How hard will the shock of becoming a minority hit White America? #3

I think that a lot of White people, even Gen Z youngings are still used to seeing America as a White nation. So what happens when it dawns on us that that has now changed? What happens when politics, media and culture is overwhelmingly shitskin? I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.

Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism, which is the fault of the regressive left.

So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?

This study worries me alot ->

Other urls found in this thread:

This study basically confirms that white America is slowly shifting into a more "racial" mindset, and thus is creating the fuel for potentially divisive and destructive white identity Sup Forumsitics. WHICH IS NOT GOOD, SINCE IT COULD START A FUCKING CIVIL WAR!

What do??

You need some variety dude. Its getting stale and also too obvious a bait


Previous threads for th0se interested, KEEP ON ATTACKING THE WHITE IDENTITY PSYOP


*****RE MINDER*****

>Reminder that Anti-White Racism is a HUGE problem

The globalists are brewing racial division to spark a race war and declare martial law = Soviet Union 2.0.


I don't hate normal White identity folks, but you are being tools of globalist scum. Please wake up!!


you are trying to demoralize me asshole

but guess what i have a strategy and im gonna keep employing it

it's called diligence/dedication and it reaps resuts/rewards

honestly fucking use an argument next time, pathetic!


lmao. this is Argentinian tier delusion.

At this point I welcome a race war.
I just want an excuse to kill niggers.

US is 70% white according to the world except Sup Forums
Nufags believe botnets spamming anti white threads
Nufags believe autistic /r9k/ anti woman threads

you're literally talking to bots or sperg perma virgins

no, Sup Forums has alm0st no bots

the great multicultural experiement is coming to an end.

Love the meme flag
. Faggot

but it doesn't have to IF WE DON'T LET IT

the real redpill is radical egalitarianism + cnter right policies + liberal social values

wake the fuck up

soon a generation of children will be born into a nonwhite US but think it's always been like this

i weep lads

no they won't idiot

they will know it's different and be told they're evil for how it used to be 24/7


Oh boy look at all these radical egalitarians with center right policies and liberal social values.

All these doctors and engineers will be so helpful to our society and be wearing maga hats in no time.

You should also try to contradict yourself a bit less.
And you fail to deliver on how are white people supposed to survive in any fashion without going that way.

>the real redpill is radical egalitarianism

fucking kek, keep trying to red pill those socialist blacks, you will make it one day....I used to be like you, a libertarian...a utopian...a victim of escapism and delusion. I have lived with shit skins my whole life, I have seen who they are and I know their voting stats. Your arguments are useless, YOU wake up.

Feel kind of conflicted on the issue because I support majority European nations and keeping those that way, but on the other hand my wife and I adopted one girl from Nepal and one from Eretria

It wont. White people cannot be minorities. Even when I travel to Mexico I look around me and see a bunch of smelly minorities, India? Same thing, billions of minorities. I could be the last white man on earth and I would still consider everyone a minority but me.

A nation has to be majority white or asian to be successful, their the only ones with an average IQ high enough to run a first world nation. As long as that group is in control, they can provide a stable nation for a minority of shitskins to prosper in. Once the majority shifts western nations will slowly become third world, like all other nations run by shitskins. You dont have to go full ethnostate or anything like that, but the highest IQ races must hold the reigns for the sake of everyone else. Usually if things are a meritocracy, that will work itself out, but quotas and affirmative action upset this balance.
Also you are right about keeping identity politics out of a multi racial nation for it to function, but the genie is out of the lamp now i'm afraid. Humans are tribal and will resort to that basic instinct, especially if they feel their livelyhood or tribe is threatened.
And a rising minority status is a threat. And the constant antiwhite propaganda defiantly doesn't help. For a successful nation, it's probably best to kick Jews out honestly. You dont have to put them in camps, just revoke their citizenship the moment they step out of line and send them back to their ethnostate.

Or maybe we will play the race card to our advantage, collect welfare, and blame everyone else as to why we commit more crimes.

Becàuse despite what you multifags believe it will be the tolerant racist minorities that will start a race war.

Exterminate the Jews to take back the reigns of power, then exterminate the Chinks to clean out our R&D.

After we have control of these institutions, it's time for a proper ethnic cleansing.

