Any reason the minimum wage SHOULDNT be 15 dollars?

Honestly, it just takes back level reasoning skills to see why we should raise the minimum wage.

1. Raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars
2. Workers will therefore have more money
3. Workers need more stuff, so they’ll spend the money they otherwise wouldn’t have had
4. The economy grows, more wealth for everyone

This is basic logic, why are conservatives so against this? Why do they hate facts?

Other urls found in this thread:

you assume companies need workers when robots exist but are not economically viable yet, you also assume that everything would stay the same price as it currently is when you are doubling the most expensive part of every product: the labor. The minimum wage is fine where it is and at its current rate of increase.

1. company pays for input way more than itt is worth.
2. can't compete with less regulated international competitors.
3. goes out of business.
4. input is out of job.
5. everyone is poor.

Are you being ironic and intend to not respond to anyone and be
or do you actually want to discuss what a minimum wage is and what a price floor does in a marketplace?

Honestly all we need to do is go after these crazy psycho-sociopathic billionares and steal their money and redistribute it. I'm talking the Zuckerbergs etc.

Once its been redistributed and they have been removed from the gene pool a new class of inventors will rise to the top, hopefully this time less psychotic.

Oh look, a Libertarian. Buddy, real economists use empirical data, not axioms!

The problem with minimum wage is that every employee will pay everybody the same. Doesn't matter if lazy spic Nigger or white worker busting his ass. This results in whites regressing to the Nigger spic mean and hinder productivity, forces the employer to hire more lazy Niggers because whites start to say fuck that shit and it ends with an unproductive business that needs to sell to mr shekelbergstein

Do you know of a school of economics which thinks price floors are good in the long run for a market?

>The government should not be allowed to determine who I sleep with.
>The government should be allowed to determine how much and to whom I sell my labor
fuck off commie. build and run a business for a couple of years before you start talking about how much you know about wage floors. Minimum wage laws harm people whose labor isn't worth $15/hour and systematically ensures that they remain unemployed forever.

Circular logic faggotry. "Company must pay out more money and then work/produce more to get it back."

>This is basic logic, why are conservatives so against this? Why do they hate facts?

Then why stop at $15 genius? Why not go higher if this magically makes everyone wealthier?

Let's see some of that liberal logic.

The real minimum wage is zero you economic illiterate.
As in - unemployed.

We wouldn't have to even have this discussion if we didn't have 20 million illegal hispanics and their offspring in the country suppressing wages for the working class. It's absolutely stunning that Democrats still get support from the unions after flooding the country with cheap labor.

Because a higher minimum wage means more third world niggers immigrating here to get jobs

A higher minimum wage means a bigger expence for a product to be made.Since the productivity doesn't increase significantly it isn't profitable for the company to have new workers so it fires a precentage of the workers to lower down the percentage of income taken by workers.Because of this automation has become a thing and since robots are much less damaging to the short term account balance of a company,they will be taken as an alternative to human Labour.Minimum wage was a mistake that will probably die along with the concept of a job.

If "real economists" have it so right, why can't they explain basic things the Austrian School can?

Because arbitrarily setting minimum wage to a number you think is big is a wage/price control. Prices are more efficiently set by markets. What you should be asking is why are we importing massive numbers of low skilled workers if we want wages to rise?

Controlling the price of labor doesn't control the prices of anything else. Are we done here?

Because you leave companies out of the loop and then they go with one person with six different jobs, layoffs, and or replacing jobs with automation. Its no surprise that McDonalds put the touch screen menu food orders in 15 minimum wage areas and has been experimenting with other forums of automation. So you kill more jobs but at least a few people get 15 bucks an hour. Sure sucks for small businesses that can't afford to pay employee's healthcare and raise to 15 bucks an hour. Well that leaves large companies which some have left to find cheap labor since we live in a global economy and we don't tariff imports due to NAFTA and such.

cant raise the value of your labor by increasing minimum wage.

Why not set it to 100$ per hour you stupid fucking fuck

Austrian economics has no predictive power because it rejects empirical data. Pretty simple stuff.

>raise min wage
>too expensive to keep burger flippers
>burger flippers lose jobs
>raise min wage
>have to pay burger flippers more
>price of burgers goes up
>people buy fewer burgers
>producers must make fewer burgers
>fewer burger flipper needed
>burger flippers lose jobs

Stop having free trade then you cuck.

No free trade without equivalent labor regulations.

McDonald's was going touchscreen + automation if the minimum wage was $1 an hour.

>le epic forecast maymay
economics is not hard science, just another branch of humanities

I'm not paying a retard $15/hr to fuck up simple tasks at my workplace. If they want $15 they can show me they aren't complete fuckups over a 90 day probation period and I will pay them what they deserve.

Minimum wage is increased and so are product prizes , shit stays the same to just with higher numbers to avoid wreckage

There’s no empirical evidence of this happening. All the empirical evidence suggests raising the minimum wage is good for workers.

Then how did the Austrians predict the Great Depression and Great Recession when mainstream economists failed to do so?

right, that's why austrians were the ones predicting the housing bubble

If you drop the minimum wage to zero, a tremendous amount of penned up entrepreneurial power will be unleashed, as suddenly all sorts of marginal economic activities will become legal and comprehensible.

The market sets competitive prices in a way that puts consumers first. If we start setting arbitrary market values then the focus will skew away from the consumer. If we take a job that's worth $10 an hour (worth $10 because it requires little education, training, experience, or credentials of any kind) and inflate the labor value up to $15 an hour, that extra cost will be passed onto the consumer.

The great strength of markets is that it puts consumers first. Capitalism is hard. But it works and works better than anything else.

Wage should be between an employer and an employee. It's called a 'Private Contract'.

What fucking business does the Government have determining what I and another individual are willing to agree on as far as compensation goes?

As an employee, my 'boss' is my customer, one that has entered into a contract to secure my services. If the 'government' insists that I have to whore myself out for $15/hr, that could very well price me right out of business.

Who the hell does the government think they are, dictating what private contracts should be?

when u raise the min wage the lower educated ppl are driven out because you have to pay them as much as ordinary educated ppl

> Raising the minimum wage.
> Not creating more jobs.
> Not fixing the economy.

Found the Seattle city council member

empirical evidence=dick
the economy is not a closed experiment. you cannot account for all the variables acting at any time.

Let's keep in mind that the key to the minimum wage is in the name. MINIMAL.

higher minimum wage doesnt mean more jobs or more hours. maybe we should concentrate on the unemployment problem first XD

>Never watched a Nigger sleep on a shovel while whiteys do the job and still get the same wage as a Nigger
Get a real mens work, not some feminine white collar job

Instead of raising the minimum wage, let's lower the price of goods. That way everyone can buy whatever they want.

You're the one who hates facts. Minimum wage hurts small businesses and eliminates jobs as companies cut positions to offset higher wages.

if doubling the minimum wage is good, then quadrupling it would be twice as good.

Actually why stop there, instead of $15 and hour, why not a trillion an hour?

>implying employers pay more for better work with socialist bringing in a never ending stream of Niggers


Capitalists BTFO!
Greedy CEO doesn't need that bonus.


Why not $30?

This. It's barely better than sociology

Low skill jobs don't deserve $15


The floor of a wage is the value created by the wage-labor. You cannot pay a worker more than the value a worker produces.

Therefore, you haven't actually increased the value of the labor, you have just forced arrangements that would have been agreed upon below the wage floor underground or simply stopped the arrangements.

He hasn't answered anyone who poses this

Supply and demand. Immigration is a great argument in favor of the minimum wage in my opinion. With a greater labor supply, the value of labor will fall. It's a sort of consumer protection. For me it's a question of what the "minimal" wage should be. And employers will absolutely pay for for skilled labor when that labor is in short supply.

Sure.. go ahead and increase minimum wage

>wage to 15 dollars
Before the trend toward globalisation, most jobs in the U.S. were factory jobs, which in most parts of the U.S. pay about 15 dollars an hour.
The problem isn't minimum wage, it's minimum work, most things made now are from China, if these jobs were back in the U.S. we would see living conditions similar to the 1950's.

Remember, (((Unions))) and (((Free Trade))) kill nations.

Economics in One lesson:
"The more ambitious such a law is, the larger the number of workers it attempts to cover, and the more it
attempts to raise their wages, the more likely are its harmful effects to
exceed its good effects.
The first thing that happens, for example, when a law is passed that
no one shall be paid less than $30 for a forty-hour week is that no one
who is not worth $30 a week to an employer will be employed at all.
You cannot make a man worth a given amount by making it illegal for
anyone to offer him anything less. You merely deprive him of the
right to earn the amount that his abilities and situation would permit
him to earn, while you deprive the community even of the moderate
services that he is capable of rendering. In brief, for a low wage you
substitute unemployment. You do harm all around, with no comparable

>raise wage
>cause inflation
>congrats, you moved from 10 an hour to 15
>your cost of living just went up as you devalued your currency.

Hey, why don't you print more money to reduce the debt too? Fidding with numbers sure changes the underlying problems systemic in society, it's all so easy to solve, no one needs to know anything about supply and demand and skilled labor vs unskilled labor.

No not really.

Right now there is a lot of potential workers not in labor market. If they raise minimum wage more white college students and retirees will decide that maybe their time is worth $15/hr.

Noncompetitive surly minorities will find themselves competing for positions they took for granted.

$15 an hour will force out the worst of the nigs from fast food.

>businesses cannot afford to hire people because of endless government intervention
>we all starve

fixed that for you OP


Reduce the CEO's billion dollar bonus, and whoaola!, you got enough money to cover a minimum wage increase.

your logic is flawed because you dont seem to understand how inflation works. the value of money is arbitrary, the value of labor is not. by artificially increasing the value of unskilled labor you decrease the value of skilled labor until inflation hits equilibrium and everything is basically where you started in terms of living standards, prices are just higher. as a side note the one real effect of raising the minimum wage(raising inflation) is that millions of people get moved into higher tax brackets while seeing no real change to their net wealth

You mean like demographics for lexample Seattle being such a white city?

>1. Raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars
>2. Workers will therefore have more money

>why are conservatives so against this? Why do they hate facts?

- It would reveal the "power level" of businesses that cook the books for taxation and lending.

- Stingy cunts

- Roastie mummy said to hate people that dont make as much money as she would accept

- Something something communism something something socialism something something you hate your county

- Back in my day or my dad's or grandad's day....

it doesn't work that way. the fact that you think it does is related to why you're poor

Because you can't force someone to give away their money by raising the minimum wage, all you do is erase jobs from the market.

Because you don't deserve it you worthless faggot. You're lucky you're not paid in lashes of the whip.

Right, but isn't that the liberals point in all this? Give browns more gibs? Don't they see it creates more competition for their pets that they simply can't live up to?

No. Not with minimum wage as you have to pay the low skilled lazy nigger the same as the hard working low skilled whitey.

It costs employers more. Small businesses will be hurt the most, and we should be encouraging people to start small businesses, we shouldn't penalise it.

These small businesses will probably just higher fewer people since each employee will cost more, so then there are fewer jobs. And big companies will probably cut costs elsewhere to cover the extra expense - probably by closing stores/offices, or making layoffs. Again, people lose jobs.

The real min wage is zero. Raise it to $15 and everyone making less than that gets replaced with a robot.

>the minimum wage is raised
>companies get poorer because your work is already valued too high and they pay as much as your monthly wage in taxes aside from your actual wage
>graduatly and have to lay workers off because companies are becoming less profitable
>raise taxes to pay for the welfare state
>have state provide more and more services because companies are dying left and right
>develop yourself into communism

I take it you have a Doctorates in Economics from the University of Phoenix also, excellent

>replying to more than one person at once
Reminder that i have been baited.
the evidence for the negative effects of minimum wage is the mere existence of atrifitially incuced automation.

Fucking This!

why 15$? how did you come up with that number? If 15$ is good, why isn't 16$ better? What about 20$? Why don't we set it to 100$/hr - that should get the economy going, right?

