Should Certain Hate Speech be Banned?

I am not saying any right-wing party should be banned. I mean extreme hate speech. Like for example William Luther Pierce said REALLY hateful things and was fully allowed to under the American constitution. Here are some things he said.

>"Black people are not human, they are subhuman animals"

>"Queers, Transvestites, and other
extreme degenerates deserve to be hung"

>"Haiti was a prosperous Caribbean island. When the black subhumans took over French law and order was replaced with despotism and savagery".
The last one isn't an exact quote but it's found in here

So my question is should this type of speech be banned? Considering in America it's fully legal?

Other urls found in this thread:

You know, Ive come to a realization lately. There seems to be this notion, especially on the left, that society and culture progress in a linear fashion. That whole "current year" bullshit that implies that we are a much more educated society nowadays that has progressed beyond old ideas that were once mainstream in society.
Now if we step outside of culture and socialization, we have something like science. Or maybe conspiracy theories as well. Things that with time are often proven correct when they were considered ludicrous in their day. We make a hypothesis that only with time based evidence or technological advancement can be substantiated.
IN SHORT, what I am saying is, what if these people who spout "hate speech" are right? Do commies not realize that 60 years ago their ideas were considered dangerous and were banned by law? What if niggers truly are a different species, or if 100 years from now we realize that small homogeneous societies are the high road for civilization? Maybe trannies are the downfall of civilization and should be hung? The notion that ideas are hateful or outdated and should be suppressed is insane when you realize that many of the things that we hold true today would have been outlawed or ridiculed in the past.

I cant believe i typed all of that up and this thread is sliding off the board. FML

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot. Also this is a bait thread you should be ashamed of yourself for replying seriously.


Hate speech doesn't exist. Kill yourself.

Communist speech should be banned, nativist speech should be protected, promoted and made into propaganda

>Black people are not human, they are subhuman animals
They are, though. I'm not a strict racialist and think 98% of behavior is due to environment, but the greatest problem for our civilization is the presence of the Negro and other subhumans in our lands. They have already eroded most of our moral attitudes and just need to give society a good kick before it crumbles completely.

Negroes are a jungle people and they brought with them jungle values. Compete, kill, reproduce. These values are most apparent in their musical forms, which are consumed by virtually all of the Western population today. Degeneracy of this kind among whites would never be tolerated by other whites. But the negro presents himself as an outsider with forbidden knowledge that is outside of the White's experience. It isn't, we just shunned it a thousand years ago because it was inferior.

>Queers, Transvestites, and other
extreme degenerates deserve to be hung
His opinion, not necessarily hateful. Degeneracy should not be tolerated. When a person violates the laws of nature the only reasonable outcome is death, either of him or his offspring. We are in a comfortable age with layer after layer of social safety net to protect us from the consequences of our actions. Punishments like hanging are reasonable to remind us of what happens when destructive habits are practiced. We may not suffer immediate harm from degeneracy, but there is nothing good that will come out of it in the long run.

>Haiti was a prosperous Caribbean island. When the black subhumans took over French law and order was replaced with despotism and savagery
That's undeniably true.

Hate speech against minorities needs to be banned. There are too many cases where freedom of speech is used to promote hatred against vulnerable groups. I'm a civic nationalist but I absolutely am opposed to the attempts of the far-right to abuse freedom of speech.

it's only okay to ban hate speech when I personally can be the arbiter of morality for mankind. Unfortunately everybody else who wants to ban hate speech will only do it if -they- can be the arbiter of morality for mankind. The only way to settle this is to suck it up and not ban hate speech.

There's no such thing as hate speech in the same way there's such no thing as the ability to change ones' gender.

come back after kys

I read it.

Can't tell if you're memeing or not. Do Brits unironically believe this?

Hate speech isn't free speech.

What about hate speech against white people? also how do you define hate speech?

>responding to bait

No. Anything short of "let's murder those people on that bench over there!" should be tolerated.

No free speech IS hate speech. We need to gas anyone who thinks they can speak their mind.


Fuck you and your Reddit spacing

If hate spech isnt free spreech than free speech is obsolete. Either everything is free or nothing.

