mortgage interest deduction will disappear within 10 years
>bigger role for the EU

''EU brings peace, security and prosperity to the Netherlands. In addition to an economic community, the EU is a community of values in which the Netherlands feels at home. In the re-reflection on the role of the union, the Netherlands is fully linked to the EU''

Hooivorken wanneer?

As replacement for the racist Black Petes, Amsterdam has chosen Spanish Petes (pic related)

The LPS (national platform of muh slavery) is not happy with this decision because Spaniards were oppressing KKK-Nazi-fascists

“Spaniards have been responsible for human rights violations across the world. It’s outrageous Amsterdam allows this display of Spanish slave-trading thugs”

> spaniards btfo

The Anglos have been warned that they have 2 weeks to say how much they want to pay the EU at the time of their departure from the union

Britbong diplomat Kerr finds that May misleads the Britbongs by saying that Brexit can no longer be stopped

Kerr compares Brexit with marriage. “As long as the divorce proceedings are ongoing we are still married and can still change our minds”

>anglos btfo

Last June, a 14-year-old boy raped and killed his equally old classmate Romy, after which he dumped her body in in a ditch

Today came the verdict: 1 year, 1 fuckin’ year. That is the punishment for raping and killing an innocent 14-year-old girl in the Netherlands

“Half an hour after he strangled her, he asked a farmer he knows for a glass of lemonade and went on with his day”

A divorced Dutch father must stop posting photos of his 2 year old child on social media. That has been determined by court at the request of the mother. If he does share pictures on social media, he has to pay a fine to the mother for each photo

Although the judge considers it logical in the present digital age that the man wants to share pictures of the child, the court finds that he must respect the wishes of the mother

>daddies btfo

Was dat NRC artikel van gisteren over die coup fake of niet?

>implying some obscure bureaucrat can stop the forces at play

dit weekend gaat het gebeuren

fuck this cabinet
also where do I hypothetically buy a gun (aivd pls)

God, Amsterdam is fucking pathetic. All of Randstad is a degenerate shithole.

nu.nl is kanker
wat is een goede nieuws site?

I'm ready

He was mentally ill. That farm was the zorgboerderij.



Rassen mengen is niets mis mee, jonges.

Oh, crap. Worden halfbloedjes gespaard?

Jullie weapon of choice?

Gebuik nu al jaren, ken geen goede alternatief

The Daily Stormer


Every single country in the world has different laws for minors committing crimes, you dumbfuck.

Saus? Welk TV programma was dit?

Get a permit or take a trip east, for recreational purposes of course

how would I hypothetically come in contact with any recreational tour guides for this hypothetical recreational trip

and I'm sharing ours with pol

are you mad faggot?

back to your cuck shed Jos

Just find a Ukrainian speaker (not hard in this country) and go with them to translate. Should find a weapon easily.
That being said, most intelligence services in Europe are working with what govt they have in the Ukraine to stop weapon-brokers there so you will 90% be visited by AIVD if you go there. There was that big bust they had last year or the year before in Ukraine with potential jihadi buyers.

>reddit spacing

Japan rarely jails teenaged murderers, be glad the kid is getting something.

OK Pablo

Ask slavs I guess, or your local bikergang

I wouldn't know

Mooie Opee, Opee. Volgende keer misschien iets uitgebreider?