Words cannot describe how much I adore this man. Never let anyone say this is not the best timeline. Retweets are now up to 200k+ and it has been added to favorites 439k+ times.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why I voted for this man

top j.



le global boker faec (xd) means you don't reply

besides it's a funny joke, are you retarded?

fuck off kamen it's funny

I can guarantee this tweet will show up in future American history books.

>when your president is a funny joke


>if north korea war happens this will be listed in the history books as instigating it

I'm glad I voted for this man

You just know Kim is laughing behind the scenes, loving the banter.

Trump is a real man who has spent a lifetime dealing with inflated egos in his business life.

20 quid says the pair of them are shaking hands at a historic meet and bff's within a year


you guys are so lucky. Can I marry a burger polack to increase my chances of getting citizenship? We can divorce straight afterwards.

How can you not love this president and this timeline?!


Fuck off were full

All hail to the bantz lord
may he guide us in our quest for lulz

Don't get loco, ese

Is that a Mean Girls quote?

280 characters has not lessened his shitpost game.

God bless this man.


Fuck off you pommy cunt, America is full.


Just saw it too... I love Trump.

>20 quid says the pair of them are shaking hands at a historic meet and bff's within a year
I'd believe something like that, and expect the US news media to say how unfit he is as President for not being belligerent enough to the Nork leader despite awful human rights in DPRK

If there's anyone left to write them.

1/2 million likes. nice.

This. Any faggot saying they voted for him and regret it for shit like this is obviously lying.

>when nobody knows who your president is because it doesn't matter


What a fucking manbaby, what a fucking embarrassment for our country.

Damn, I miss Obama

This dotard doesn't realize good cop and bad cop needs more than 1 person to play it

>tfw our kids are finally going to have fun learning about our presidents.
all of his tweets are official record

i blame obama for inventing the intertwitters
this damn series of tubes is going to get us all killed

If a Trump tweet can bait Kim into doing something stupid this could be the greatest politic move of all time.

tiho we putio
are 1v1 pred bloka we shti vikna mutri ei putko
are we daha6 li mi sa we negar
arewe are 1v1


she is fucking soaked

>t. rural retard
Genozid na selqcite koga?

offtopic question: how tf is kamen the first bulgarian name you thought of. It's not even a common one

MAGA and praise the God Emperor.
Really needed this today, completely shattered my shit by revealing my power level this weekend.
Thank you Trump, for bringing a smile to a desolate face.


>Trump will never be your president

>kogato govorish na kripto bulgarin na angliiski

Fuck off, Jim.



>le rural and suburban retards maymay
Иcкaм дa ми пpeдcтaвиш тyк и ceгa нeocпopими дoкaзaтeлcтвa зa пpoизхoдa ми. Бeз извинeния.
I ako shte pishesh na latinica unironically pone pishi pravilno - pishe se genocid, ne genozid

>not knowing this meme
kys beton

You live in a time where the President is using Twitter bantz instead of nukes + booty blasting the opposing faction on your own soil in 250 characters or less.

I don't get the last part. Forced friendship?

>pishe se genocid, ne genozid

Best President Ever
....7great years ahead. Never felt so secure with such a leader of the free world

no mohammed you cannot

lel kolinda wants it badly

Don't regret showing your power level user. Now is the time to be outspoken with Trump in office since we may never have someone so red pilled again

Trump is going to have a presidential library one day. His most famous Tweets will be displayed prominently somehow. A Tweet mocking Kim Jong Un will displayed for all to see for all time. I FUCKING LOVE THIS TIMELINE!

I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, no irrational liberal hate for the guy but I'm not going to dick ride him either. He has his faults. I gotta say the man is winning me over throwing down banter like this. Hard to explain, but the ability to both give and take some harsh and witty banter is an underrated quality I probably value more than most. Your ability to do so would absolutely make or break you where I grew up, and I can tell a lot about a persons character based on their banter. Most of the best dudes I've ever known were hilariously brutal and it's damn near impossible to hurt their feelings with words.

you disgusting tatar niggers need to be gassed

>Exchanging taunts with Kim Jong-un like a pair of nuclear-armed grade schoolers has always been one of the president's favorite extracurricular activities, so he took to Twitter to express his chagrin at being called old, because apparently even he agrees that he’s a lunatic.
rly makes u think

Tи пъpви

>People without culture pretend that they have a "poker face," referencing an American game, while they lick the footprints of the USA and pretend they still have a culture as a result

Imagine the fucking cringe of watching these servile colonies desperately make pretenses of relevance.



is trump insulting over half of america proof hes not running again?

Ultra disrespect to veterans day. Please act presidential! They said obama was the worst president ever but it was THIS OLD CHEETO MAN. HE'S GONNA NUKE US ALL

>When being obese, dying for Israel and shooting eachother 24/7 is a culture

no u

Because he's an idiot?

I love it how Trump is crashing, with no survivors, the respectability of the presidency as an instituion.

>t. bulgarin in denial
Come home tatar man

this can't be real

Awww. You scared, faggot?

go back to the step tatar man

>implying there will be books
>implying shit younger generations will even be able to read
>implying there will be humans left after WWIII

just checked it is real HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

We're more hellenic than you'll ever be, sry

Fuck you Bamboz fag.

sure if helenic means speaking ching chong

No, this is what it means

Yea and i suppose you believe Hillary and the democrats are more respectable





maybe one day, my eternally-cucked northern friend, you can share in the joy of having a shitposter of this caliber in office

What kills me is how retarded all of the indignant leftists in his twitter are when it comes to the geopolitics of this situation.
They think he can "provoke" North Korea into a war. The warhawks "wish" that was possible. They wish we could have an unquestioned justification to utterly destroy North Korea. This entire relationship is basically North Korea flexing just enough to promise that, if the US "does" invade it for its rare natural resources (coveted for their use in electronics), the Kim regime will ensure that the entire peninsula becomes Iraq.

look at this potato and laugh

>hurr durr bulgarians arent white
>literally bulgarian in denial
Before asking me to provide any proof on the irrefutable fact that you do not have a single drop of actual macedonian blood running through your veins, provide a credible source (I'd ask you to provide proof, but it seems that any sort of logical thought is absent in you and I'd be requesting the impossible) that bulgarians are in any way less - white than your made - up nation.

is that legit!!????

>he's proud that his nation of savage tatars infested greek land
kys desu

they actually were more respectable

Future generations will study his tweets in school.

This man is a genius.
He has shifted the bluster from we gonna nuke you to fat jokes. KJU can now just call him names instead of ramping up the military threats.

Thanks user. I don´t really regret the topics brought up, merely WHY (literal accident) and in what setting (surrounded by lefties & actual feminists). Kek, what a night.


Literally this he's my president

oh i'm sorry you're not pure tatar
you're a mix of turk and tatar subhuman blood

>Bohun starts to desperately type a response
Didn't read, but I know it's in English, which makes your submission hilarious.

>four carrier groups off Best Korea coast
>threatens and badgers daily
>impose economic sanctions
>"why can't we be friends?"