No speech should be banned. If you say stupid things, people's opinions will change about you though. Unless you are threatening physical kinetic violence towards an individual, there should be no punishment for words.
Intent Vs Interpretation. All it takes is for one person to interpret your words as hateful, even if that was not your intent, and it's game over.


1st amendment, boi

I try to say the same thing. Calling a nigger beautiful was prob hatespeech in the 1800s. Do they really want to shut it down?

Absolutely. In Britain, we strive to distance ourselves from fascist ideologies. The similarity between the far-right, the far-left and jihadists is they are all authoritarian arseholes want to persecute minorities. This is why most Britons are centrists, we hate political extremism.

Hate speech against white people is bad but not as bad as hate speech against minorities. When a black person says "kill all white people", I have no fear that their group is capable of carrying out a genocide against white people. But when white Neo-Nazis scream about their desire to kill all minorities, then I am afraid, because Neo-Nazis have done that very thing in the past.

I hope your being funny. If not. Kys

>we Britons
How do you explain 74% of people agreeing with the Rivers of Blood speech? If Britons are cuckholds it's a modern development.

I'm British, and I think the only problem with Hitler is that he didn't go far enough. Kys Paki.

So what happens when white people are a minority and towel heads outnumber you in your country? Isn't that happening now?
>responding to bait

Agreed. Freedom of speech does come with consequences, some very harsh, but it's not up to the government to step in.

How are white people not minorities? There are 7 billion people on earth, and under 1 billion are white.

>then I am afraid, because Neo-Nazis have done that very thing in the past.
But which is going on in the present?

Those who call for (((hate speech))) are the most hateful people in existence

Wanting to protect your own people isn't hate speech you duplicitous kike

no, any lesser idea should be addressed intelligently and made obsolete as a result. if racists have the better argument than you then you should be less inerudite. unless of course you want legislation to help you win arguments by preventing them from happening in the first place :)

you fucking weakling brainlet

>Should Certain Hate Speech be Banned?


>>"Haiti was a prosperous Caribbean island. When the black subhumans took over French law and order was replaced with despotism and savagery".

That last one wasn't an exact quote but it's exactly true. Have you ever even studied Haitian history?

Censoring certain speech makes it taboo, which in turn draws people to it. Free speech is the perfect tool for discerning retards from people with actual substance.

>That's right goy, saying objective facts that hurt my feefees should be banned

Many whites in Zimbabwe thought as you do. They're dead.

How is this different from extreme progressives claiming whites are incapable of feeling oppression by circular definition of power, incapable of culture etc. and deserve to get extinct?
Either it's okay to wish eradication or it's fair game.

And its kind of funny how you start with "hate speech" and directly swooce right into "not ALL right wing".

What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.

What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.

And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.

We need make it clear these people that attacking our rights will result in them being dead.

You need to fucking hang niggerloving fucking faggot retard

Get the fuck out leftist newfags, no this isn't a safe space but this also isn't a place for you all to just destroy with your incessant AIDS ridden faggot ass bullshit

And what would you say about the persecution of white South Africans? Kys shitskin commie.

Cuckolds like you need to be lined up and shot for your own good

Nope. Never. Let them say whatever they want to as long as it isn't libel or genuine threats of violence.
I do find WLP reprehensible however. His admittance of taking part in killing a white man because he didn't believe exactly as the group did.
This should be a serious reminder that extreme ideologies like this are dangerous and violent to anyone who isn't following the party line to the exact letter.
There is nothing admirable about this story, and even if you agree with their reasons for killing the man, just remember that if you disagreed on something else they still would kill you. Such is the way of extreme totalitarian ideologies.


You can this and you put control of substance in the hands of the political party in charge at the time. If you think that's a good idea you have no foresight, and your opinion should immediately be disregarded.

What could be considered hate speech?

There were far more than 2.4 million Jews in German-occupied Europe, there were 3 million in Poland alone

The time of the 1960s is very different to today.

Mate, I'm Indian, my grandparents came to this country before your dad was a sperm in his dad's ballsacks. They did their bit for the British Raj and I have a right to live in this country.

Look, all I'm saying is that it's ridiculous to think white people are going to be genocided when over 85% of the UK is bloody white. White genocide is a ridiculous meme.

