I’ve grown fond of Sup Forums over the years and I’d like to give something back by sharing a practice that I’ve found very useful and I’m sure at least a few Sup Forumslacks will find useful as well; sigil magic.

A disclaimer up front; I’m not offering to teach you Chain Lightning, or how to summon a suckybus. I use the word ‘magic’ in the sense of causing objective changes in the world in accordance with an individual’s will. I’m just sharing techniques that some of you might utilize to more effectively pursue goals or
Improve your life quality.

All pics are unrelated, I just think they’re cool.

The ‘magic’ I’m describing here is the product of synergy between four broad principles- if you can agree to the validity of all four, there’s nothing preventing you from weilding the power of sigil magic.

HEBBIAN WIRING: basically the ‘central dogma’ of neuroscience, all neural network complexity arises from the fact that ‘neurons that fire together, wire together,’ e.g. if, (in layman’s terms) for two neurons A & B that share synaptic connections, every time A fires B fires immediately after, eventually A firing will be enough to cause B to fire. The indispensable textbook example of this is Pavlov’s dogs- Pavlov conditioned the neural ensemble for eating food to be so closely connected to the neural ensemble for hearing a bell ring, eventually the sound of the bell was adequate to induce salivation.


Other urls found in this thread:


PLACEBO EFFECT: A general term for the ability of a patient/test group to ‘trick’ themselves into experiencing a clinical effect in the absence of a therapeutically active substance. The placebo effect is powerful enough to treat depression, expand pain thresholds, and even boost willpower and energy. In popular culture it has become synonymous with ‘worthless’ and ‘doesn’t do anything,’ but to the kind of expanded-awareness freethinkers that Sup Forums attracts, this demonstration of the human mind’s awesome power prompts a response of ‘that’s so cool! My mind’s so powerful! I wonder what else I can make it do?”

ENGINEERED EFFICIENCY: By analogy; you can use your two hands to lift and move an object using the power of your body. If you were to use a fulcrum and lever, or block and pulley, you can lift and move much more than would be possible with just your own hands. You’re still only using the power of your own body, but you’re using tools to apply it more efficiently. Sigil magic is a way to construct tools and instruments in your own mind; you can only use the power of your mind, but with well-designed leverage, footholds, vessels and wedges, you can apply your natural power to do things that would take much more effort unaided. Cognition is a fantastically taxing process- the human brain takes up 2% of the body’s mass, but consumes 20% of your calories AND oxygen. Sheer metabolic load is a huge limiting factor in cognitive processing- wouldn’t you like to see what you could accomplish if you could improve your cognitive efficiency?

APPLIED MEMETICS: For anyone who has been on Sup Forums long enough, I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining. For anyone who has not, LURK MOAR


Want some help with this? Here are some useful links!


Now that we’ve covered the fundamental principles, what do we do with them? The type of sigil magic described here is built on one of the major axioms of European magic; ‘changes wrought through manipulation of the subconscious by emotionally laden symbolism… allow for nonordinary changes to be wrought in the outside world.’ Sigils don’t have any objective, transcendent, universal power- their power is entirely subjective, i.e. the power of a sigil begins and ends with the power you assign to it. You can probably think of a word or symbol with an emotionally evocative meaning to you; I wish to open you up to the freedom of choosing an emotional meaning, and creating your own symbol for it.

So, what powers could you assign to a sigil? What applications could this have in real life? Here are some examples;

-Imagine your end-game, your final goal; what kind of house you’re in, what kind of relationships, how you’re living, what benchmarks you use to define having ‘made it’- it’s pretty exhausting thinking about all those qualities at once, right? Using that as motivation when you’re tired can be self-defeating. However, if you can meditate on associating the entire scene on a single unique symbol, the trifling effort it takes to visualize that symbol can confer the motivation of the full scene.

-Sometimes you get discouraged or frustrated, run into an obstacle or a failure. In that state of mind it can be impossible to go through a whole pep-talk, or play through the whole upbeat jam that makes your personal montage go by so fast. If you can infuse the essence of the motivation you get from those ideas into a symbol, you’ll be able to call it up with so little effort you can do it even while frustrated.


It looks like you haven't taken your antipsychotic medication. Want some help?

Certainly, these practices aren't for anyone, and would easily be dismissed as crazy by mainstream audiences. It makes me wonder why you're on Sup Forums. Are you lost?

-Absorbing pleasure; too many people are trapped in the cattle mind-set of drifting through life led by animal urges. If you can eat an entire meal without being present to the pleasure of the sensation of what you’re eating, this isn’t for you. Try coming up with a pleasure-symbol; the next time you’re all over a tendie that’s still fryer-hot, or you’re hitting that nut right when the beat drops on that sick new HMV, make an effort to really weave that into this symbol. Later, if you’re in pain or feeling some kind of misery, being able to efficiently recall that pleasure could make a world of difference.

