Best argument against pic related

>If jews are so inferior how come they control the world
I go on other boards occasionally and see people talk shit about Sup Forums with this argument being thrown around from time and time again, anyone got an answer for pic related? Looking for a friend RN.

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because those vile creatures never play by the rules

Alt-right retards on Sup Forums will somehow say Jews are inferior, while being owned by them.

Jews are to whites as whites are to blacks.

jews are like rats.

rats are destructive and smart. yet they won't use their ability to be constructive.

Seems like on the path to be redpilled.

Give me 5 161 instances where pol said that jews are inferior

No one said Jews were inferior

>growling so shit you can barely hear it
The fuck happened to deathcore? It died in the early 2000s.

I never really hear WNs or Sup Forums say that Jews are stupid or anything like that. It's that they're sneaky, manipulative and amoral.

The only time I hear "inferior" is when that argument is being made

that'd be the chinks

bacteria are small but most numerous in the world

That's a strawman.

Jews are competition and we've mistakenly allowed them into critical positions within our societies not realizing that they intended to compete against us rather than cooperate with us.

Now that they don't have such a stranglehold on information, it's becoming increasingly clear that their control of particular industries is causing huge problems in western society. It's not so much "jews are superior" but rather, "jews stabbed us in the back".

And they will, of course, blame us for it. It's what they do. Nothing is ever their fault.

They stole it.

It’s not that their inferior, it’s just the fact they need other races to rule not themselves. If they just had themselves they would crumble.

>The Jew cries out as he strikes you...

piggybacked on western accomplishment really

as western nations decline in power and influence I fully expect autistic screeching and demands to be let into the remaining white or asian strongholds; probably by selling out what's left of the nations they destroyed.

Jews are good at evil things. And they are ONLY good at that. They did not win through fair competition in industry, science or any other field. They were winning because of infiltration, abusing well meant systems, and just being general fucking huge douchebags to everyone. It probably even started small a long time ago. In the way of selling wares to demented, old people, like sales men. They targeted the weak, the frail and the dumb to get their cash. After that they only moved to bigger evils still. But at each stage there were white people, who also could have done what they did. And pretty much all of the white people said "no, thats morally depraved"

But little did the jews know that their evil actions would eventually catch up with them, as they would run out of wind. All of that karma of the people that they have hurt is slowly coming like an avalanche towards them...and their legs are becoming weary from all that running lol

Most people who aren't LARPers recognize the genetic predisposition towards intelligence amongst the jewish community, same way blacks are naturally more athletic.

Your analogy is like if someone who didn't read the coursework for an exam cheated and got better marks than you and then making fun of the guy who spent weeks pouring over the material, scored high, but still didn't beat a cheater.

They're wrong because the argument is not that Jews are inferior but that they're evil.

Inferior isn't supposed to be interpreted as "weak" or "dumb". It's meant to be read as "destructive to humanity", which is why niggers and jews can be "inferrior" while one has 60 IQ and other is cunning.
" [Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." - Voltaire 1771
Notice that he doesn't point out jews as retards

I don't think anyone here think jews are ''inferior''

They're inferior in the sense that they are utterly reliant upon Whites to exist, much like niggers. Jews are basically niggers.

The jew is not more intelligent. The jew is barely above or near average intelligence, but without pic related. They thrive in obscurity, and only as parasites. But they are themselves not things of innovation or invention. They stole their religion, their methods of argumentation, probably their weird customs too.

The jews are basically just "a little bit more" stable schizophrenics with terrible genetics. And huge sociopath tendencies. Nearly every other race has a sense of what is right and wrong. But the jew, being surrounded by so many, sees a path of foul play, where others dare not go.

The thing is, selfish actions only work so long as you're a minority, or have a minority influence in a society. Once you're too powerful, selfish actions start failing - it's essentially parasitism that relies on cooperative elements doing all the work to parasitize upon - selfish actors, by definition, don't share with each other.

This is why I don't think Israel will last. It'll break down from internal infighting/parasitism. As I understand it they already have massive fucking problems with orthodox jews refusing to work and living off gibsmedats. I don't think Israel would be able to survive as it is without the money it gets in foreign aid from the likes of America and Germany. (Or hell, the geopolitical influence they wield by proxy thanks to mossad, aipac, etc)

>If jews are so inferior how come they control the world
they dont. they control the west which is dying at the speed of light. the jews have no exit strategy. at some point god was suppose to bring them presents for being nigger faggots or something but that has yet to transpire


ashkenazi are white - ish , thusly not inferior . Still caucasoid with human IQ . Studious .

It's not intelligence. The Sup Forums stance is that they are vioe and overrepresented in many fields.

Furthermore, an argument like you screencapped goes hand in hand with wanting to get rid of niggers. If they can say with a straight face that one race/ethnicity of people can be worse than another, then it's fair game to want to get rid of niggers. You can proclaim that and shoves studies down their throat to shut them up.

This. OP can go fuck himself.

I think they'll pivot once the west is fucked and try to sell out the west to China/Russia in return for status/position/influence in those nations.

In fact, I think this already happened and is part of what was going on with the whole Hillary/Uranium One/whoknowswhat

3 criteria for being consired superior

1: average intelligence of general populace
2: Standard deviation of IQ distribution (smaller SD mean everyone is closer to the average and you get very little amounts of 130+/70-, ie the retards but more importantly the geniuses that will produce wealth and innovation)
3: Moral intelligence

Whites have a good mix of all three
Jews have 1 and 2 but are lacking severely in 3
Asians have 1 but not 2 and 3
Mexicans have 2 but not 1 or 3
blacks have .5 of 2 but nothing else

Yea exactly, just look at this pic

In a similar way, the niggers also strive to be as the jew. They all want to be "Gangstu"...but guess what. Not everyone can be a "ganstu" just how the jew cannot exist as a majority...because if everyone is killing, stealing and cheating...then nobody is there in the factories creating stuff...nobody is doing any science. In order for parasite races to exist, like the jew especially. Preventing the majority from understanding what they that they can thrive in obscurity of their immorality is one of the first motivations. Hence they are always on the offensive with their holocaust crap.

If more people knew about the parasitic nature of the jew, and the jew could not lie or steal anymore...then the jew would most likely be in jail, shunned by the community, be on many different corporate, business watch lists preventing fraud...if the jew could be barred from market practices, or banking for being amoral...the jew would all die as they cannot do industry, nor farming, they can only do meme "jobs".

Here is a illustration of small vs large SD.
Asians can be represented by the tall skinny bell curve, they have a higher average IQ but lack the the people in the very high IQ's which IMO is more important that just the average. These are the people who propel the nations they live in forward in tech, morality, science, medicine, politics, warfare, etc. 100 iq persons are remarkably stupid and are good for maintaining society at a non-nigger level, but if you want to ascend into superiority you need all three of those traits.

The inferior, superior meme is a red herring only fools fall for it. Its projection too.