What is the end goal of cultural Marxism? When will they finally be satisfied?

What is the end goal of cultural Marxism? When will they finally be satisfied?
It seems every time we give them what they want, they just ask for more.

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The end goal is centralized ownership and administration of all property--including your person, IP and derivatives thereof.

when are you going to call out the jew sargoy?

you know genocide is the only way

>the jews are collectively plotting with a uniform conscience to destroy the west

Holyfuckingshit for fucks sake. Nuke Sweden already

Extinction of whites.

So women can't drive cars in Sweden? I did not know that.

Their end goal is to be lined up against a wall and have their brains blown out. I think I might just live long enough to see them achieve it too the way they're going.

What an embarrassment that country has become. Just put it out of its misery already

More from Sweden

there is no end goal. they will never be satisfied




The end goal is catholic nwo. Feminism will continue until men revolt and women are treated like cattle. They will not be able to be citizens like in the Vatican. Pedos will become powerful and it will be normalized. Child marriage will become the norm to avoid incest pregnancies like in Europe before the Enlightenment period. POCS will be imprisoned in their own minds to bring Kant's thoughts on race relations to life. Progressives are progressing to Vatican rule.

Their endgame is, unfortunately, current year Sweden.

They are the reason the slippery slope logical fallacy, is not actually a fallacy. So no, they will not stop. Not until everything is "perfect and equal", which is obviously impossible.

They will never be satisfied.

That isn't the point, the point is to consolidate power and influence and to do that they have to manufacture constant victimhood and outrage for "equality" and "justice".

>What is the end goal of cultural Marxism?
extermination of all Ethnic European peoples

>legally restrict women from driving to placate Muslims
>outlaw vehicles to ensure equality

Is this the next wave of feminism?

End goal is to disrupt and destroy western civilisation so socialist revolution would became only viable answer. SJW's are useful idiots, no more

That's right, when they run out of purity and wedge issues they invent new ones.

"gay marriage" was the first one I really noticed back in the day.

Now it's bathrooms and "transrights" and pronouns.

At some point, some day, it will be pedophilia.

I always thought a good troll on SJWs about marraige equality would be to campaign for polygamist marriage equality.

The meltdowns would be glorious.

Is there actually anything wrong with that this swedish woman is saying though?

space is being taken up in cities indeed, and she's right

She has a point you know

What are your thoughts on mass deportation/slaughtering the indigenous Swedish woman to make room for more Muslim men?

>What is the end goal of cultural Marxism?
White genocide and complete eradication of western civilization.

There is no end goal and this is not cultural Marxism. The combination of words makes no sense. It's just blatant incompetence at vote chasing.

While there is no goal the end result is the end of host countries/bloc just like Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Union. It's not the ideology, it's a massive incompetence. If everyone is incompetent, it's hard to make a case why competence should be rewarded. So we should have percentage representation of oppressed groups. It's good for votes from these people. It's just very stupid.

Besmirch my flag no more you fucking imbecile

yes you fucking ignorant retard

you're completely changing the subject, and I'm not a supporter of islam

but what is wrong with the point she is making?

The stated end goal is the destruction of all western institutions the church, nations, the nuclear family, morality, free markets, etc. they will only be satisfied when everything that makes the west the west is destroyed.

it's only a matter of following the trajectory
>Swedish men have Feminine brains; thus, they will go along with the concept of freeing up "space" for women not simply in the parking lot, but in the workforce
>Muslim men run the lives of Muslim women; thus, there is no validity to any of the "desires" of Muslim women
>Sweden is now being transformed into a Matriarchal societal set of doctrines governing all aspects of Swedish life
>As Islam takes over, the cultural and societal clash will be short lived as Swedish women become Islamic concubines
Albeit brutal; we might as well be honest

Good thing i will soon obtain enough Shekels to move to a bankrupt rock that cannot collect enough taxes to import the diversity needed to keep this kind of politics voted in
, i have my eyes on one that has a mostly "white" population too.


I wonder if anybody has tried to get elected on such a promise in Sweden?
>mass deportation/slaughtering the indigenous Swedish woman to make room for more Muslim men?