Pic related is interesting, especially look at the pattern for "all white people are racist" and "all Christians are backward". It appears the left wants to create a hugbox for all, even if in practice it's tilted. Also important to remember that the American left is increasingly brown, so this closely matches what you'd see for free speech attitudes for white/non-white.

science is a progression
but human culture and civilization is a cycle, which begins anew when our ideas become inevitable
in that sense, there is nothing wrong with punishing sedition - sedition, not punishment, is the only thing that can stop our ideals

All form of speech should be allowed. If this results in a society embracing hate and violence then that society deserves it. It's the price of freedom. If you wish to be free you also need to be responsible for the consequences of your actions, both as individuals and as a society.

Free speech exists FOR the extremists. Socially acceptable opinions are protected by virtue of being socially acceptable. They don't need to be protected by the government. Doesn't matter if they're fascists, ISIS, antifa, etc, all MUST have a right to speak and assemble and if they are sufficiently marginalized (as they are right now) then their platform must be upheld by military force.

Where the fuck do you draw the line and where will it be drawn in the future? Will it just move with the overton window? If you're going to ban pro-genocide speech, why not ban EVERYTHING you disagree with? It'd be hypocritical not to.

And what do you think about the rapid demographic change in Britain over the last 20-30 years? Because I''m not terribly happy about it, and most of the Indians I know aren't either.

William L Pierce was correct in everything he said.
You know what should be banned? Fake speech, no matter how extreme it is. Protected speech should be protected no matter how extreme it is if it is true or uttered in the pursuit of truth.

Race Realism is a thing. You can't cover it up because it makes you uncomfortable. If someone calls blacks "Subhuman" well this is true. They are subhuman. We are not the same species, we are cousins at best.

Get out faggot, this isn't plebbit.


If you support suppression of ANY speech liberal, conservative, intelligent, retarded - YOU are the bad guy. Speech is what makes us human and separates us from the animals. It's a fucking human right. No benevolent force would suppress any speech.

Oh, so you're not British. That at least explains the primitive attitude toward Anglo political traditions.


>98% of behavior is due to environment
Nope. Natural selection. A million years of evolving in Africa have given the Negro a super developed Fight/Flight response and an under developed prefrontal cortex, planning and logic center.
For all those years, and in the ice age, Africa was relatively abundant in food so they never needed to learn to plan.
It's all genetics dude.

Civilization takes the form of our genetic inclinations, our genetics are not influenced by our civilizations. Our genetics are influenced by our environment, yes, the weak who can't survive the environment die and the strong survive and populate, ergo genetic traits and hereditary qualities, passing down the strong genes.

This is insightful enough to save.
capped it.
Thx user

What about it? It's normal if you allow immigration, you are going to get people of other races in your country. As long as they are educated and well-qualified, it's ridiculous to be arsehurt about them not being white.


If you think you have an opinion about the First or Second Amendments, then not only do you not, but you are not an American, and you need to get out of my country or die violently and publicly.

>Black people are not human, they are subhuman animals
this is an opinion. even if it's mean to say it causes no harm physically
>Queers, Transvestites, and other
extreme degenerates deserve to be hung
this calls to action. it should be considered conspiracy and should be banned.

No because for one thing free speech is absolute, and when you start slicing off piece of it while cmaining it doesnt count as free speech, well then there is no more free speech at all.

And secondly because of leftist social narratives, what's "hate speech" will of course be limited to "anything white heteros say." So we'll have all the blacks, Muslims, and Mexicans continuing their open anti-white racism while anything a white person says in response will be hammered down as "hate speech."

Traditionalism is not about larping as what was fashionable 50 or 100 years ago, traditionalism is about rejecting the progressive reading of history. Glad you got there on your own, pretty sure what you realised is the most important piece of the puzzle.

>Deserve to be.
>Go out and noose a degenerate.

I believe pedophiles DESERVE to be hung, but saying that this would be just is not a call to anyone to hang pedophiles. Anyone who acts on this statement is a victim of their own stupidity not a victim of compelling speech.

You're a fucking retard.

>banning speech
Does not work if you subscribe to human rights.

