How did Gilgamesh lose to a magus?

How did Gilgamesh lose to a magus?

Shiro cheated.


Who cares? who the fuck is Gilgamesh? he's a nobody, he got beaten 'cause he's a chump, simple as that.

Bad guys get beaten all the time

Because he fought a plot armor MC. He didn't stand a chance to begin with, every fight was already decided before it happened.

Every MC has plot armor, kill yourself retard.

Didn't work out for him in the Fate route.

Arrogance and shirou has a ability that counters gate of babylon

Shirous autism was a hard counter to his style.

Gilgamesh underestimated Shirou.

If Gil's enemy was Archer, Gil would just simply pull out his Ea and end Archer.

Gilgamesh is a really mediocre player with a cheat weapon, neutralize even if its just partially the cheat weapon and he is done. He is so mediocre that you don't even need to completly neutralize it, just nerfing the cheat a bit is enough.

>If Gil's enemy was Archer, Gil would just simply pull out his Ea and end Archer.

Actually he rained down on him because he was threatened while he played sword fights with Shirou.

Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

How to be a good writer in Japan.

1. Does the MC look, sound and act as bland and dull as possible? The audience can't relate unless the MC is boring. That's how all people are, it's totally not the writer projecting himself.

2. Portray the MC as the """""""underdog"""""" despite having LITERAL plot armor. Make sure to get him beat up, but conveniently survive everything for maximum drama. Keep making him an """"""underdog""""" despite him fucking beating the strongest characters because these waifufags couldn't tell what good writing is if it bit them on the dick.

(Shirou is literally written to counter the strongest servant and he does. Gil conveniently gets sucked in at the right moment too, b-but don't forget Shirou is the """"""underdog"""""""")

3. Make the MC as generic as possible. A spiky haired guy with swords? PERFECT. His goal is to be a hero? PERFECT. As generic as can as be. Make sure many of the servants also use swords, because fuck having variety. Make sure 2 other main characters also shoot swords because lack of creativity.

4. Reward the MC for his dullness. Make girls of different archetypes, slap some tragic story to each of them, and have them interact with the MC in teasing ways, and make them fall in love with him. Make sure the MC saves them (they become damsels in distress) despite being the """"""underdog"""""".

5. As long as the MC monologues a lot this makes it look deep to 12 year olds. Dramatic music and visuals also accomplish this.

And there you go, you can now be a successful Japanese writer which fooled both the shounen demographic and the teenage pseudo-intellectuals. I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD

Nice copypasta

>i didn't read the VN: the post

He underestimated Shirou
Shirou was a hard counter for Gilgamesh
Rin was supplying mana to Shirou (UBW)


>no arguments
>ad hominem

As expected.

how shirou beats gilgamesh

he cums inside rin so he can use a reality marble seemingly perfectly on his first try

>Does the MC look, sound and act as bland and dull as possible?
>orange hair
>dual wields chinese swords (never even touches a katana)
>bleeds and sparks a lot
>voiced by Screamin' Sugiyama
Guess Shirou fails at the outset.

woah a spiky haired anime guy that wields swords! Amaaaazing

it's called bad writing

>spiky haired

see pic

It's blown back by the wind. That's not spiky.

Shirou's (even as Archer) hair always looked spiky to me but whatever

It's just fluffy and billows easily.