New Swedish political party

>Matriarchal societal set of doctrines governing all aspects of Swedish life
There's nothing wrong with matriarchy. It;'s the future, and USA will be the first one, for a better and more peaceful world.

How could Islam take over a matriachy?

Jewish Rules + Coudenhove~Kalergi = Ms. Skog

They well never be satisfied

> if there were no proplems leftists would make some up
>ted kazinzski (paraphrased)

Russel means was a native American philosopher,
he talked about how Patriarchy was a negative force..

Native Americans are famous for flourishing and growing in number when a new culture and race arrived

>What is the end goal of cultural Marxism?

>giving women, gays and POC rights means slavery

No, it's just supporting acceptance instead o D&C

meanwhile conservatives and right wingers want 1984


Yes, sharia demands this, just like in Saudi Arabia.

Kek. Beat me to it

There is no end. They are "progressives", meaning there can never be a stop or a step back, as they would become "conservative". It has to go further and further, no matter how retarded it gets, no matter how self-destructive. It has to go further and further on the path they originally set foot on.
They will never be satisfied, and they will never stop. What we call "slippery slope" is their actual plan. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

It is slavery. Nobody is buying your lies for long on this subject, faggot

>How could Islam take over a matriachy?
there are several ways: cut off your clit, throw acid in your face destroying two important aspects of any semblance of your female identity, covering you from head-to-toe when in public so that you don't attract the attention of another mans sexual emergency and if you do get raped, then you shall be stoned to death
>never allowing you use of a vehicle
>dressing up your sons to be little girls for ass sex
>your Muslim overlord will demean your daughters early so they don't get out of line later in life
Spoil the sword; spare the child; no?
The future is 'Feminine'

prove to me it's slavery?

They dont have to be believed once some new laws are in place

Dont worry all us "BASED" Sup Forumstards are going to zergrush smaller states

hello sargon

So you have no argument against matriarchy?

They should kick islam out since islam is a cult run by men who're jealous of female empowerment

It's mind-blowing the way Swedish "men" allow themselves to be ruled by women. Sweden deserves its' vulgar feminist government as well as everything else.

Western feminism will NOT allow kebab removal,

R K selection

the balance of Rs must be swing 1 way with a constant inflow of Rs to prevent K's from gaining foothold.

>The two evolutionary "strategies" are termed r-selection, for those species that produce many "cheap" offspring and live in unstable environments and K-selection for those species that produce few "expensive" offspring and live in stable environments

what's wrong with a matriarchy where i's K selected?

im pretty sure it still exists

>What is the end goal of cultural Marxism?

Jews want to create an underclass of goyim slaves who are just smart enough to operate the machinery of society, but who are too dim to ever pose a threat to their domination.

It's right there in their Jew holybook, bro.


we should be genociding them before they further infect others

>what's wrong with a matriarchy

kill yourself

arguments please

it just sounds like you fear women being successful

every successful civilization was created and run by men

90%+ of all scientific and technological developments were by men, art is dominated by men, culture is a man's world.

women can't even create and sustain a business while hiring only women, why do you think they can run a nation?

it could exist but its not the kind of feminism/matriarchy we have in the west.

Look at the left, look at how they stay in power
r selected people native or otherwise who live of the taxpayer.

this is how they keep getting reelected this is why they are in favor of blowing up other countries so they can become refugee dispensers.

Find me a nonparasitic K selected matriarchal political ideology in the west

There is no end goal. The radical left is comprised of a patchwork coalition of disparate groups that will turn on each other the moment they fail to ascertain a common enemy.
LBGT activists and Islamists? There's no end game those groups could possibly conceive of together. They're just currently working together to defeat (you).

>every successful civilization was created and run by men
>90%+ of all scientific and technological developments were by men, art is dominated by men, culture is a man's world.
because women couldn't be given a chance thanks to men acting like violent animals by pushing them away from achieving anything

>women can't even create and sustain a business while hiring only women
proof? sources actually say that it's actually men who should leave the workforce since they're ''too emotional''

>why do you think they can run a nation?
They can. Every year more and more women are gaining power in the USA. More and more women are in the workforce, and women out number men at education and degrees.

Also, why do you think silicon valley is preferring women nowadays?

