German opinion on pol/and

What does Germany think about polish Independence Day march?

Any German here willing to sum up that article? I get a feel DieZiet is not happy

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Das bump

State of emergency in the heart of Warsaw
Vodka, Bengalos and right-wing slogans: In Warsaw, 60,000 patriots and right-wing extremists celebrate Independence Day. The government tolerates it. But there is also resistance.

das rite

It's better with the feet

i liek germany, but now it's cucked beyond hope

Im totally fine with poland.
there women make nice cheap whores and there man are cheap labor slaves for our beloved economy.


i feel the same way
my mother is german, kinda sad to see what they have become

Poland is economicaly cucked by the EU.
You bastards are in the same sinking boat like us.

pls. give Danzig back

we are all russian rape babies down here

Zeit is the German equivalent to Salon/Huffington post ideologically, althought it likes to be the Jew York Times. But given that they are basically identical, the other just being more hysterical, they achieved their goal.

And I don't really care desu
Good on you, but you won't have any migrants in the near future. Gibs no good.

everyone is butthurt at Poland because unlike them, they don't have the balls to speak up against invaders

You have to go back or switch your proxy off, Amerifat

One thing you have to give the "Zeit". They keep an open discussion forum at the end of each article, although most opinions there disagree with the very "lefty-open-border-mama-merkel" sided articles. Had many good reads from posters giving different opinions, providing further literature and so on.

Maybe. But I can't fucking stand the bastards. Just like Tagesspiegel, TAZ, Süddeutscher Beobachter. And it's all so predictable. Also don't forget that (((Josef Joffee))) editor in chief of Zeit looked forward to the BALKANIZATION of Germany thanks to rapefugees.

How anyone needs more than that to go full Reich mode - at least on the media - is beyond me.

Fußschwuchteln ins Gas, uezs.

>oh no look at those evil poles having opinions that differ from ours
>oh no think of the poor people who aren't white that are in poland right now, how bad must they feel?

>muh poor terrorists, rapists and leeches!
>who will brown Europe now!
>*faps to cuck porn*

I wouldn't be so sure? It looks like there are more niggers in Poland now. They may be only visiting though because you can buy more for the same money here than in Germany (not counting electronics, games etc).

Yea about comments in that article, and overall discussion about that march.
I know people on Sup Forums know that this isn't anything special nor new here.
But what average normie German believes? That Poland went literal nazi now? What do they say in the comments section?

Well, if they want to go border shopping as gibs hobos, they'd have to live in East Germany at least, I think. But that is the whitest part of Germany and highly triggering to communist Jew Anetta Kahane. So I don't think the ycome from us. If you live in your capital or a huge city, likely you will see more groids. And it also depends to what you used to see before. I do remember the time when seeing two blacks a day was very much too me aswell. Ha! How things can change in 15 years...

Noone but brainwashed leftie cucks believe you went Nazi. I think the majority can see it as government propaganda. People who think AfD are literally Hitler might see Poland as Nazi now.

The opinions range from based poles defending their culture to evil poles don´t share German/EU values. And many censored comments...

wasnt really reported much in germany at least not with any of the usually expected outrage. I guess its because people here already believe that poles and eastern europeans in general are all nazis anyway so its not really big news when they do stuff like that.

> people here already believe that poles and eastern europeans in general are all nazis anyway
Fucking bullshit

I live in Warsaw (capital city) and this happened this year. Since summer I saw more and more arabs here.
They may be pakis/indians though. I'm no expert on sandniggers differentiation.

Also I just noticed how my thread and previous post got both nice digits. Started with 14 and ended with 88

its the sad truth mane, denying it wont change it.

Is this pic real?

>sum up that article
6 gorillion nazis in Warsaw gassing jews, celebrating the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and drinking Vodka
From Florian - SoyBoy - Bayer

Germany will invade Poland again for not being cucked enough. The next Hitler will be a german sjw that will launch a war of annihilation because the rest of the world is not tolerant enough.

No it isn't at all. Stop lieing on the internet.

Found new article

>Darum ist es höchste Zeit für uns Europäer, uns in die "inneren Angelegenheiten" der Nachbarn einzumischen.
What did he mean by this? And why didn't he say We Germans but we Europeans?

Because germandom needs to be eradicated just as polishness as we are enlightened europeans now and thus have to meddle in the "Inner busyness" of hateful bigot racist subhuman scum like you.

they aren't happy that you are not taking the Brussels cock and intend to paddle in your internal affairs
our defense minister Ursula Von-Stoppschild said so in a recent interview
be on your guard and attack first user
they successfully destroyed the german military with ridiculous budget cuts
now time for Blitzkrieg is nigh

Danke schön
People are aware here. Its almost they feel something is going to happen. I hope not Gleiwitz false flag again

Some germanon told me last week that you still spend more on military than us. We spend 2,5% GPD but our gpd is much lower than your so in the end the total amount of money spent is bigger for you guys

>you still spend more on military than us
38.5 billion euro this year
but it doesn't really matter
meanwhile 50% of our equipment is nonfunctional, in need of repairs or waiting for spare parts
now how efficient is a soldier without the proper tools?
there is a reason the military budget of the US is so ridiculous high compared to every European country
because most of their stuff gets replaced every two years and actually works


Swedish military will be the Diversity SS

Lol, the German Bundeswehr is a joke. Bunch of fags and women nowadays. The money that was spend probably went directly into corrupt hands like Zensurula.

What actually happened tho? Where their really "rightwing extremists" or is the german newspaper overreacting? It also said something along the lines of "people of colour shouldnt show up because it is too dangerous"


It was totally normal indepedence day. We had some happenings when previous government ruled poland. There was even political provocation (proven later by leaked info) where some building of russian embassy was set to fire.

Now its really peacefull and blacks and yellows show up on those marches. But of course those are redpilled blacks not dindus
Thats why it so werid to read all that hysterical articles about "literal nazis" reborn in poland