The illusion of Authority

>Put your hands up or im gonna put a hole in your face!
>Dont you see , im wearing a badge LOL , i can do anything to you!
>I dont remember giving you any power to tell me what i can do...
>Shoots you in the face

Pure insanity.Humans truly are dumbfuck slaves letting this exist.

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Did a cop write you up for something? Sad!

Ah a slave from the "land of the free" hahahaha

If a cop tells you to put your hands up at gunpoint that means you already did something bad or he has motives to suspect you of a crime. Being a smartass about it won't do you any good.

If you think police authority is that bad why don't you go live for a month in a place without it from Africa? Maybe you'll change your mind afterwards.

If you don't like it then overthrow the government and do away with a police force.

I'm sure everyone else will kindly agree not to attempt to overthrow you in turn.


Violence at the hands of the police keeps society relatively orderly. If you get rid of them, you simply open a power vacuum for others to start wielding violence - and they aren't beholden to any particular government but their own.

And golly at the end of THAT day, you've come right back around to a government using police keeping the peace.

Every government is a mafia. Every government are criminals controlling their populations by violence or threat of violence. When governments take too much from the people they rule over, the mob exerts more violence than the state and we have a revolution that installs a new class of criminals to control and lead society.

Your concern shouldn't be that police exist or exert violence against you or others, but that you have more to gain from them existing than not.

neither being enslaved by authority , neither living among dumb animals is a good thing lol

living among people who listen to their conscience instead of rules would be perfect

This world truly is Hell

What you want is an ideal that doesn't exist in reality.
It's like saying, "Communism works" - sure, theoretically it does. In practice it doesn't.

And it doesn't work because people have things to gain from being selfish. This is ultimately the entire reason virtually every facet of liberalism fails: They can't seem to fucking admit that people are shitbags.

We are "enslaved" by authority because otherwise we would doom ourselves.

there's a quality threshold for threads on Sup Forums, it's not very high, and you couldn't even manage that

Yeah true

this world is full of soulless husks

We wouldn't doom ourselves, we just redevelop a hierarchy once the previous is removed.

It is ingrained in us by evolution the same way an ant or bee colony actually DOES function without a police force terrorizing its population.

Hierarchy is fundamentally part of human nature. You cannot get rid of governments, police, etc. without removing what makes us human as we know and understand it.

>t. Edgy teenager who had his shitty beer confiscated by a cop.

>living among people who listen to their conscience instead of rules would be perfect
And if somebody's conscience tells them to bash your face in with a rock for looking at them wrong?

You sure have a lot of confidence in yourself

Wtf I hate reality and love magic la-la happy fairyland now

That's not conscience , that's an unconscious animal's response

You sure did add a lot to the conversation...go lick some cop boots pls , that is all you are good for,dumbfuck slave

Authority is enscribed through ritual and practice. It also reflects out transcendence of nature, it is the mere fact that it is artificial that it is valuable and arguably more real than anarchist dystopia.


The unconscious animal still bashed your face in with a rock and now you are dead. It fucks your wife and they have many babies which also bash faces in with rocks and survive and reproduce.

Congrats you and your genetics lost the game of life.

You can hate it all you want, but reality is reality. There are certain things evolution in our environment rewards, and it turns out that bashing someone's face in with a rock is (sometimes) one of them.

How is it an illusion?

>game of life

This world is death not life , clearly you are of the world , so you will never see this

>A stranger comes up to you to tell you what you should do with your own life
>Apparently knows better than you what you should do and if you dont do it he can just kill you

Gee i wonder how it is an illusion

>Pure insanity.Humans truly are dumbfuck slaves letting this exist.

Ho Hum another libertarian dreaming of his fantasy world of no laws.

That doesn't mean his authority is an illusion, it means you disagree with him.

Him being able to enact his will against yours is evidence that his authority is not an illusion.

This guy actually sounds like a lefty anarchist desu

>I dont remember giving you any power to tell me what i can do...
Did you forget about living in a country with laws?

You are too deep in the program at this point , just like in the matrix , you are not ready to be unplugged,you will defend your slavery with your life

Better than Niggers having no restraints

The police don't order you around for your own benefit, numbnuts. They're enforcing social order and rule of law. Their authority is granted to them by the state to which you willingly subjected yourself to by living there.