>raising other people's children
I wish there were a word that accurately describes that evolutive strategy

Shit will get real when the first fiesty Latina President, immune to cries of "muh holocaust", tells her (((advisors))) to "talk to the hand güero" on the Middle East. Jews haven't thought this through.

I want 1950 hard racism.
I want race war
I desire real push back on those who wish to destroy my race, my white skin.
The Dye is cast.
Was has been declared upon me. They kill my people and the most foolish
among us Race Trade and there is no end in sight. The only thing in sight is utter
destruction of my people.
The only way to sort this out is Total RACE WAR-GRID DOWN-PURGE-MONTHS OF FIRE.

Mexicans aren't white
Bots are part of this chan
Women are whores its a fact and they race trade, its a FUCKING FACT.

Every white person in a big city and suburb doesn’t care and all the rural whites won’t notice.

T. Juan

Where I live, I'm already a minority. No big deal. Assholes come in all flavors, so do good folks.

It's simple, you go full Varg. Get out of the cities, stop supporting the economy. Live a simple life raising children. When enough white folks opt out of the system, it will collapse in on the multiracial hordes. They will neither be able to perpetuate civilization, or to work together.

There is literally nothing wrong with racism

More diversity is what's going to cause a civil war you historically illiterate faggot. Homogeneous countries are much less likely to have civil wars.

>So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?

maybe don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. america is, was, and should be a majority white nation.

A civil race war is the best thing that could happen for America's long-term prospects and for whites. The alternative is whites becoming a despised and persecuted minority and America turning into a Third World hellhole.

Fuel the fire and laugh when it all burns down.


Egalitarianism is inherently evil because it goes against natural law. People aren't equal. Races aren't equal. The sexes aren't equal. Any attempt by the government to make them equal will be inherently unnatural and totalitarian, as it has to be to undo the natural order of things.

Whites are going to have to deal with it once us Latinx individuals are the majority nationwide.

We've already conquered California and Texas, and next election Texas will go blue.

That's right. The one civil war we've already had was Negro related. Though the initial evil was slavery, which never should have happened.

I'd rather have a civil war than watch my race slowly die out due to cultural brainwashing, economic redistribution, and interracial murders like what you're proposing.

1950s racism is natural, and desirable. Multiculturalism is unnatural, and detestable.

Lol. Libertarian pushing egalitarianism. You're a fucking joke. Sister fucking kike. Just call yourself a communist and, stop tarnishing the libertarian title.

not good for who?

Wrong the only shift is that it will be everyone vs Blacks. Black will have no allies cause all other group are anti-black.

Just like in South Africa, whites will get used to being discriminated against Then they will get used to their formerly white neighborhoods being enriched. Then they will get used to bars the windows, then living in isolated gated communities, then high walls topped with barbed wire .... etc.

Or, just maybe, if we wake up enough whites, it will be like the Spanish reconquista where complete with an inquisition to root out crypto jews.

I think the more appropriate question is, how hard will it hit everyone else?

>Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.


Also the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Indian Hindu-Muslim conflict, The Sunni-Shiite-Kurd conflict in Iraq, the Christian-Muslim conflict in Nigeria, Whites vs. Blacks in South Africa, and the disintegration of Yugoslavia, just to name a few. Homogeneous countries like Japan don't have civil wars.

No I mean he's right I've seen you copy paste this thread several times. At least rephrase it, keep my interest. Don't get demoralized

Beep boop.

This a REKT thread?

Hard.. visit Brazil its Americas future
people with IQ of 85 cant maintain America,

>A nation has to be majority white or asian to be successful

fuck off

white ppl rock but so do a lot of nonwhite

Start the war now before there are more minorities to kill

you again? don't you get tired of your weekly thrashing?

go to hell

Probably one of the better things to happen to the white community.

The "white privilege" fact will no longer be a fact and the media will be forced to stop talking about it, else whites will revolt

Affirmative action will have to be discontinued

All minority-specific help/welfare must be discontinued because minorities will be majorities.

If any of this fails to happen I foresee a magnification of white racism spilling over heavily into the mainstream.

Our whites cope fairly well actually.

We can stop it by deporting all the brown people and stop all immigration of non-high IQ whites. Most minorities will never share our culture and/or values so the best we can do is separate to prevent the inevitable violence. Otherwise ethnic cleansing is the only option once whites are backed into a corner. So called Libertarians will be the first against the wall because of the risk they will betray the movement. Followed by the white liberals for all the damage they've done. Finally, everything nigger spic and chink will be purged. This can be prevented but only if whites aren't backed into a corner.

