Capitalism is just as bad as communism

Capitalism is just as bad as communism.

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Maybe crony capitalism. National Socialism was a mix of Capitalism anyways. Are you saying we completely abandon it in favour of some magical alternative?


The American World Chess Champion stated it best. One "ism" transposes to another "ism" until the desired effect is achieved.

bumb of justice and Christ

I am slowly coming to this exact conclusion. After a lifetime of being told stories about how heroic my country was in fighting against the Nazis, how great a person Churchill was and all such things, it's the hardest and most painful redpill I've ever taken.

Coincidentally, both capitalism and communisme originate from the same community ...

I consider myself a history buff, but the problem I faced was up until a certain point, all the history I learned was from jew sanctioned books. Real history is steeped in layers of secrecy not found in shitty public schools or College. I was once a huge fan of Churchill but later found out he was a high ranking mason and druid from another secret society. Basically a satan worshiper. Same goes for Stalin & Roosevelt. They all belonged to the same organizations/secret societies and can hardly qualify as legitimate role models.

1000% correct

Hunger is the enemy. Immaterial legislation are the untencils with which a government eats its people.

The problem with the world of today is that you don't know how to sell your ideas.

Nazism was an intended taboo made in order to avoid actual national sotialism which competes with sionism.
If you want to change the world, you can't do it under a fucking swastika.

The Ψ is starting letter of the world soul , catchy with the normies
>National Soul .
>A nation's soul .

You can clearly socially pressure them if they doubt something as noble sounding as that .

>Why ? Do you prefer us to forget/lose/kill our national soul ?
>muh No , me good goyim no racist !
>only bad people want to destroy our history !

and we correlate "muh history" with "a nation's soul /national psyche/soul"


Gay symbol
Make it a lion or a sun

>capitalism requires these things
Glad I will never be this stupid

>Radical authoritarian centrists
Tip harder faggot

Am I really that surprised?

>this negates the argument
Enjoy your new government faggot

One thing is for sure. Jews are behind both of these things. From the redshield bankers in europe to karl marx and leon trotskey, and the international jewish socialists and capitalists who run our world today

I find this whole "le fascism" thing to basically be a giant meme. Nobody has any actual proposed solutions or valid answers just that they promise that "it's great" or at best promise to follow along with the economic policies laid out by Hitler, which I don't even think were sustainable for a country to actually exist for more than a decade.

You'd be surprised what a country can accomplish when it gets its national dignity back and gets rid of a money system that is literally anti-value (debt-based).

But I lik Gommunism
FRe moni

Get fucked, your ideology is the biggest failure of them all. The Nazis ultimately led their people, their culture, and their land to ruin. Fucking shameful.

Fascism is the only way.(national socialism, italian fascism etc.)
For noobies, pic related

>being this bluepilled

>being invaded and having your ideology banned means it;s a failure
Communism was a failure. Lasted 70 years, in different countries and cultures, still failed.

Fascism is not a failed system, it was a defeated system. It can still work, the only thing stopping it is the taboo (in US) and ban imposed on it by EU

Daily reminder this is a leftypol shill thread.

>rejecting capitalism means you're leftypol
>implying leftypol even knows the difference between capitalism and fascism

"Capitalism" is a leftist buzzword, simply using it in a negative sense ousts you as a braindead bernout.

yeah. Breadlines are way better than picking anything you want from a supermarket