I've not defended it so much as pointed out that it's human nature and cannot be swept under a rug and ignored.

By all means, come up with a system that circumvents/controls/diminishes selfish human behavior, but don't pretend that humans aren't dumb, panicky, and violent animals like communists and liberals do.

>willingly subjected yourself
>authority is granted to them by the state

I can hear your chains jingling from here haha

I'm a slave to all this white pussy, money and freedom. You mad shit skin?

Because they're the same chains you're choosing to wear? Like, specifically the same, going by flag.

White girls have pink pussy.
You are fucking yeast infections


>the power comes from the badge and not the gun
LMAOing @ your life

Anyone can have a gun. The power they have is backed by the badge. Far more influential.

Flawless logic

The badge just represents a bunch more guns that will come shoot you if you shoot him.

Really it's just turtles of guns all the way up

this seems only to happen in the US. all the eurocops I interacted with were supreme cucks. some of them even didn't have a gun xD

Someone kills a man they will be hunted down all across country

A badge wearing fuck kills someone , everyone goes their merry way , la dee daa, nothing strange happened , they can kill your whole family and walk away , saying they felt threatened LOL

This is not just about cops , this is about all "officials" who wear a clown suit and think they deserve more rights than another man

It is pure insanity.
good thread op. order followers are subhuman.
every time. military and police babies are women and animal abusers that need to be cut off from society.

Wow one guy gets it , i am shocked :D

cheers man

Wow its almost like the faction capable of the greatest violence gets to tell everybody else what to do including telling them not to kill anybody. Ain't that some shit.

They don't think they do, they know they do.

Because they have violence on their side and are not afraid to use it. If you don't want your rights to be trampled, you have to use violence or threat of violence to defend them.

Human society is held together by violence.

Yeah a violent gang that people think is there to protect them LOL

If you don't like it overthrow them.*

*This will require even more violence.

For the most part, that violent gang actually does exist to protect them.

Because, it turns out, if you stop protecting people, they start supporting other violent criminals, and those violent criminals start to get rich, powerful, influential, and pretty soon your head is on the chopping block because you thought you'd be cute and terrorize your population so bad they resorted to supporting other violent assholes who are perfectly willing to kill you and take everything you have in exchange for treating The People a little more nicely.

This is what the founding fathers ultimately mean with that tree of liberty quote. Also why the 2nd amendment is so fundamental and critical to American rights.

Imagine being this much of a nigger.


fucking serf population has been conditioned to accept it. generation growing up now wont even know the meaning of privacy or freedom


What did this guy do that was "bad"

serisouly your a fucking serf

Good one schlomo
Straight out of "The Protocols"

that's the nature of plebs

The important thing is having an actual social ladder so people can move up and down in status/wealth/influence without the entire society cocking up.

Plebs will be plebs, but good genetics should not be held down unnecessarily. A regulated society allows people to climb the ranks, as they keep the overall society healthier and more competitive. It's a hard lesson for the wealthy elites at the top to learn because they HATE competition, but without that competition their entire society can collapse, taking all the wealth and influence and genetics their ancestors have accumulated with it.

There will never be "one law for all" so long as humans are running the law systems.


The VAST majority of humans do the right thing because they actually have morals & a conscience (kikes wouldnt understand). Plus an Armed society, is a polite society.

Duh. But it's what the guns represent that matters.

>they actually have morals & a conscience
And government is supposed to be that codified.

It doesn't matter if the vast majority do the right thing. It only takes one willing to use violence to rule the plebs that don't.

>The VAST majority of humans do the right thing because they actually have morals & a conscience

the vast majority of humans are niggers

Its fucking scary when you break shit down to the bottom level. Everything we do and are has its roots in primal origins. We've come so far..but our base nature is still only thinly veiled. Anybody who pushes too far outside the box gets to feel the brutal nature of how not free we truly are.