I'm more British than you ever will be. Citizenship is about loyalty and virtues, not how far back you can bloody trace back your lineage.

Only incitement should be banned, and it is already established as unprotected by the 1st Amendment. But when a man calls for someone to be hanged in this context, he means that the man should be tried, convicted, and hanged. At worst he is calling for a law to be passed which results in the man being hanged. This is different from calling upon a mob to lynch a man.

>human rights

Truly a great man

"deserve" can be interpreted to mean a number of things. it's not mental acrobatics to interpret "deserve" as an ought.

>As long as they are educated and well-qualified
I suggest you go out in the street and look around. The capital of our country is now less than 50% white. I don't think that the English culture was better than anyone else's, but it was a thing, and it was mine, and I liked it. It was a gentle culture that produced many great things (and some bad ones), and it's dying. England is just becoming an economic zone. They talk about diversity, but they produce the opposite, a monoculture where people are just interchangeable units in a money machine. I just think it's terribly sad.


Publicly heralding misinformation and encouraging violence should be banned. Freedom of speech should be available to everyone and not just the loudest and most supported.


The listener controls the meaning of words, not the speaker. People shouldn't be required not to make certain sounds with their mouth in order to protect the listener's feelings when their offense is their fault. Words don't objectively hurt.

When free speech is infringed, I will move to Western Australia and fight crocs until I am eaten.

Fuck you and your meme flag too.

Search Results
verb: deserve; 3rd person present: deserves; past tense: deserved; past participle: deserved; gerund or present participle: deserving

do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
"the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery"

If the illiterate wish to interpret the word in such a way that they would go and noose degenerates because they are told degenerates deserve the noose then, again, they are the victims of their own stupidity.

I too am ashamed.

>this random internet dictionary is obviously the correct interpretation given to us by god himself

That's the oxford definition....

Nope fuck off.

Yet conservatives want to ban people who say that Islam is the one true religion from entering the country

brown people don't have a human right to be around white people.

>I'm more British than you ever will be.
Other way around m8. Despite never having lived in Britain it's plainly evident that my kinship with the British people engenders similar philosophical/cultural foundations and a high level of altruistic sentiment towards the British and their diaspora. Your posts have demonstrated that you lack both of these -- unable to understand the importance of free discourse in Anglo society and an indifference to the crowding out of the native population by ceaseless mass immigration.

What level of education do you hold that you think the dictionary is an authoritative source?

You're a subversive kike idiot fuck.

Fuck off poo I'm more British than you, I at least have some ancestry from England whereas you're not at all tied to the history of that nation

British Indians are sometimes OK, but this chap seems to have drunk the multicultural Kool-aid. Sensible Indians know that the mass import of Muslims is more dangerous to them than it is to the native population.

>If the illiterate wish to interpret the word in such a way that they would go and noose degenerates because they are told degenerates deserve the noose then, again, they are the victims of their own stupidity.
I agree being told degenerates deserve the noose isn't sufficient to noose degenerates, but this is a straw man. Degenerates don't deserve the noose because anyone is told they do; they deserve the noose because they're degenerate, i.e. they fit your quoted-definition, which is, btw, completely irrelevant because illiteracy has nothing to do with this. Even if it were the case that anyone were to believe degenerates deserve the noose because they are told so, it would not necessarily have anything to do with not understanding what "deserving" is, e.g. it's possible they would simply have made the mistake of believing being told degenerates are deserving of the noose is sufficient for that belief. You've apparently failed to recognize this because you are the one who is a victim of your own stupidity.
Irrelevant. No one wants to ban the claim that Islam is the one true religion, and we want to ban those people because they are Islamic, not because of what they say.

What level of indoctrination have you received that you believe definitions should be rapidly changed to suit political agendas?

"White will disappear by 2100, and that s a good thing" title of an article. Should the writer be banned for life from journalism ?

My only protest is that you used terms like 'thin out' rather than extirpate or exterminate. Words which should also be applied to the Jewish people on a global scale.

>rapidly changed
>not typing up the new definition quickly enough

>Should the writer be banned for life from journalism ?
That would be reddit's policy were they to actually disagree. It should be like Sup Forums. You don't get b& for saying stupid shit, but you open yourself up to being called an idiot.