Redpill me on MGTOW...

Redpill me on MGTOW. If you are an ugly autistic fuck who detests the modern world is it worth pursuing these disgusting modern women? Should you or should you focus on yourself first?


Simple cost-benefit analysis. Sex is great and all, but all the bullshit that goes with it may or may not be worth the effort, depending on your point of view.


I'm not a virgin, ugly, or autistic but I have yet to come across a woman who I would even want to be in a relationship with. I don't think there are enough good women for marriage to be worth pursuing anymore. I'm not mgtow and haven't given up but it looking at modern women sure makes me want to.

Self-improvement literally has a general here, or at least it used to. /SIG/
You should always be improving yourself. Once you get gud nuf that the women take notice, then you just have to sort out the one you want (the one you can trust). Simple process mate.

Here’s the redpill: MGTOW have no sexual market value (either NEET, or autistic, or ugly/fat or generally have nothing to offer a woman) and only “go their own way” because they have no choice in the matter. Think of it like getting fired from your job, and then saying to your boss “you can’t fire me, I quit!”

Trust me my man I am disgusting legitimate autism and ugly face. I have nothing to offer but money to women and they are all mindless cunts who act the same 99% of them.

There is true MGTOW
That is a man that truly doesn't care about women and pursues his own interests
And then there is "incel"
Men who do nothing but bitch and moan about women every single fucking day

You are only MGTOW if you've kicked out all the women living rent free inside your head

she aint white, looks like an oriental with some dyed hair

I think you should stay secluded in your parents' basement playing videogames, eating cheetos, drinking Mountain Dew, and watching porn until you die, basically. I promise you'll be much, much happier that way.

Oriental? and you look like a mongoloid with some greasy hair, retard.


The incel is completely different from self-absorbed man-child. A man who has a high paying career, nice house, a couple of cars, expensive hobbies, and lots of casual sex is a man going his own way.

>redpill me

Not continuing the white race for whatever reason isn't red pilled

Not to mention MGTOW is fucking gay

Yes, but the high-paid career man is not likely to identify himself as MGTOW. The ones who identify as such are almost always incel, and can be easily identified by the fact that they blame everyone but themselves for their lack of success with women. Also by using terms like “chad” and “roastie”, words which are not part of the average bachelors lexicon.

You should be MGTOW until you get your shit together. You'll never pick up a decent woman until then. But too many faggoty incels and MGTOW adopt a bitterness towards women because they refuse to fix things in their life which women want - men who are independent, can support a family in whole or part, are strong and fit, passionate and professional, etc.

If you're a NEET, overweight slob still living with your parents into your wizarding years, no woman is going to be interested in you. Clean yourself up, get a job, eat better and lift, and otherwise show some basic fucking discipline to prove you aren't a child, and women will want to be with you. Or remain an undisciplined child, go MGTOW or incel, then bitch about women as if it's their fault you're a piece of shit.

But after you get your shit together, you can find decent women.

>but user, what are decent women?

Traditional women who aren't liberals. That's it. Liberalism ruins women as it does men. It's the ideology. Almost all the examples pol posts about worthless men and women is due to liberalism.

It's up to what you actually want in life. If you desire love, don't deny that to yourself. You can find it if you look in the right places. Alternatively, if you're a natural loner and deep down you really don't want anything more than a hermit life and an occasional orgasm, don't deny that to yourself to either. There are a lot of men who want love and pretend they don't and a lot of men who don't want love but pretend they do. If you're only forever alone because "all women are whores" you're robbing yourself of what you really want, just like if you're only a family man out of some perceived obligation to "save the white race."

You need to figure out what you actually desire, what your ideal life is, and then pursue it at all cost. This used to be the general mindset of this entire board. I don't know where it all went wrong.


as a tranny-fucking queer leather nazi
>>wtf does this have to do with Sup Forumsitics?

If you're an ugly autistic fuck you're wasting your time chasing women. Trust me, I am one so I would know.

It's just a modern, materialist version of monkhood. Men have been going their own way for forever, but reverting to baseness is the dead end most in this new movement take.

A lot of feminists are nothing more than fat, ugly women who hate all men because all the men they found desirable rejected them.

That's what incels are, for the most part.

