My history teacher says that there is literally not

My history teacher says that there is literally not
a single good thing about fascisme.
Prove him wrong if you can.

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it purges the communists, that's a good one right there

What are good things about Fascism? Isn't that when some faggot controls everything?


Why are you wasting your time. He's a commie agent paid to indoctrinate you to communism.

He won't ever be turned and you're gonna fail. Just play the fucking game and white an essay about how awesome Venezuela was before American imperialist pigs fucked it all up. Also, not real socialism. Never forget that part. They fap to it.

That is only good if he doens't like communist.

That's really about it - it's a cancerous ideology, but it counters an even worse cancerous ideology.

So, it's like chemotherapy, it's poison, it's deeply wrong and bad, but it gets rid of the ultimate evil, so... Yeah.

It is a check against the more destructive forces of communism, arguably Hitler prevented the Soviet Union from conquering all of Continental Europe due to mobilizing Germany through fascist ideology to stand firm.

there is nothing good about fascism
communism ultimately leads to fascism as well

well, then his response would very much reveal his angle.


If he likes communism he's a shitty historian and clearly doesn't deal well with fucking facts.

Communism and it's various shit gobbling counterparts have cost hundreds of millions of lives in the past 100 years.

It's evil and greed masquerading as compassion.

there is nothing good about fascism but National Socialism is where everything gets better.

According to him Fasicme has no postive things at all but communisme does.

Communism killed 30 million Eastern Europeans. Fascism has no where near that kill count, and it's not a system created to subvert and destroy the countries where it caught hold.

well then his opinion is worth nothing and he should be hanged for being such a historically illiterate faggot, especially as a history teacher.

But it wasn't meant for communism to subvert and destroy countries, I mean it did but it wasn't there plan was it.

That doesn't make it innocent.
Your teacher is a biased subjective faggot that shouldn't teach.

oh no i did something evil but i didnt mean to so i dont have to take responsibility for my actions

and what definition of fascism does Teacher use?

or does he just know it when he sees it? (pic related)

Under NatSoc Hitler improved the economy drastically and removed commies. If that isn't good, I don't know what is.

Fascism: an ideology based on supressing all other viewpoints

He described the characteristics of fascism.
He used for example Germany and Italy in the second world war.

It was intentional, when communism took hold one certain group seemed to always be on top. That group happened to be atheistic Jews I'd take a look at Winston Churchills writings on Jews and communism now that's a history lesson.

not an answer

fascism is a response to communism but as a long term solution it is a poor form of governance.

I will thank you.

Best answer so far

How come it will do poor in long term?
Do you have an explanation for that?

Isn't facism's modern definition basically "whoever I deem to be the bad guy"?


Also, ask yoir professor to explain the DMV

the moral of the story is a capitalist republic with a small socialist safety net is the best form of government

The US space program.

Then watch as they make excuses.

Or the MIC of the West against the USSR through the cold war.
Fascism (State Capitalism) is the only way to go against a centralized Communist threat. Fascism in itself should always be viewed as a transitory state, to fight off a greater threat. The danger of fascism is trust that the leader would relinquish control, but most of the time they do, or allow leadership roles to direct policy (US presidents, Prime Ministers). Pinochet is almost a perfect example of the need for fascism, proper application, after the USSR was all but defeated, he stepped down and reintroduces democracy.

Your history teacher is a kike and you are a faggot.

>My history teacher
it's an 18+ board kikestani faggot..

Awesome uniforms.

is this implying that communism is some sort of outset?

It’s probably pretty good if you’re one of the guys holding the stick.