In my experience from living in an upper middle class neighborhood that had a Hispanic invasion during my life (20 years) and bussed in poor blacks, there was some self-segregation. However, it was limited to only certain students. There was a lot of """multiculturalism""" though. Also, a lot of white kids tried to adopt the ghetto hispanic/ghetto black culture culture to try and fit in with the nonwhites.

>stop all immigration of non-high IQ whites
So our immigration will be all Indians and Asians, as in Australia. It will not help, there are 2.5 billion people between China and India, with many being very, very poor. There are hundreds of millions of 110+ IQ people dying to come to the West

A lot of gen Z goes to school where minorities are the majority. Very few places are left that whites are the majority in public schools. So unless you live in like Utah or go to private school you are likely going to end up with mostly brown peers. Whites are being bullied which is making them self aware of their identity. I give it 15 years before some kind of race war or country divide happens.

I really like this image

Approx 75% of voters in 2016 election were white.

And yet Hillary still got more votes. Just wait another 20 years....

I said any one who's not a high IQ white you dumb faggot. Which in the global context means any white with an IQ over 100. Learn to read.

The second thing that needs to happen is a complete revamp of the education which makes children proud of their white heritage again.

She's cute. Moar?

Yeah that will happen, buddy. We are 30 years from Brazil and you know it

Only cause some states allow non-citizens to vote and we all know which ones those are.

go home ben
> i'm gas this kike personally

Does not matter, their kids will be citizens

I propose an ethnostate. Mass immigration to a sparsely populated island that white people would be climatized to - Thinking Falklands, perhaps Iceland.

That is to say, when the shit hits the fan and we begin dying out. I do not wish for the diverse races of europe to be destroyed; I wish for my celtic heritage to be preserved, for germanic and nordic history to be remembered.

We need to mark a place where we make our stand.

>>the great multicultural experiement is coming to an end.
>but it doesn't have to IF WE DON'T LET IT
No, it ends one way or the other. Either we cling and go down with it, or we let go and separate ourselves from it while our heads are still above water.

Multiculturalism drags everyone down to the level of the worst included culture, in each aspect. Eventually you end up with African law and order, Islamic peacefulness, Chinese integrity, Jewish morality. Build a bridge with those bricks, see how long they stay dry.

Not saying what will happen faggot saying what needs to happen. Learn to fucking read.

World doesn't fix its self.

Its cool to say and probably fun as well to fuck with me. I have yet see any of you fight a white man to his face. Spend billion trying to make usa feminine. Wait till you see our kids generation.
((( they already dislike jewish influence )))

man, I hope they are ok with the invasion of non-Whites, and only react with kindness and love

south africa status hopefully this will cause 1488 status and racial Balkanization in the united states but that will take the dollar collapsing

When America dives in the dumpster all the whites will move north, outvote the lefties and start the filtration of Canada. Canada has the water, the oil, and the land. There will be a wall build out of ice and it will have giant machine guns and helicopter pads.

Going from 56% to 49% is going to be shocking in a sense that people will be outraged. I think in 20-50 years when that happens some people will virtue signal about its great for them, while the other side of the coin will virtue signal how it’s the end of their worldview. But for me I’ll just laugh at the 56% face meme while it becomes the 49% face meme.

fuck this retarded molested jew

Dude we get it you have a mexican GF and you're scared of a true white-nationalist rising.
The ONLY thing that matters is removing the international banking elite. If White Nationalism is a powerful piece on the N-Dimensional chess board in the game of the future of Earth and Her children, than it is more important than your relationship and more important than a libertarian/ancap philosophy.
The time for arguments is over.

Spain was a minority in the Americas, but they were able to hold down millions of natives. 500 years later these little mudpeople still want to be Spaniards.
Why are Germanics and nords so weak?


reminder that the federal government is ready and waiting for your uprising

>DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists
>Conservatives are up in arms about a report from the Department Of Homeland Security entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic And Political Climate Fueling Resurgence In Radicalization And Recruitment." (Here it is, in PDF form.)

