How did we miss this???

Seriously guys. How did this get past pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

The hitler’s speeches thing?

We had tons of threads on it for like... a couple days.

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

user could you have drawn a shittier circle.

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

Newfag we have known this for a while

You could've drawn the star of David

It didn't

Could you have scribbled a worse ellipsis?

I'm more surprised the media never picked up on it. He didn't just have Hitler speeches in his office. He had a book on Hitler speeches that he read every night, according to one of his (legitimate) biographers.

COuld YUo Drawn a shittier cirlce

Well fuck me. Was it on the trump general threads? Been here everyday and never saw a thread about it.
> That circle was the best i could do with my gimp hand.

Any aspiring politician or public speaker should study Hitler's speeches. It would be like not reading the classics not to.

Yeah, but could you have drawn a shittier circle?

Did you draw your IQ on that intentionally?

Even AC likes the ze Trump!

We didn't miss it faggot. Theres a whole fucking theory called PUNISHED TRUMP. Too many fucking newfags I swear.


If you're gonna make a speech then you might as well learn from the best.
And Hitler was the best.

Hitler was one of THE best orators in human history, you can't refute this.

That's because he spoke from the heart and with passion

you listen to (((democratically elected leaders))) today and they are impassioned, robotic, and speak from a script - it's obvious they are puppets

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

nice circle user

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?


Post should be renamed to 'shitty circle post'

You should cut that hand off

Big if circled properly.

Drawn you a circle could have shittier?

Did you borrow that shitty circle or make it yourself?

You have totally fucked up this thread


The media did pick up on it. In the end it didn't matter

I tried to draw it with my less gimpy hand but it still came out weird

That's disrespectful to Hitler user.

Do you usually gravitate toward "hot piss" for circle colors?

Is this the kind of circle you make when you draw you name in the snow?

Does your lack of circle making ability have anything to do with a small penis?

Your square is all kinds of fucked up.

>A few months later, the future president got his revenge at a party by dumping wine down the back of the writers dress

Holy kek thats good shit

That was the best part. Should’ve drawn a shitty circle around that bit.

Seems pretty fair honestly.

>Try to ruin a man's life by publicly calling him hitler.

>Get a dress ruined.

Really she got off easy.

>he had speeches in his office
what an absolute shit lie, that doesn't even make sense.
Did he have printed out transcripts? did he have an audiorecording playing? did he have a book about hitler?
It makes no sense to write it like that, if he had a book it would read: "Trump has book from hitler", not "he has speeches".
It's a retarded phrase, specifically designed to mean nothing but trick goyim into thinking it does.
This article is clearly a fraud, op a faggot and this thread shit.

I apologize, my dog, whose name is Hitler, is mad at me too!


could you have drawn a shittier oval, user?


How do we get more people to realize this? Is it something that can be taught or memed?

Shitty circle drawin' ass nigga

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

impassioned means to have passion

Could you have draen a shittier, more in the way circle?

We knew about this since 2015. Trump respects strong leadership.

Pretty sure the little Marco Rubio memes of him saying the same robotic lines over and over again woke a few normies up.

His ex-wife said he had a book of Hitler's speeches by his bedside table.


You shittier could drawn circle have?

You forgot about that shitty circle.

God damn could you have drawn a shittier circle?


Shieeeet nigga who be drawin dem round brahs like dat dawg?

Actually, Aquafresh, the book in question is The Zweites Buch, published in English under various titles like "Hitler's Secret Book", "Hitler's Second Book", and "My New Order". The volume is a compilation of Hitler's speeches. They were transcribed and compiled by other parties, Hitler never intended to publish them in that format.

So we would be inclined to say "a book of Hitler's speeches" rather than "a book of Hitler's".

Could you have drawn a shittier circle?

It was known months ago and there were several threads about it you absolute new fag. I even bought the same collection of speeches he was purported to have titled "my new order."

He's a leaf, we already know he's retarded.