HOW TO APPLY SIGILS: Really no rules here. Visualize it in your mind, henna it onto your skin, doodle it into sand, trace it in the air with your finger, get creative. Traditionally these are visual symbols, but there’s no reason you can’t expand these principles into other sensations. The only limit is your imagination.

HOW DO I DESIGN A SIGIL: What am I, your mother? This board is 18+ only, act like an adult and choose how to live your own life, this isn’t something I can do for your, if I shared the sigils I use they’d be meaningless to you. Don’t turn to me for your own expression of individuality, goddamn Sup Forums I expected better of you.

That’s all, really. I’m gonna keep dumping pics until I get sleepy.

Also, if you post in/SIG/, bless y’all’s hearts, you’re an inspiration ^___^


No, I'm very consistent with my meds. Did you notice anything factually inaccurate? Or any impossible claims? I'm not pretending to shape reality, if you'd actually read the stuff you're dismissing as crazy you'd see it's just a system for personal use.
Seriously, why are you on Sup Forums? Open-mindedness is one of the great things about this board. You're actually taking time out of your Saturday night to trigger me with your ableism?
...or are you just happy you finally get to use those Clippy gifs? If so, I'm glad I could bring some meaning to your life.

You should keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.

good read op, I realize that my games main character is like a sigil of sorts.


That's true, though I don't know what you're getting at. Also, I'm worried about the kind of person who would have that image on their hard drive.

Glad you like it, I hadn't thought of using a character as a sigil, but if you're using it intentionally, you're already utilizing mental instruments! Bravo!

last one. gnight Sup Forums!

That's not Norse it's in CO.
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Castle (worth a read)

I'm currently researching Enochian magic. I've become more curious about bending future reality to one's will. I have accomplished this in the past, without the realization that it was in the realm of magic. I must learn more. Unfortunately, I will probably not learn the deeper secrets since I am of the profane & un-initiated.

Kek. (((JEW TRICKS)))

Girls can only do this type of magic. Guy's will get the gay.

Rune spells are cool for males.

fuck you juden

So, tl;dr - creating symbols as mental shortcuts to rapidly conceptualize certain thoughts? Not what most people think of when they hear the word "magic", but okay.

Fucking faggot fuck you nigger


Unless you want to be a homo.

Shame the vatican burned all the texts that taught everyone how to be safe and happy.

So redpilled.

this is the worst thread on Sup Forums and /x/

Our most powerful sigil yet. People don't realize how it worked. They wanted it to bring a cold winter, but it brought something so much bigger than that. It didn't bring weather, but it ushered in a rejection of immigration and globalism in the minds of the working class. I think it's 2 years old now. Maybe 3? But the work we did with this sigil is still unfolding.



>summon a suckybus

I. can't. even. type. from laffin so hard...


I recently started watching some YT vids on Western ceremonial magic. Quite fascinating and I want to learn more

thats a bindrune

aka not a sigil

so chaos magic?
Why do I get the feeling that you are super late to the party?

Risky base location. Cobblestone is surprisingly weak against zombies.

What you're doing is enslaving yourself to the "will" of parasitic memes, their "will" being a blind Darwinian survival imperative to replicate from mind to mind. You're ejaculating the viral load of the meme in making the sigil, and then lick it up to increase your viral count. You're a memetic bugchaser, dude, and yours is literally memetic HIV AIDS: the process of sigil magic shuts down one's memetic immune system so one can become even more infected.

This is a representation of the elements of a Darwinian system: variation, selection, and synthesis. Your "meme magic" is this process with variation suppressed, so that it's an endless cycle of select->synthecize-select->synthecize. It's total memetic incest, the main characteristic of fascism in its most abstract form as the perfectly oppressive creative process.

Fascism can only constrict, and while it does offer power it will inevitably strangle itself. In the human mind it is questioning that is the generative wellspring of reason, and fascism attempts to enslave all questions in its service; it will tolerate no searches other than what references itself. It is narcissism as a Darwinian survival strategy.

Ok but you are still a kike. Die in a fire.

The rate of cultural evolution has increased exponentially through human history by advances such as writing, transportation technology, the printing press, radio and telephone. The internet is nothing less than a hyper-accelerator of cultural evolution, and it has created a memetic singularity, an explosion of informational change. You don't need a God-computer for a singularity when you have billions of brains cybernetically networked together, the devices they use given them super-human powers of informational manipulation.

Existing social structures can no longer keep up with the rate of cultural change, and are resorting to ever greater means to prevent it from converting itself into proportional social change. Your fascism, the essence of the "will to power" is pulling ever harder, fascist memes becoming ever more popular to create informational chaos to retard society's self-organizing abilities. Memetic pandemics run unchecked, weaponized identity used to compel their propagation. The machine of corporate capitalism is busy converting human awareness into dollars in ever greater amounts, atomizing human identity to figure out all the minutae involved with using any and all means profitable to manipulate human minds.