( cont'd )
The problem I see so much in the MRA/Man-o-sphere world is that it takes the premises of feminism at face value and attempts to expose the hypocrisy of it. This is wrong. Truly, the fight should be for the restoration of monogamy. Their enemy isn't women but the men they idolize. They have it all wrong.

Right, feminism is basically WGTOW.

honestly you have to get a woman young while your young, to keep her from becoming a roastie, they all turn into roasties after age 18.

You came to the wrong place tbqh famamalamamamdam. Half of this board is still blue pilled on the female question. Besides, going your own way is a choice only you can make for yourself. Nobody can make it for you. Only you know your own tolerances, and what you're willing to risk in exchange for what you think you might gain. Only you can set your own priorities. If you let others make the decision for you, you'd be taking the "man" out of mgtow anyway.

This, when I had my shit together in highschool, everybody wanted to interact with me, guys and girls. But once I got to college, I fucked my first year up and now nobody cares about me anymore. So it's during this time MGTOW helps as I need to get my shit together until I can be at the top again. While there are people MGTOW who are bitter towards women, they have to realize it's cuz there's nothing special about u. In this day and age women hold all the power as every one of them who are decently attractive have atleast a 100 guys texting them. So u need to self improve yourself until you can compete with the other guys, or even to the point where your really successful and they come chasing you. Atleast that's what my plan is.

To me MGTOW is a win-win, modern women really aren't worth interacting with and if you really are a loser it's not like telling yourself that you totally should be going out trying to find a wife is going to change much for you.

In terms of "we need more white children" winning the greater war is more important. Women are prizes of war and will open their legs to whoever the winner is. If you have the men, then you have the women.

Also guys have more power later on in life (late 20s and onwards), as women age like shit and lose their beauty, which is literally what makes 90% of these thots. Guys, on the other hand, increase in value over time as the amount of single guys decrease over time, and guys can approach younger women in the 18-25 range easily. So improving yourself right now for a year will help you in the long run.

Taking your own way is easier than playing the game
I considere them cowards

I don't really like it because these guys aren't having white children...

But considering that like 50% or more of women are pretty much useless for that these days, we might has well have 50% of men just not bothering with women at all if they don't really mind.

This has 2 effects.

1. Imagine 50% of the male population NEET MGTOW's on welfare. This will fucking ENRAGE women if you frame it as "Nah I don't need to get a job to support a woman, just will live on welfare and play vidya". This is probably the only way to get women to hate the welfare state.

2. Someone has to do it, so it might as well be guys that don't really give as much of a shit about women and having a family.

These guys can be our allies. They vote right wing, a lot of them will abuse welfare payments that traditionally go to women. They will brag about not supporting women. It is a win/win in my opinion.

I feel this way, too. Probably doesn't help that I live in a city. The women here are such proud thots, it's unbelievable.

>Redpill me on MGTOW
Jewish psyop to convince ugly autistic fucks to not breed
pro-tip: find an ugly autistic girl
t. ugly and autistic guy with a gf for 5 years

Don't put pussy on a pedastal.

>falling for tradcon women meme
It's like you are not even trying anymore.

I'd smash.

Unironically this. The key is to meet a girl who's not yet become a degenerate and then lead her on the true path.

There's a reason you keep hearing tales of couples who've been together for 70+ years. It's because they met in early high-school.

That's the key.

Long story short, I will forgive you if you are legitimately not in the 30-40% of men that will be able to find a nice wife.

Just remember to not support any roasties in any way possible. Vote for tax cuts, pay as minimal tax as possible, abuse government handouts as much as possible so that the money isn't going to some single mom.

Goddammit nazifag you're supposed to be doing self improvement even without MGTOW you dingbat. Whether you chase skirt and get hurt is a matter of your own choice, or rather you're a man going your own way so make up your mind.


People I know say I'm MGTOW, but my wife died a few years ago, and my kids are all turned over 18.
I really don't want to get into a relationship again, I don't see how that makes me a man going his own way

You're just a man enjoying your retirement, you already did your duty, Now enjoy the rest of your life.


What duty do I owe to an out of control species?

MGTOW is for incel beta males, so you'd probably fit right in. You'd be doing the world a favor by removing your genetics from the gene pool.

