Fuck white, black, and mudslime nationalism. Asian nationalism is the only policy I follow

>If you're Asian and you ain't pro-Asian, then there is something with you.
>Frankly traitors got to be killed if they detriment their own people.
>You have to think in a nationalistic perspective and seek ways to better yourself, your ethnicity, and race.
>Since I'm Chinese I'm pro-China.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes Asian will rule the world. no Indian though unless they poo in loo.


Indians are part of the Caucasoid race. They got nothin to do with the Asian race.

Yet we are stronger than your country and right now we are colonizing it creative ways you probably don't know about, since you're too dumb to understand that you're getting outplayed.

where is your ancestor came from? mine is from


Why not go back to China?


You make this too easy Jews.


Pwahahaha get BTFO China fags, both Portugal and the UK colonised parts of this region and made it 10x better than it would have been under traditional Chinese rule instead of buying it out and gookifying it.

same reason why american haven't gone back to Europe. my family lives here for 100 years


Stick to fucking goats Pajet. The Chinaman is on another level compared to your race.

Always makes me laugh you can divide chinese into two categories

>the chinese in china, trying to get out of china by any means
>the chinese nationalists who live outside of china

loving your country so much you don't even want to live there, rorororororor


If you ask me I'm in a key area of Canada that is practically a Chinese colony from what I observe. It's like I'm in China. Canadians should be happy they're getting enriched by the Chinamane.

If you love your country so much why not go back?

seriously, hell I'm white and I'm pro Asian. China is based af.

Do u live in Richmond?

fair enough. i admit we did benefit from the knowledge that European bring us. but today is a a different story. your people commit cultural suicide while we pick some good thing from Europe and still preserve ours culture.

There is an ancient chinese story called journey to the west, where some monk traveled to the west to get some texts. In modern times Chinaman like me travel to bang some western pussy and study their culture and customs so we can destroy them. Make no mistake, I do things for a purpose unlike your race.


well i'm thai chinese.

>>If you're Asian and you ain't pro-Asian, then there is something with you.
Like being honorary white, why would anybody decent be pro ant people?

don't be mad cause you got butt blasted by china for 2000 years

Your race is garbage to get straight to the point. To many of your people whore their demographics and genetic future to non-white migrants in western countries. I don't want to be part of your race but to destroy yours.

Lads please, my parents are from Bangladesh and I’m always mistaken for Vietnamese or Thai we have more mongoloid in us than the average Indian. My girlfriend of 2 years is even Malaysian. Please just let me be one of you. I lift and only eat seafood and veggies.

They're still to this day haha. I got no problem with any Asian ethnicity, as long as they're pro-Chinese and Asian. Obviously I'm taking about East/Southeast Asians, not subhuman Indians and semetic mudslimes. If they're not prideful of their heritage and believe we are the best, then we gotta a problem.


>meanwhile in China
>loads of footage of animal being skinned alive,people driving over children,woman giving birth on the street while standing up,did i say people driving over others? and people rather drive and drag their dogs with cars on the road than walk them

literally subhuman country with subhuman chinks that make insects look good

That's all well and good but I hope you aren't anti-Eurasia.

Yet we are stronger than your weak country. It pays no gain to act like a social justice warrior slav. You are talking to someone who sees things in a nationalistic perspective and not a cuck perspective like white Americans.

well i do love Indian food. but only if you take care of your personal hygiene better than you can be one of us.

I do consider certain central Asians and some Asian tribes in Russia to be my people since they're literally from my race. Caucasoids, negroids are not my people period.


Come back once you have actually done something good for humanity. oh,yes. Gunpowder,yet whites have perfected that and made your little babby rockets look like ants compared to our missiles.
Everything that is chinese is low quality cheap shit.Chinese tanks are cheap copies of Russian tanks.

top kek on you,you're literally nothing but copycats.

Im Filipino and if you think I will lower myself to ally with a bunch of vietrat monkeys and seoul-less harpies you've got another thing coming.
Imagine my shock!

those Afrocentrist still say Asian came from black.

Asians and Caucasoids, separated recently and with modern transit it is ridiculous for Europeans and Asians not to ally. Niggers can be exterminated but if it goes sour between whites and Asians nuclear war is the outrcome. We also share all the traits needed for civilization.

Lmao you wanna a make a bet which country is stronger Slovenia or China? You're literally an ant compared to us.

LOL kill yourself you lowlife Bambusnigger. Like we northern Asians would ally with literal monkeys like you

Are we speaking about my country now?
No we are speaking about Whites,stop changing the subject faggot.

no one cares about you coconut niggers anyway.

Do you have dreams about jumping the border

I would rather be a mixed mutt than degrade myself by standing by plastic women and viet monkeys. Pinoy pride world wide!

Russia is stronger militarily than both. And it happens to be Eurasian.

Typical Flips always self-hating hmm. You often forget you get mistaken for a Chinaman.Your best leaders like Ferdinand Marcos has Chinese blood same with Duterte. Go ally with the western whites, no mater how hard you try you will never look like them and no white man will ever accept you banging their women.

>by the power of Kara Boga!
Chinese will rule the world and lead it to a new future

just like japanese did it in 50-60s to build their industry.

>no white man will ever accept you banging their women.
lol no only a few autists still care about white women in 2017.

Pinoy pride. lol
keep dreaming you degenerate monkeys

The Japanese had american support just as South Korea had.

How do you feel about the Thai people? Do you feel part of Thailand?

If there was a military conflict between China and Thailand and you had to fight on which side would you fight, given the choice?

In general how do Thai-Chinese feel about Thais and Thailand?