This experience fully manifested itself one time to me during my last ever acid trip. It got way out of control and ended with me being naked in public. Before this I had only ever had polite traffic stops with police. To feel what its like to be tazered, punched, thrown to the ground, stepped on, have your hands and feet bound with handcuffs. All this while tripping fucking balls. one of the most eye opening and THE scariest moment of my life. One minute I was an innocent teenager doing acid and listening to music with my friends and the next I felt the full weight of the law bearing down on me. The cops were all white men like me btw, but they were ice cold and the scariest motherfuckers I'd ever encountered at that time.


Kikes are training the US police these days...

Root of the problem

Yeah there's also a difference between just making money with traffic stops and apprehending someone who might be crazy and could potentially harm themselves or others. They were treating you like a threat which at the moment you seemed like one. It's that fight or flight response in all of us that turns on when they're faced with a situation like that.

>be white
>don't get shot
it is this simple.

yea no doubt. I dont hold any ill will towards them. That was just my first and only experience with state backed violence by authority figures. made me feel very powerless.

The only reason we have police is because.. niggers

The militarization of police is just the tip of the iceberg , police in itself is an unnatural thing , strangers telling you what to do or they kill you,even if you did nothing they still believe it's normal for them to just bully and order you around

>Let me do my illegal stuff in peace
if we need to have this conversation you better head to reddits eli5

boring strawman

>no person would enact violence without a good reason
>unless they were a cop

strawman galore

The guns represent guns that can be used to kill you. Violence is the raw form of power.

>Violence at the hands of the police keeps society relatively orderly
Violence rates aren't really significantly correlated with a state monoply on violance. It's about the genetic Makeup of the Society and wheather or not they manage it to create a stigma against internal violence or not. The state is an Illusion of the dumb that makes the intellgent people play by the rules of the dumb and they still almost always the intellegent people beat them and end up ruleing defacto (which they would any way to some extend). The Nation as genetic bound is the real thing.

op is right
americans are retarded

This is not exclusive to murica , this is about the whole world enslaved by the idea of authority

your country and Sweden and Germany , are perfect examples of authority belief insanity as well , letting others decide who you should live with

>Be living amongst people with a good conscience
>Get killed
>Get things stolen
>Oh geez, thought he had a good conscience

Cops disproportionately harass/kill persons of color. They’re the good guys, we talk about killing niggers, they actually do it.

Land of the fee, home of the slave.

So lets get rid of the cops and watch as my country turns into a 3rd world shithole like yours.
OP is a giga faggot and should khs, sage

>The guns represent guns
The guns represent the will and support of the people. Against you.

You have the fuckin 2nd amendment lol, you should be better off than the whole world , yet you let a gang of bullies run your country,a failure

>Cops disproportionately harass/kill persons of color.

The only ones they kill disproportionately (by a small degree) are asians. Nigs getting killed by cops are below the average.

>living among people who listen to their conscience instead of rules would be perfect
As others pointed out, there is no such thing, it's entirely fictional

Yeah conscience is a foreign concept to most , even though most do have just killed it as you were told to

Ah! Yes, goyim! Abolish the Police™! Let's go with (((Anarcho-Capitalism)))!

>"will and support of the people"
So the people of Australia asked for/wanted the government to disarm them?

In theory, yes. That's how (((representative government))) works.

dunno about capitalism , but anarchy means without rulers , that is definitely a good thing...the archons have fucked us in the ass for long enough

The idea that he or anyone is "enslaved" is because they have no say in any part of the governing bodies or officials that dictate there daily lives.

While here in the US we may not be a true democracy because that is mob rule, thus the minorities will suffer. But a representative republic, where all of those in elected and government positions are held responsible by the citizens of the communities they represent. So no we in the last Free country on earth of the United States Of America may have some issues with a few bad officers, some violent sociopaths, and a rapidly changing political landscape. We are free to say, do and go where we please when we choose, while most of Europe and most indeed the civilized world must hold their toungs about the growing Islamic threat, and the rampant corruption of the "socialist party" and anything that could be seen as mildly offensive.

>but anarchy means without rulers
And is thus impossible.


Just one more reason to get rid of cops and "officials"

The police are nessecary for a civil society. It's unfortunate that some of them aren't as professional. What gets me is that they aren't legally obligated to protect you, yet you are legally obligated to pay taxes to fund them.

*tips fedora*