I hate this country. I hate the people in it, I hate their culture, their looks, the way they smell, the clothes...

I hate this country. I hate the people in it, I hate their culture, their looks, the way they smell, the clothes, their dirty disgusting skin, their ugly langugage - it's cockroaches in "human" form, and every single person on this earth should work to exterminate all of them.

Other urls found in this thread:




your crush got fucked by a latin alpha?

Why do you hate me user?

t. mohamet

Would you like Dracula to impale your ass again filthy turk .

Can you read?

>I hate the people in it, I hate their culture, their looks, the way they smell, the clothes, their dirty disgusting skin, their ugly langugage - it's cockroaches in "human" form

You're a disease. I genuinely think this is what Goebbels felt about jews .. just intense hatred and a wish that you and ALL of the disgusting rats like you, end up executed.

a bit tryhard but go on

Some fucking Romanians moved in next door to me recently. Be interesting to see how they turn out. So far I’ve only seen this one Jew looking Manlet in grey prism looking tracksuit standing about outside

Muhammad your projecting...

I see no problems with them, they fought well.

Romanian woman are the best looking woman in Europe. Stop being gay user

I would marry her on first sight :3

for the record. that's a tranny

Redheads make me crazy

I hate your boring brown cheese eating, fat gut, inbred, no culture, no cuisine, nazi-envying, shit language country NATO fellating Anglo-worshipping cuckboys who have to import Thai women. All you have going for you is some good looking women who are all sluts. At least traditional women still exist in parts of Romania. Norway is a welfare state white version of middle eastern oil ghetto economy. If you weren't Aryan you'd be the object of derision. At this rate in a dew generations you'll be extremely mixed anyway. Even swedecucks are better than you are.

come on mohammed, you just hate the gypsies because they're competing with you for welfare in cuckland
stop projecting

You sound like a faggot

well said ahmudillah, but I believe now is the time of prayer not jihad

Oh look , another romanian hate thread.

hahaha western cucks and HUNgaryans are getting mad at us for being better that them,IMAGINE MUH SHACK

>bumping this thread
fucking retards

>acel moment când ești prea inteligent să muști momeala

I am an amerimutt and all but have to say, love Romanians. How can you hate the country of the iron guard and survivors of worst communist regime? Romanians are strong people and will inherit the future along with the rest of the second world countries when the first world crashes. Read some Cioran, Norge boi. He blows your piddly writers away. Just because the diaspora underclass of Romanians may be as lowly as anyone else's doesn't mean their culture is inferior. Norway was poor as shit and totally insignificant till you all hit oil.

I have always liked Romanians. I chose to do a state project on their country in 7th grade... that's when I learned about The Iron Guard.
We don't have Romanians where I live, but I'd like to meet one.

Not worst than turks though.
Still worst from this side of EU..

I’ve never been to Romania, but here are a lot of 1st and 2nd gen Romanians where I live and everyone that I’ve met has been nice and considerate. The woman are at worst, average looking while some Romanian women are absolutely beautiful

magyar out

You think you like them because you never have to be around them. You don't have to see them on every street corner begging, smelling like literal shit. It's like me saying I dig niggers despite never been much around them - it's fucking stupid.

Never leave your own country.

I feel the same towards arabs and niggers, romania seems to get invaded by arabs lately, as if we didnt have enough turkgipsy mogrels. Im white btw, I rarely see a blonde persone anymore

the gypsies will keep coming and cucks like you will keep taking them in, but please do continue shifting the blame on other european peoples and not your traitorous government and cucked electorate

Says the ooga booga snow-nigger who would live in caves if it weren't for the real European cultures.

is the slippy g guy here?

>friendly reminder that this is how Romania(Cluj in this picture) looks like and most people living there are hard working and normal.

The retarded muslim that started this thread probably saw a few gypsy beggars that happen to have Romanian passports and his 70 IQ made him believe that all Romanians are like that

I've stayed in both Romania and in Norway for over a month numerous times (romance). You fucking idiot, you're talking about romani gypsies, not normal Romanians. Get it right. Shall I consider you a Sami?

The problem is you never met real romanians, meaning white romanians.. I understand your hate towards filth like arabs gipsies and turks, but just remember just because they speka romanian it does not mean they are, its like me calling all your shitskin population (meaning 80percent of your country) norwegians. By the way whenever I see a swedish/norwegian/german blone girl, shes allways with some kind of brown subhuman. So youd better shut the fuck up, nirdics are the most brainwashed self destructive people on earth. Good riddance

So you hate gypsies. Welcome to /balk/

No difference to me. If you get pests in your home, you call the exterminator - you need to kill every single one, from the source, in order to get rid of the problem.

hehehehe neva lieave yor owene cunt

fucking retard jesus go cry somewhere else
i have no intention for now in doing that


>canada jealous of chad

Romanian women are fucking hot. You are fucking retarded

>fucking retard jesus go cry somewhere else i have no intention for now in doing that

I hope for your own sake that you have intentions of killing yourself.


what use for the exterminator when the norwegian woman longs for sandnigger cock? you deserve the gypsies simply for being the sperg you are, I do not pity you, fucking faggot

Okay half Sami reindeer fucker half Somali welfare queen. No difference between you and your trash so we evil yanks should just gas the lot????

watch on that edge reddit

stop larping like a faggot and grow up

t. golden snow ape whose language sounds gargled shit water


Use google translator since your ignorant redneck nigger dumbfuck can only speak 1 language. TLDR: you're a joke.