Ancient egypt was a revolutionary feminist matriarchy with decent education, multiple language speaking, and okey tech that was ahead of it's time, or at least better than the west at the time. that was before white males came over and ruined it with all their colonialism and stuff

>Also, why do you think silicon valley is preferring women nowadays?
"Progressivism" and Postmodernisim are its practically the De facto state "religion" in nearly all western nations.

Muh wage gap has inspired numerous interventionist policies to handicap men to up the statistical representation.

How many women only scholarships, how many men only scholarships?

Whether or not the woman was the best applicant is irrelevant, gender parroty is all that counts


also, why would businesses (who run the west) want to let themselves down because of progressivism?

surely the reason why these businesses that run the west are choosing women because women are better, right?

>because women couldn't be given a chance thanks to men acting like violent animals by pushing them away from achieving anything.
Just like how women have historically prevented men from giving birth.

>proof? sources actually say that it's actually men who should leave the workforce since they're ''too emotional''
Your proof? Your sources? Have you ever actually held a job?

>They can. Every year more and more women are gaining power in the USA. More and more women are in the workforce, and women out number men at education and degrees.
Every year the quality of life, for both men and women, decreases in the U.S. Coincidence? Also, $100k pieces of paper from basket weaving/African studies courses do don't a great country make.

>Also, why do you think silicon valley is preferring women nowadays?
Quotas and virtue signalling.

Does your pussy get all tingly and wet when a man tells you you're wrong?

There is no end goal. Like socialism, virtue signalling, the term "cultural Marxism" doesn't mean a damn thing and changes with the weather depending on what you retards are mad about that day.

PreAlexandrian Egypt?

finding a nonincestuous royal family is enough for people to conclude it was matriarchal

Companies have in the past gone bankrupt for pursuing bad ideas the company heads thought were gold.

In groups that adhere to Islamic Dogmas, Christian Dogmas, Communist Dogmas or insert religion here Dogmas,
People follow the Dogmas because they have been tought to believe them not because the Dogmas are inherently true

They wanna take away muh guns and muh pure white genes.

>Just like how women have historically prevented men from giving birth.
No that's just biological difference. I'm just stating the fact that men used their ape gorilla psychical abilities to suppress female intelligence. Funny how as the west progress, more and more women are in the workforce since men have at least TRIED to stop being ''masculine'' apes and instead give women a chance. We at a height in society, and masses of women will lead it.

Brains are the only thing important for society now. This is why men are not needed with their dumb stuff.

>Your proof? Your sources? Have you ever actually held a job?
hold on , I'll find link

>Every year the quality of life, for both men and women, decreases in the U.S. Coincidence?
that's only because of immigration

>Also, $100k pieces of paper from basket weaving/African studies courses do don't a great country make.
IT'S STILL AN EDUCATION. Holy fucking shit dude, are you kidding? No education has no value, and gender studies is way better than being some uneducated dumb electrician or plumber. Employers want people to have an education,

>Quotas and virtue signalling.
Why would they ruin their own business of signalling? Surely they want these women because women are better.

>Does your pussy get all tingly and wet when a man tells you you're wrong?
I'm a fellow male

The alt right is full of R selected dindus LARPing as K's

>>They would back left wing causes the second a non multicultural left wing movement appears.
>look at collectivist behavior look at their socialist views

Matriarchal cultures are inferior, an primitive. Both niggers and jews have inherently matriarchal tendencies, look how the struggle to control their base urges, look how they can never produce art and spew profanity in its stead.

The Greeks were right.

>Reminds me of when Stockholm decided to clear snow and ice from roads gender equal
>instead of prepping large roads where statistically more men are, the focused on side streets and smaller neighborhoods
>have to abandon the change due to record accidents and injuries

No wonder so many Trumpcucks were Bernie fans.

Bernies gimmedats > hatred for Jews

so matriarchy does work?]#

lol and there's conservative retards who say that women only date up, and that they are happier in patriarchies

Efficiency is an oppressive ape like masculine tendency

Can someone link to the article in the image please?

>Companies have in the past gone bankrupt for pursuing bad ideas the company heads thought were gold.
So why is google only hiring White women, black men, and black women?

suruely they should ''learn from others mistakes'' in your opinion?

