How do we fix the american education system

how do we fix the american education system

nuke it

but how

its too powerful

With nukes.

Increase diversity


Private and home schools. Government can't do anything right

this, plus anti-racist math

Deport white liberals

Remove Common Core

Go feed your Kangajew some vegemite.

Path 1# make everything home schooled path 2# make a new system from the ground up there is no fixing the current one.

You can’t.

The problem is with the culture, not the schools.

Smart kids are still succeeding, average kids are still graduating, and retards are still flunking.

Things that don’t help are...

>Le 56% demographics
>social media
>overwhelmingly run by democrats
>lowered standards so niggers can git dey edge mucayshun


Get the feds the hell out of it.
Since the creation of the Dept of Education, the schools have gotten worse.

You know what might be fun? Getting the idea trending that homeschooling is yet another example of white privilege. Right now we've lost a lot of the white professionals, but if their ability to quietly save their kids from their reluctantly supported progressive nonsense comes under attack, that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

>implying it hasn't already been fix'd

How so?

Could have pretty funny results. Although what if we flip it, saying that blacks do better at home schooling. Leading to more failures within those communities

You cannot.

At the heart of it lies the power of the teachers unions -- the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, and their state and local affiliates.

Union power has created insurmountable problems for effective schools.
The purpose of a union is to represent the job interests of its members -- and these interests are simply not the same as the interests of children.

The teachers unions have used their power from the bottom up, through collective bargaining, to burden the schools with organizations that are literally not designed to be effective. And they've used their power from the top down, through politics, to stand in the way of accountability, choice, and other major reform efforts.

remove jews

Lets keep this thread going lads

I was an Honors/AP student in a 30% white city; what constituted "Honors" was more akin to regular-level classes, but because of the high rates of spics and negros, everyone was brought down.
We should unironically segregate schools so that those dumb, underperforming kids aren't treated as the acceptable standard. On a whole it'll appear racially skewed, but they have no right to complain if they won't even strive to do better.
Maybe something like the Hauptschule/Realschule/Gymnasium system Germany, though I'm only vaguely familiar with it so can't say much on it.

self bump

give me bumps