Americaca is not a white nation. What I find amusing is that most people who about this race shit are always poor as fuck and uneducated.
I am from Alabama and I have bee around white trailer trash and The real reason they are losers is because they expect some factor job making 30 an hour and want to live in their shitty small towns instead of going where the jobs are.
Fuck them all, that worldviews dying and will be gone inside of 30 years. It's why I, as a white man, welcome a minority white america: So that dumb recheck trash will realize no one wants them in America

Against a game show host. And still could not win. LOL.

Hispanics will become the majority population, but what will happen is that leftists will just say that hispanics are white, therefore whites are still the majority population and they will still push identity politics and white guilt, even slavery. Difference being, hispanics will be blamed for even things like slavery. If you're a hispanic, you're up next for being targeted like this.

not sure if parody or quote direct from DNC policy

>Or, just maybe, if we wake up enough whites, it will be like the Spanish reconquista where complete with an inquisition to root out crypto jews.

This. Whites nee d to grow a pair of balls, wake up, and get mad. There isn't enough hate or anger present in whites today, they are all afraid of showing their true emotions.

Northern Europeans especially are cucked like this.

Will be really entertaining to watch the white liberals lose control and realize the minorities they've championed for decades fucking hate them. Like when the naive white teacher goes to work in an inner city school.

America was a white nation.

>Just like in South Africa, whites will get used to being discriminated against
I live and grew up in a pretty non white area, the thing about being white in America is that everyone except niggers still respect white people. I've had shop owners give me shit for free to get me to shop there because I'm white and to quote one "White people make for a better image." When white people start to become a minority everyone except niggers treat us as superiors. Blacks are basically brain dead which is why everyone hates them but it's going to be awhile before the respect for whites is actually gone I feel and strangely enough the less of us there are the more the other races seem to appreciate us.

I'm not condoning less whites by the way, I'd fucking kill to live in an all white neighborhood but this is just what I noticed.

I can’t wait until you realize the minority’s don’t want you either. When they’re saying Wypipo are evil devils, they’re talking about you to.

They're "ready" to crush small uprisings, bombings and entrapment operations of random militias (remember the "Hutaree" or whatever militia that were all found not guilty?) The reality is any continuing type of armed movement with even a low level of support would be an endless pain in the ass for the US government. Illiterate troglodytes with old Russian guns bogged down the full night of the US military, with all of its equipment, technology, air superiority etc for 16 years and counting. Malnourished underdeveloped teenagers out maneuvered heavily armed battalion sized elements running through the mountains with old Russian guns. They figured out how to defeat the most advanced thermal imagery equipment in the world with old wool blankets. They destroyed billions of dollars of equipment, held cities hostage, and killed thousands of enemy populations and enemy soldiers using bags of fertilizer and cell phones, coils of old wire, garage door openers etc. Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq...many such cases!

Now, imagine an even stricter rule of engagements since they'd be operating in their homeland. And even then, any sort of draconian crack down is just going to drive the local population into further supporting the fighters. The local police forces would hypothetically be pretty useless once things became a true emergency, just look at the NOPD literally disintegrating in a matter of hours after Katrina (can watch videos of NOPD officers walking through a looted Walmart with a shopping cart full of stolen goods on YouTube). America has almost one gun for every man woman and child. And of course, you need to consider the vast vast majority of the combat arms in the military are rural white kids. The vast majority of SOF are rural white guys. They would flip almost immediately.

Dude isn't that only like rural America that is all white? Hasn't America been like multikulti since like the 60s or something? I grew up near the city never been a majority I'm used to it idgaf just let me have yummy foods and don't break into my house other than that idgaf I didn't grow up in rural topian white happy land fuckm they sound spoiled as shit anyway

Why would you want to stop white from sliding back into 1950s style racism?

Actually they are talking about dumb rural cousin fuckers. Poor whites choose to live in poverty stricken dumps and they choose to remain ignorant, backwards and they choose to abuse opoids. I oppose any effort to rescue these dumb fucks from the heroin crisis they created.


America will turn into balkan fiesta 50 years from now on screencap it.

The nation cannot thrive at this level with sub 40% white population and theres gonna be a lot of mess.

Too bad I will be too old to participate in civil war

>the federal government is ready and waiting for your uprising
no shit they are, but the jewish powers will never succeed against the 70 million gurn owning americans

Where can I see more of this sperm demon