What language do you speak at home?

>tfw afghan

exactly and its because of the Korean war. while we Chinese build ourselves up from ruin after the European exploitation. China has awoke.

Their leader Duterte is on the right track temporarily. They were actually a decent country in the 50-60s, but they just went full retard after that lol. I got no problem with any Asian ethnicity as long as they're pro-China.

You're not awoke if you literally steal design from other products and make it less quality and cheaper.

For a nice society you need high quality products and people not killing eachother on the streets with vehicles.

notice how all the chinks are located in a spot that will sink into the sea when the quake hits


>HAVE 1.6 billion people
>like 6 of them are above 7'

wow master race cuntru is beru good no cpompetion and no himans alove is as gppd as cimtritk amd tjeos os a rela gppd pme l;ol

Fuck off 香蕉人. If you're chinese, how come you're screaming about nationalism from outside the country? You guys give us a bad name

Fuck off

in the end if such a war occur i would support Thailand. after all i was born and raise here.
but almost 40 % of population is Thai-Chinese mix and its ingrained in Thai culture. centuries of immigration tends to do that.

Yea but when I look at your flag, China is just better than yours. Maybe you should follow suit hmm, protect your own industries instead of be gobbled by American multinationals. You're ethnicity is too stupid to even have concepts of protectionism.

You aren't a liberal, we respect that.

The upcoming sino-germanic race war will be an interesting one, to say the least.

You probably need be more concerned about your kabab and semetic war in which you're losing right now.

You're commies,you get the rope soon.

need to prepare for real life fallout than.

>not Japano-germanic
user bitte

>implying the PRC is "china"
>implying the entire sinosphere isn't the modern day china

i agree with you on this though. I think China would be better off under Nationalists. Nationalism is the best way for one race prosperity.

I agree

>wants nationalism
>is living in another country

all diasporas are scum of the earth,praising their home country when they are living in a different one.

Chinese people have no personality or creativity

They just build anthills and memorize medical textbooks

Blood and ethnic ties are strong bonds user. It's just a fundamental of our natures hence why I'm pro-Chinese.

For those who are too dumb to get it when he meant asian nationalism he actually meant chinese nationalism.

you mean like Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa? or do you like them cause they are "your kind"

German people have no personality or creativity
They are just barbarian who destroy Roman empire and stay backward till renaissance happen from knowledge bring back by Islamic trader and start copying shit from Roman.
"HRE" Lol

>pinoy pride
>viet monkeys
I got something to tell you

they are niggers

Rome was cucked af and retarded. Muslims stole everything from Indo-Aryans. The orginal romans looked more like Germans anyways.

>we Chinese build ourselves up from ruin after the European exploitation

Cute. What we really did was lift you and this whole godforsaken world up. Everything you take for granted, we created.

Pic related, fuckface.

>muh whites
>raped by mudslimes
>degeneracy, drug abuse, social justice
>f-fear us

keep telling yourself that babarian

I fucking hate diapora asians so much.
Their the epitome of racial/national traitors.

you know they still not gonna let you sleep with white women right?

cause of the Jew.
kill the Jew and you've got Gods that nobody cannot stop,Insect chink.

>while we Chinese build ourselves up from ruin after the European exploitation

> we wuz mandarins n shieet

dont be a butthurt ricenigger. on a scale of global happenings, the west barely ever touched china. only the japs fucked you good; but that still pales in comparison to the shit china inflicted upon itself. take some responsibility.

oh and those math symbols and rockets on your picture? cultural appropriation.

White person here

Any asian person can sleep with any white woman he wants

He's still gotta convince them, which is hard, but that's something everyone struggles with. Being a gym rat probably helps.

Anyway, drop the "white people won't let asians sleep with white women" shtick. We won't let them sleep with degenerates, but most Asians aren't degenerates.

goodluck on eating dogs for breakfast

This. Most whites don't care about amwf its just rare and maybe a little surprising because white women usually prefer low IQ criminals.

Good luck with that, lol.

Whites will be extinct before they hurt their Zionist masters.

>what is Eastern Europe
>What is American population
>What is the jew-fearing Samurai ally

Only the nips are the good asians,you are subhuman.

>being this much of a usa bot

>eastern europe
Irrelevant countries.

>not jew's slaves

>america's pet
Slave of jew's slave, even more pathetic.

Don't forget they just use NK for dem sweet rare Earth minerals at literally no cost

>irrelevant countries
Just like Hong Kang

>implying America is lost

>jew slave
pic related,had me laughing,commie chink.

>being a faggot

This is China.

And this

Into France? No thanks. Moving to Singapore soon anyways.

AND this

Hong Kong is not a country.

America already lost against the Jews.

>not america's slaves

>“the number of rapes and assaults on Japanese women were around 40 per day while U.S./Japanese sponsored brothels were in operation, and then rose to an average of 330 a day after they were terminated in early 1946.” Those were the reported rapes. Two incidents of mass rape from that time were so outrageous they were also reported: on April 4, fifty GIs broke into a hospital in Omori prefecture and raped 77 women, including a woman who had just given birth, killing the two-day-old baby by tossing it onto the floor. And on April 11, forty US soldiers cut off the phone lines of one of Nagoya’s city blocks and entered a number of houses simultaneously, “raping many girls and women between the ages of 10 and 55 years.” By May 1946 MacArthur was facing a plague of rape.

You will never get so cucked of a country like Japan, that your government help cover up their conquerer going on a rape spree across their country.

Fun fact. The original tai actually came from southern China too, they are quite closely related to the Zhuang people of guanxi autosomal DNA shows.