Was one of your ancestors on the receiving end of a pike from Vlad?

Hello Ahmed

Is a romanian chad fucking your cruch?
Or she got raped by gypo?
What do you hate precisely?

The Nazis tried pretty hard by convincing them to sign up for the Soviet Union invasion.

they didn't try at all, a bootlicker of their seized power by coup
the nazis fucked the romanians over, but, alas, it doesn't even come close to being "liberated" by russians

The Nazis signed them up to be liberated by the Soviet Union tho

>hating the only humans in the balkans


Google Translated to English and archived (.is): archive.is/rz4tn

Can't read the full article without paying (?).

Snowniggers we are not. We are pretty good skyniggers though.

i feel u mate
they are subhumans

what did Chad ever do to you?

>humans in the balkans

Migrated out of Africa and sprayed his R1b-M269 seed all over Norwegian qts.

>non-algeriens en france
quoi ?

>eukaryotes in America

Even fake fucking redheads?

Norway must be a really shit country.

You're confusing Romanians with the gypsy (Roma).

You can keep all of those Indian nomad gypsies for yourself Mahmoud, they are yours forever now


>Snowniggers we are not.
Add "weren't sandniggers too" in that mix. kek

checked and saved

>iar ne echivaleaza Abdulah astia cu tigani,

>So, Norgeanon, do they really import criminals and rapists in your country? Tee hee!

I laughed really hard. That's all I can say. Thank you Herr Kirchner.

lol this is satire though.
some of the things presented are true but blown way out of proportion.
Norway is pretty comfy tbqh famalam

Yeah the only reason we were able to wreck Iraq so hard was skynigging and shitting bombs all over them.


on vacation Hungary?

B-ut, I love Sandu Ciorba!


Gypsy skanks

>found out I'm 1/8 Serbian
I thought I was white..not some 56% meme...

I hate Chad too, i wish Comrade Stalin didn't rape it

Beautiful Romanian music and Romanian culture. This should EU's anthem.


This should be EU's anthem*

Man, I'm fucking drunk

E bine, așa măcar nu vin la noi în țară.

I wish people didn't know about gypsy music, fuck me,it's all the other Romanian immigrants listen to

Are Romanians southern euros? No way, they're Eastern Europeans. Way too up north and in the east

>abandoning our magyarbros in jewkraine

ba, nu ne-ar pica rau nice Erik sau Hans in Romania, poate ajungem asa sa nu mai avem guvernanta handicapata

I agree. Romanians should be forcefully relocated to the middle east and their lands turned over to Hungary. There is no saving Romania from Romanians.

Fuck yourself, nordcuck.

Na man, I know that you guys are cool. Don't worry.
There's this Romanian guy at my workplace. He's like the most European dude I know.
(not a cigan)

Gypsy music sounds good, if you don't speak the language. I mean, I love Sandu Ciorba's rhythm. But I bet that his lyrics fucking suck. Hehe.

You probably think all Romanians are Roma gypsies.
But I agree, those are lower then niggers.

It's good when you're drunk, and it's funny as shit when you understand the lyrics
> when you, (singer) come to our house, don't do it without your bagpipe
>the women come to sing at the bag pipe (hopadeledalala)

HKJ is Ukrainian.

Pe Erika si pe Hans ii fut in cur Ahmed si Jamal la ei acasa si pe banii lor asa ca lasa-i acolo cu ideile lor cu tot

why not listen to something actually ethnic and nice instead?



You only speak Norwegian and English probably. And that's because your native language is useless. And as I said upthread I lived in your stupid country and understand your stupid language, jævla fitte. Some Americans are indeed multilingual. And your shitty country has no place ever calling any other redneck, not even ours. Your natives are the most redneck people on earth. You only exist because you suck NATO cock and hit oil like the bleached arabs you are with your drug addict princess and landwhale leader. You are no better than we amerimutts and certainly no better than Romanians.

daca fug in Romania eu ma gandesc ca au inteles la ce duc ideile lor
pe de alta parte ma cam doare in pula, acum e bestial acasa, pacat ca sunt blocat aici cu tigani de care n-am voie sa-mi bat joc

Is that what "pe cimpoi" means? Like I'm curious. Does that mean "bagpipe"?
Thank you for your recommendation. I'm listening to it right now, bro.
Could you also please send me some Romanian rock music?

pe cimpoi means on the bagpipe aka on the dick

>pe cimpoi
on the bagpipe
>rock music
here you go turkbro:
