I hate to admit it, but he's onto something here

I hate to admit it, but he's onto something here.

Other urls found in this thread:


I swear to god, in all of these bait threads I get angry and I start to laugh. The way you shills word these threads.


>Come on Liz Lemon

What? If you let the best of worst immigrants in the best country, you've left the worst countries in the hands of their worst. This effectively makes worse countries even poorer and seek riskier ways to gain capital; hence destabilizing nations. By then, we become a fucking daycare. Deport every immigrant.

Mass immigration itself is a sign we value money more than our people

fuck off Gary you nigger

This. Even if you take liberals at their word and assume the absolute best about their immigration policies, it amounts to little more than headhunting the best and brightest from developing nations and leaving the countries themselves destitute.

Lets assume all immigrants are doctors, lawyers, engineers, and physicists. Wouldn't they do the most good developing their nations?

Even if we assume NOTHING BUT THE BEST about mass immigration, it still ends up being harmful.

>the Guardian

>im ded srs goys

Is that the guy who was in different strokes?

It's the exact opposite, you retard. If we valued people, we wouldn't let shit-skinned subhumans come in here and ruin everyone's lives and many retard's genetic whole makeup. We clearly care about money of a few individuals far more than we care about our own people. Otherwise we'd shoot all of you niggers, dindus, sand niggesr and various other subhumans, and we'd never let you in our countries again.

>le shills XD

You guys are so fucking dumb. This is why people fuck with you. You overreact to bait and it makes shitposting on Sup Forums a Sup Forums pastime

spic and nigger nations won't end their immigration controls, so what's the point

its the opposite.

The left loves the idea of immigration and foreign labour because it means super cheap labour that can be easily controlled. Paco, Juan, and Pajeet are willing to work for less because their homes are literal hellholes. They can be controlled easily, if they ask for a promotion, refuse to work, or do anything their masters don't want, they can be deported back to their home. Be it by ICE, or by revoking their work visas.

Immigrants are cheap labour that are easily controlled. Whites demand good wages, ask for promotions, and you can't get rid of them when they do.

Is this that "bri'ish" fellow that interviewed Spencer?

I actually think he's right though. I want to live in a country that will give up a little bit of its wealth of it means to help someone out. We're all people man. Whites came from Europe.

>borders only exist to keep barbarians from pillaging your cities and stealing everything you own and destroying everything you've created

>and this is why we need to get rid of borders

wow deep

>This is why people fuck with you. You overreact to bait and it makes shitposting on Sup Forums a Sup Forums pastime
So you literally are a shill, but apparently you don't know it. Looks like you're the stupid one.

I mean I know it sounds hard to believe at first, but when wealth is distributed equally around the world I assure you no country will have immigration issue anymore.
Open borders is literally the best thing that can happen to the world, it's expected the GPA would triple if it's implemented

All immigration controls? So we can go back to colonizing Africa?

That's retarded. Whites still have the best genes, the best cultures and the best histories. There will never be a day when subhumans don't want to be whites or at least live with whites.


is that harambe? I thought he was dead?

These shills should just jump off a building faster unironically

Lol then why no one is going to Poland or Russia? People are after the wealth, most immigrants segregate themselves and create their own communities, it's their bastardized children who usually assimilate into the culture, mostly because public schools force them to.

The day wealth is better distributed across the continents, immigration won't be no other than a bad memory and whites will finally live in peace.

Now the question is, would you give up your economic stability for an homogenized culture?

He is correct. Freedom of movement is a internationally recognized human right.

sure, if you are human and not a swarthy destructive ape

>Being this insecure




This is the negro that spence btfoed

Human Rights are standards that every nation should promote, in their country and abroad.

>nigger can't think more than 1 day ahead
go figure

would you let roaches into your house?

why would I make my family's life shittier than it already is?

Just because nobody is paying you to spread a narrative doesn't make you any less of a shill.
It just makes you a useful idiot.

ofc I'm valueing money more than some random niggers from sub-70-IQ-Africa

get gassed you nigger

This is the negro that spence btfoedAlso they hate that they have to compete with other whites, they know they can out compete blacks , and spics

haha more than 50% of children in Germany are of migrant roots, meaning you'll go extinct in about 30 years :)

Borders value people since it's security, and Border less society helps top capitalist globalism (obviously money).

More than ----- people

It's like a game of hangman.

He's right.
White people hog all the best, most fertile land.
Why shouldn't everybody on earth be able to live in places like western europe and north america?

They need migrants to replace their aging population.

do they really though? really think hard about it. why do they need those immigrants? what terrible tragedy would befall them if they just let their population get a bit smaller and dealt with it like sane individuals?

>definition of shill is someone who gets paid to agitate
>you don't get paid but you're still a shill

Please do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

It is their country. They can do whatever they want, and the vast majority of Germans are at least indifferent to it.

I saw that dumb nigger get btfo by that dickheaD Richard Spencer the other day. He couldn't even argue or conjure a point, he just went for insults. Why the fuck would I listen to a thing he has to say?

All this kumbaya crap about no borders is coming from useless human garbage "constantly moving" towards better white majority empires looking for welfare. White people have big problem. The empathy. Imagine niggers creating ghettos in Japan or Saudi Arabia (just an example of rich immigration-worthy empires) calling for equal rights. We are all people, its not your land? Screaming no borders and other nigger tier bullshit. Now pull the "slavery" crap you smelly ape then realise Saudi Arabia has slavery till today. ok, nigger?

>1 post by this ID

>Didn't even watch the video, since time is one minute apart. Replies with the trite and tired.

Wrong. Humans rights is the single more ethnically subversive idea ever conceived.

what do you mean by wealth?
Most African countries are very wealthy when it comes to ressources. They still ask for aid

It also can only work if every country has a similar demografic development and if the countries wealth is distributed to don't immedialty use it to create more offspring

Human Rights are Eurocentric, white ideas.

Hrm the only answer is total aryan victory

why is it always broke ass nations advocate for open boarders while the best nations are big on border control?


Human rights are ideas we made up to restrain ourselves when we were in control of our own countries.
Now that survival is on the line they are obsolete as is democracy.

No, they don't. Germany told 98% of Ukrainian war refugees to piss off.

But then Schlomo would get couple million shekels less than usually and that is big nono.
Not to mention all those fresh, debtless subjects with poor spending decision making.

Afrika has 60% of world's arable land. Canada in comparison has only less than 1%.

valuing money means lowering wages and importing foreigners
valuing people means respecting nationals. it means respecting differences with other countries
stupid fat dindu

Gary Younge is a genuine idiot.
>Money can travel the globe virtually without restriction, in search of regulations that are weaker and labour that is cheaper.
>Virtually without restriction

The majority of states impose many assorted measures governing both the inflow and outflow of capital. Capital flows have often been regulated domestically by central banks or in the framework of comprehensive investment or trade policies. Some concerns are that massive inflows can lead to a strong appreciation of the exchange rate and loss of competitiveness of the export sector or to thwart asset bubbles. Most countries don't permit their currencies to float freely to defend a targeted exchange rate or range intended to produce some good; in 2013 43% of currencies were a managed float whilst only 34% were free floating, and most of the rest were pegged.

Around the world capital controls are imposed on capital account transactions (usually on movement of financial assets), currency restrictions are imposed on capital account transaction involving foreign currency, and they are imposed on payments and transfers of both capital and current account transactions.

Usually foreign direct investments are the first assets to be liberalized as they are usually less volatile and do not pose many macroeconomic problems, but even then countries adopt protectionist policies to defend certain sectors and assuage emotive issues such as resentment of foreigners buying land. On the opposite, portfolio transactions (stocks and other financial instruments) are considered more volatile and are more controlled, such as limiting the percent of shares owned by foreigners.

>Mr Younge assumed most of the world's finance is as liberalised as the UK, EU, or US. It is not.
>Lastly, money isn't rape gangs, molesters in swimming pools, trucks of peace, and blaring music at 3am Tuesday.

good luck telling the chinese to accept infinite shitskins

Hey SK. Hope you are well.

So end the welfare state or what?

That's my take, then dismantle capital controls and all that shit. Free market Bitcoin homie!

>caring about people you will never meet
fucking off yourself
money matters way more

Don't degrade Tracy Jordan like that

Immigrants only care about money too, that's why they're coming here. I'm alright, Jack, get your hands off of my stack.

And since we should value people more than money, all the migrants, refugees, immigrants, and colonizers are to be sent home. To their original countries.

Because they don't need more money than they can make for themselves there.

>1 post by this ID