What's the deal with homeless people?

What's the deal with homeless people?

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they have no home

They're the same anywhere. Degenerates, drug addicts, lazy mother fuckers. Doesn't matter where you are. They should be destroyed.

they used to be in nut houses until the jewpigs let them out

Isn't it ironic, how the most ignorant people tend to be the most loudly opinionated.

what did he mean by this....

A lot of them are LARPers believe it or not. Begging white people for money pays more per hour than minimum wage.

I live in a barrel and shitpost from the public library all of every day

They're human garbage. Rubbished society tossed to the gutter where they belong. They should be put to work or put down instead of cluttering the streets, harrassing people, and uglying up the area.

Based Diogenes

I dont want to fucking work. Not my problem. If I'm homeless than just chalk it up to systematic oppression towards poor losers like myself. Now who seems like the bad guy?

mental illness, no family, drugs, and a few larpers

What's the deal with me reading this in Jerry Seinfeld's voice?

a hell of a lot more than min, if you just think about it. I live next to some major on/off ramps off the 401. I see the same ones. Consider that the light at an offramp chances once every minute. 20 cars at a non-peak time are then lined up. even if one (women, usually) gives a single dollar, at each light, that is 60/hr, not taking into account rush hour. longer lights, more cars, etc.

kek agrees.

>What's the deal with homeless people?
They're lazy, parasitic pieces of shit that we should round up and put in labor camps, and not feed unless they work.

are you like 15 or what? Get the fuck outta here

What's the deal with airline food?

Justify condoning their continued existence.

Why not just round them up and set them on fire? Would be funny at least

I know this homeless girl I have a ride to the ghetto once. Good looking girl with hair down her ass, but complete and total crackhead. Started seeing her around bars so downtown so decided to put her to work. I give her 10$ in charge now and again to keep money on my parking meter. The crafty tweaker will sit in front of my car for hours, putting in the absolute minimum of a nickel in because she knows at the end she can keep what's left over, with Jedi like concentration

It's either that or "I'll do anything for 20$ mister" I have no regrets turning down a suck job from the pitri dish tho


Mentally ill or drug addicted and lazy. Take over all the local parks and wilderness trails meant for the tax paying public. As edgy as it sounds there would be nothing wrong in putting them all down.

You are fucking stupid.

Societal outcasts who have lost everything.
Hitler was homeless for a while, you know, through no fault of his own. He saw the way things were at the bottom.

You can't justify killing them if you know what they were before they were homeless. A lot of them can be rehabilitated but aren't for SOME REASON.

Weights on the legs of the swimming society, it's poor people who drag the swimmer to the depths through the use of communism

Mental illnes mostly.

Yeah but that was during the great depression num nuts. The homeless then are different than the homeless of today. If you live in a first world country and have an honest desire to work you will get it. None of the homeless people I see ever have signs asking for work.

They deter you from not keeping your shit together.

Helping the homeless is antithetical to the heartless capitalism we enjoy today. You should know, the Jew won. It's kill or be killed; if you lose everything, that's what you become. Say you have a bad month, can't pay rent - you'll be homeless, just like that. Seen it happen. Decent people, in honest jobs. And do you know who their landlords are, who come, without pity, on rent day, knowing that they have nothing to give? Jews. The people at the top are always Jews. It's a Jew who favours his cousin over you, when you apply for a job, it's a Jew that cuts your pay, it's a Jew who bleeds the goyim dry and demands more!

How much longer are the people of the world going to suffer under the wicked ways of Jewery?

Because they are drug addicts? Fuck em. Because they have mental illness? Throw them in the mental ward then. Yeah maybe someone had a bad set of circumstances happen to them but that does not justify a career as a bum.

>mental ward

Those don't exist anymore. The closest thing is jail, which is where alot of them end up anyway.

i'm homeless, it's the shit
now if only i can get a job that isn't customer service shite and i'd be set

Hopefully not much longer.


What exactly do you do for a living?

It's most often disassociation resulting from disillusionment, and that's not saying anything of the mental illness problem in our country.

Thankfully some states are a little more understanding, but a lot of times it's extremely difficult to get back on your feet when the local Salvation is full, and you don't have anywhere to claim as a permanent address long enough to even start the process.