You fucking retard

Total extermination of the white male.

How is that even Marxism? It just sounds like complete gibberish to make women out to be the victim some more. I've never seen a logical leap like that before.

Ask not what your employees can do for you,
ask instead how much melanin in their skin and whats between the legs
- average leftist>So why is google only hiring White women, black men, and black women?

>Matriarchal cultures are inferior, an primitive
I thought Sup Forums was a supporter of rural life? I thought a lot of people here were against what technology and social media? Some people on here even support paganism and that pegan metallica guy who lives in the woods with all those kids and wife.

>Both niggers and jews have inherently matriarchal tendencies, look how the struggle to control their base urges, look how they can never produce art and spew profanity in its stead.
Ugh, excuse me? I don't know about blacks, but jews are very intelligent people, and have always led western society. They also the best professors and philosophers. Oh, and look at Israel then. They'd literally DESTROY all of the arab patriarchy world, and Iran within a single wipe out. Sounds like matriarchy is superior.

It's not. It's actually a society that abuses women. Look at genital mutilation

humans are not machines

i thought pol supported biology?

clearly women are happier in matriarchy

The only common ground we're likely to share is an agreement that immigration has been a net negative for the western nations.
I'd *almost* choose a matriarchy if it meant having a homogeneous society.

>gender studies is way better than being some uneducated dumb electrician or plumber.
Are you havin' a giggle, mate?

Marxism is a boogeyman for the Right these days. No connection at all to Marxism the economic theory.

so google are going to make themselves bankrupt because of skin colour and vagina? ok,

sure thing

Marxist professors infesting colleges all across the western world never seemed suspicious to you?

Just so you know they don't literally mean white people,

Whiteness is an umbrella term they use for things like..
The K- selected, 2 parent families, meritocracy, western civilization, agree to disagree, etc

its not the skin colour or gender its the fact that it is even a factor.

there is literally no reason why race or gender should be prioritized over skills and ability when choosing a candidate,

yest the left thinks doing this is somehow advancing civilization.

they will never be satisfied.
1st of all women are never satisfied and will always demand more and more. its genetic. this wasnt a problem when they were kept in check. in fact their selfish nature and constant desire for more was actually a helpful motivation for their husband. when women were allowed the right to vote and with the rise of feminism they can now demand things from the government/society at large rather than an intimate partner and you can see exactly how damaging and insane it's become
2nd the other group of marxists are weak men and subversive groups. weak men are easy to exploit because they failed. they cant compete in a meritocracy so their only course of action is to change the system. the subversive groups simply want to destroy the west

m e n t a l g y m n a s t i c s

not my point. why would google hire people for their race/gender over skills when it could damage their business?

they are incentivized by the government to do so, many of them probably believe they are doing the right thing, and there are other people probably manipulating them to damage the US

this has already bees answered
>People follow the Dogmas because they have been taught to believe them not because the Dogmas are inherently true

but I thought 'google' were the elites running the world, like facebook

I don't see how capitalists would shoot themselves in the foot

Because they've done the cost benifit analysis and determined that the backlash of hiring based on merit would cost them more due to boycotts than hiring an entirly melanated (and slightly under qualified) staff would.

the elites do use google but I dont see what that has to do with this
the gov will subsidize poorer performing women and niggers
again many of the people working for google and hiring people probably believe in this bs

>the gov will subsidize poorer performing women and niggers
Lets call them Rs

The useful idiots who buy into this? There's no endgame. They really believe this.

There is no real ideological endpoint. Its an ideology built on the foundation of always having to find a new oppressor to destroy. Its basically a crap shoot of what the next grand struggle against oppression will be. Their way of thinking is programmed to always find a new spook. This is Trotsky's "permenate revolution". Its formulated to constantly break down the fabric of society so that no natural hierarchies can form. Natural hierachies would rival the power of the state and the party. In the modern world we don't have a literal communist party orchastrating things, but the principles are identical. The end game of globalism and communism are effectively the same. All forms of identity that don't answer directly to the all-expansive state (the """"greater good"""") are to be wiped out of existence in order to make way for a glorious future where we all hold hands and sing as supposed equals.