Get a better job instead of being a cashier or burger flipper for decades

Robots don't buy their products

$15? Why do you want us to raise the minimum wage to $20? What makes you even think you deserve $27? Even if we did raise the minimum wage to $38 in a couple of years you're just going to be back complaining about how you want to raise the minimum wage to $175.

>you should give away the money you earned bc I said so!

Typical Marxist

These people are so economically illiterate that they think prices will magically remain the same.

I definitely think there's something to this. If we take the minimum wage and turn it into a "living" wage then it's possible we'll see a degradation of all kinds of standards and market prices. If we strike a grand socio-economic bargain then it's more likely (over the long term) that it will effectively put a ceiling over many workers' wages. Since we've come to this grand bargain, $15 an hour or near it, should be good enough for most workers. It could have the effect of handicapping skilled labor in terms of it's market value.

Again, wages are determined by the market value of the job being done. What anyone earning minimum wage should keep in mind is that their employer would pay them less if he could. He's being forced by law to increase wages. Whether an employee is lazy or hard working is largely irrelevant with that kind of job. The job itself isn't worht that much.

Austrian economics doesn't apply to economies using fiat currency, which nowadays is all of them in the whole damn world. It also wasn't just Austrians predicing either of those things.
This is a nice rebuttal of the Austriniggers

Why would Mr. CEO cut his own salary to cover the expense? Are you both complete idiots?

What he'll ACTUALLY do is close stores (people lose jobs), or lay off people (people lose jobs), or just be far more sparing with how many people he hires in the future (people lose jobs).

Maybe you guys should take a few business lessons.

Rather than actually paying workers increased wages, businesses will fire as many of the low skill workers as they can because they simply aren't worth 15 dollars an hour. Minimum wage laws hurt the very people they are meant to help. Most businesses aren't multimillion dollar corporations, they are small with less than 50 employees and can't afford this shit.

For anyone adhering to the Austrian School, I'd like to wish you luck on your exams and getting your dick wet before the semester is over and on your dorm mate hopefully getting his foot odor worked out.

Sneriously, guys. That shit isn't taken seriously by any adult in any position of authority. Austrian nonsense is for the college campus and no where else.

even if prices rise - the goverment can make it illegal for them to rise further -> Problem solved
We'll set the minimum wage to 100$/hr and mandate prices to stay where they are. We gonna be rich

The guy who's standing on top of a giant pile of cash is greedy. Maybe that's just the amount of money he makes, maybe the one at the foot of the cash pile is greedy due to their abuse of the welfare system and social security benefits due to it's flaws, since it's a fairly new system.
Possibly a "veteran" who never saw any confontation or bloodshed firsthand, yet sprained an ankle getting off a truck and then worked on the sprain until it became permanent to recieve workers compensation from the government, up to $5,000 for literally nothing, yet the bigwig worked for it?

You are an idiot who thinks capital grows on trees. An employer has a cerain budget for paying labour, if you force a company to pay Juan an Tyron sleeping most of the time the same wage as John who has a different work mentality, there is no room to pay John more for his work, so he will quit at some point. You repeatetly demonstrated that you never really worked in your life college boy.

But unemployed people get on benefits, and turn into Democrat voters, user. Don't you see the benefits?

Shut up you evil nazi hitler! I won't start flipping burgers until I gain $50/minute!

Because they want wages to stagnate in the face of inflation, like has been occuring since the early 90s when we began de-linking immigration from economic labour requirements. All of our governments can't pay the gibs and are running out of taxpayers to fill the void. Its like the leaders want a collapse to happen.

I figured in reality that cash pile is actually companies and assets that the little guy works in, rather than a scrooge mc duck cash pile that is being horded.

Minimum wage should be $1000/hour. That way, everyone would be millionaires!

For the minimum wage bar to be effectively heightened, people must lose jobs while the salary increases.

Calling my bank right now and telling them to set my account balance to $100 million.
Because that's how much I think I'm worth! Don't belittle my value as a human being!

1. It will start inflation and everything becomes expensive.
2. Many people, mostly illegal immigrants, work below the minimum wage depends what state they are in.
3. It will cut hours for employees, hurting businesses.
4. It could hurt the poor more than the wealthiest ones.