Now the drug abusers do upset me, but only because I can't understand how they lack such willpower to overcome themselves.

oh hello john k would you like to experience homelessness for yourself?

i wouldn't mind being a ranger, get to work in nature and tell bears to fuck off back to canada

Mental illness or drug usage

>Baby's first opinion

It’s true though. If you gave these people a job, a house, a car, and $50k in the bank they’d be homeless again in a year if they didn’t kill themselves in a drug overdose first.

Justify why we should continue yours

Get out, Tumblr.

Because you have more of a right to live more than they. Sure.

Most of the bums I know that use drugs are doing so to escape the hopelessness of their lives because for many there is no way out. You lose your papers then you're as good as dead in many cases.

Not having a shower or basic cooking basically keeps you from having a job. Food stamps only keep you barely alive if you can't prepare your own food. No one is going to hire you when you smell and are dirty

they were given a raw deal
oh and their's is the home of god yada yada

Be nice to them, or God help you!

they should stop being poor.

majority fall into two categories:
1: no family
2: drug addicts
despite what politicians want your tax dollars for, many homeless willingly chose their lifestyle

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes.

they're basically antifa types after their parents gave up on them.

Most of them are total degenerates only a handful are genuinely unable to function in society (usually due to trauma)

i have a 24-hour gym membership to shower (and lift) in
the cooking thing does suck and i want to get a little electric grill but the draw on them is more than what i can support out of the cigarette lighter port on my car with an inverter

If homelessness is caused by some sort of hardwired genetic degeneracy/ mental illness, then the rate of homelessness would be pretty much constant regardless of societal influences. So why did we see a spike in homelessness after the 2008 financial crisis? And why do we see homelessness rise and fall in lockstep with the economy?

Shut up Jerry

Awwwww even my Rusty katana has a more refined edge than you do
Depends on the individual
Many end up in that situations thanks to poor life choices & addictions
Others are just extremely unfortunate & nobody will ever higher them for a job so they are condemned to living on the streets

I knew one homeless dude that was from Yugoslavia once,he actual did something like cleaning the park where he would live in


wrong pic sorry

Who or what pays for you gym membership?

hey, it's the jews. THE JEWS. Jews. It's the Jews. Da JOOOZ. Hey -- what about dem Jews. The Jews. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ.


Just get a house

Here's the thing, you could be insta-fired and made an unemployable pariah if it ever comes out that you've browsed Sup Forums, yet alone shitposted here.
Then, as you're settling in for a night in a cardboard box underneath a motorway bridge, you'll just hear another Sup Forumstard call you a degenerate as he zooms past...

I fucking hate homeless niggers. They are everywhere out here in So Cal. Caught one stealing from my recycling bin on trash day last week. Gas the homeless and kikes when?

They're homeless, living in poverty, have no friends or family, outcast from society, have no opportunities to escape it, have no access to food or clean drinking water, they are hated by normies and neglected by society, and their existence is declared "illegal."

Very stupid people.

A lot of them are also nigs.

>homeless dudes making more than nurses on average

The deal is that once you get into a fucked situation it becomes harder and harder to get out of it. Who is going to give a job to someone that smells like shit, dirty clothes, no car, criminal record, high risk for theft. Even if you get a job paying minimum wage, you won't have enough money to get a place to live for a long time, especially if you have to pay for things like food. Once you are in the situation of being homeless you have pretty much fucked yourself.

I used to let a semi homeless guy sleep on my couch. He had a truck to sleep in the rest of the time.

He once told me that a homeless person was such a selfish asshole that they had alienated everyone in their life. If you had a single real friend they wouldn't have let you fall down so far. sage

You are way too cynical. Homelessness is mostly a temporary condition, by-and-large people don't sleep in the gutter for five years. Please dont forget your tax dollars which go to social programs and shelters for these people (sure they dont want to go, but fuck them) and please dont forget the fact that if a bum came to _you_ in sincerity, you would give him your coat and let him take a shower and give him a twenty and send him on his way. We don't spit on each other, there is more than a spark of humanity in every person. Even Sup Forums nazis and fat burgers like us.