How dare you post this during no fap November !!!!
I literally have to break no fap every time I see this girl on here

There are women out there that aren't "disgusting"

I meet my lady when shejust turned 18 (on her 18th birthday), she was a good girl and always has been( kinda knew her for years before we started dating). Been together almost 9 years now and everything is good. She is a beautiful women and definitely a keeper. So i guess you are right

Read up on what MGTOW actually is before talking about it.

I met my wife at 15
>tfw asked her to marry me then, I was too alpha for her to think this was autistic and she said yes, later.
>stayed loyal as fuck to me, got married at 19 and still married 7 years later.
>neither of have a bunch of college debt because we weren't going to college for the experience and to find "the one" instead we both looked into trade skills to make a decent living
>never had to deal with roommate drama because we had each-other for support
> Now 26 and making enough for her to not have to work, now she makes cooks me three meals a day, takes care of our home and wants kids.

The lesson?
Take your relationships seriously when you are young.

Here's the correct answer OP



You don't have to be ugly to detest modern women.

women aren't all bad. Its only the white ones.

>fast forward 14 years
>she feels she "doesn't love you anymore"
>starts fucking around
>rapes you for 80% of your possessions + alimony
the lesson?
all women are like that and you're being a delusional cunt

just become /sig/
thou shall bang girls who are as hot as you or less. there's no getting around it. whatever girl you get is exactly the girl you deserve.

>Redpill me on



That's not really a fair comparison. Being MGTOW also means you aren't putting up with their bullshit.

Guys who have no sexual market value and still try to get pussy are like people who apply for a job, get rejected but decide to work for the benefit of the company anyway, even if they don't get paid and have 0 chance of ever getting a job.

Pray tell where are they? Not college, not Tinder, where are the other sources of meeting women?


This is the most applicable template to the majority of cases.
The foundation myth of the feminist/gender equality movement is that men are motivated only by sex.
No. It's all a cost/benefit analysis. You women priced yourselves out of the market, creating a market collapse.

Basically, the West is embroiled in this war with the court systems, which disproportionately favor the women and turn the men into feeders for their sow farms. MGTOW has a bunch of Adachi-wannabes, but a lot of the men in the West look at the Court system and don't want to stir the beast and are thus content with living on their own terms and not getting into relationships with women because they don't want to be fucked over once it goes balls up. For them, it's a measure of risk vs reward and right now, they see the risk portion of it much too insane to even consider doing the whole courtship dance because a wrong look can destroy your reputation, eliminate future opportunities and drain your finances.

That's about the gist of it.

Back in college I took a class in Irish literature as an elective. We read a lot of stories about the Celtic warrior Cu Chulainn. One particular story that comes to mind is The Only Son of Aifer:

>Cu Chulainn leaves his pregnant wife Aifer to go train in Ulster to learn a secret move from his master. Aifer gives birth to a boy named Conlaoch who becomes a great warrior.

>When Conlaoch grows up he sets out to find his father. He defeats and humiliates everyone in his path, refusing to identify himself to anyone but his father. Finally he kills a group of men who (unknown to him) are member's of Cu Chulainn's new tribe.

>Cu Chulainn asks the boy his name, which he refuses to give, and the two agree to fight. Cu Chulainn's new wife is screaming hysterically that it is his son and they can't fight.

>The two realize each other's identities but still agree to fight. Cu Chulainn defeats and kills his son with the very move he left to master. He embraces his dying son and they envision how they could have conquered the world together had circumstances been different.

The themes are pretty simple. Upholding the warrior code. Finding family in your fellow soldiers. Honor between two warriors. Vulnerability of a boy who never knew his father.

So what brilliant insights does the 90% female class (including the teacher) have?

"Cu Chulainn is just a sexist pig?!"
"Why'd they fight each other are they stupid?!"
"The wives should have put them in their place amirite ladies?!"
"Violent meatheads should have just talked it out?!"

That class made me remember all the fedora posts about women never understanding ideas like honor, respect, pride, comradery, pursuing greatness, and living/dying by their sworn oath as warriors. You could tell them what it means but they still wouldn't understand. They do not have the capacity for such ideas.

It was my first realization that MGTOW while not perfect did have a lot of valid points about the shallow nature of women.

But it helps. Women will reveal their true cruel, evil, and uncaring nature to a ugly man because they have no incentive to treat him with any level of human decency.

How does a MGTOW have a child though?